
  1. 戲曲劇目三國故事敘述諸葛亮鎮守西得知失守司馬懿西消息城中迎敵於是諸葛亮沉著鎮定空城計命人城門打開自己在城樓上撫琴飲酒司馬懿等人埋伏引兵退故事比喻毫無實力虛張聲勢

  2. 比喻肚子肚子空城計。」

the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed while making it evident that his city is undefended, hoping his adversary will suspect an ambush)​, double bluff
Le Piège de la ville vide
Die List der offenen Stadttore. 32. Strategem (Einen Hinterhalt vortäuschen, der die eigene Schwäche verschleiert.)​
