英first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1], (used for an unspecified person or thing), first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc), letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc, armor plating, shell or carapace, (of the fingers or toes) nail, bladed leather or metal armor (old), ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old), civil administration unit (old)
法le premier des 10 Troncs célestes, le premier, le meilleur, carapace, armure
德der erste der zehn "Himmelsstämme" des chinesischen Kalenders (S), Methyl, Methyl-Gruppe (S, Chem), Morgen (Mg, altes Flächenmaß) (S), Schild, Schutzschild, Panzerung, Rüstung (S), das erste, erstklassig (Adj), Jia (Eig, Fam)