+9 = 12 


  1. 爾雅·釋言》:。」左傳·》:南征。」

  2. 還原原來樣子」、」、」、」。史記··平原君》:。」南朝·劉義慶世說新語·方正》:君臣何以?」

  3. 回報仇恨」、復仇」。左傳·》:伍員)​申包胥。』」

  4. 徭役賦稅墨子·號令》:男女老小。」漢書··》:蜀漢軍事勞苦租稅。」

  1. 」、舊病復發」、死灰復燃」。·李白將進酒〉:不見黃河水天上來奔流。」

  1. 補充調整音節作用南朝·無名氏木蘭唧唧唧唧木蘭。」·杜甫處士今夕燈燭。」

  1. 易經六十四卦(☳)​(☷)​機運循環

+9 = 12 


  1. )​

to go and return, to return, to resume, to return to a normal or original state, to repeat, again, to recover, to restore, to turn over, to reply, to answer, to reply to a letter, to retaliate, to carry out