
  1. 早晨太陽三國·阮籍詠懷三二朝陽不再白日西。」·溫庭筠〉:朝陽。」旭日夕陽

  2. 東邊詩經·大雅·卷阿》:梧桐朝陽。」·陸機蘭若生朝凝霜。」


  1. 向著太陽植物枝葉朝陽生長。」向陽

  2. 參見朝陽縣

Chaoyang district in east and northeast Beijing, a county level district of Beijing municipality, Chaoyang prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省, Chaoyang district of Changchun city 長春市, Jilin, Chaoyang county in Chaoyang 朝陽[Chao2 yang2], Liaoning, to be exposed to the sun, in a position facing the sun, the morning sun
Soleil levant
