
  1. 古代武官帽子裝飾·徐渭木蘭·第一》:人馬掃黑粉撲貂蟬。」

  2. 世傳東漢歌姬貂蟬貂蟬呂布董卓離間呂布因此貂蟬

Diaochan (-192)​, one of the four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], in fiction a famous beauty at the break-up of Han dynasty, given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓[Dong3 Zhuo2] to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 呂布[Lu:3 Bu4]
Diao Chan
Diao Chan (Eig, Pers)​
