
  1. 我國上古傳說中的自傳說法不盡相同主要➊ ​ 黃帝顓頊帝嚳史記··五帝本紀南朝·裴駰·太史公大戴禮黃帝顓頊帝嚳唐堯虞舜五帝。」➋ ​ 少昊顓頊帝嚳

  2. 東西南北五方天神太昊炎帝少昊顓頊黃帝周禮·春官·小宗伯》:五帝四郊。」·鄭玄·五帝太昊炎帝樞紐黃帝少昊顓頊。」楚辭·屈原·九章·》:五帝六神。」·· 五方東方太白南方炎帝西方少昊北方顓頊中央黃帝。」

Five Emperors from legendary times, possibly tribal leaders before the historiographers got working on them, usually taken to be the Yellow Emperor 黃帝[Huang2 di4] and four of his sons Zhuan Xu 顓頊[Zhuan1 Xu1], Di Ku 帝嚳[Di4 Ku4], Tang Yao 唐堯[Tang2 Yao2], Yu Shun 虞舜[Yu2 Shun4]
Les trois Augustes et les cinq Empereurs
