
  1. 借用南齊書··文學·祖傳》:好學萬卷鄰里年少好事者假借親自。」南史··文學·》:家貧從人假借抄寫自課。」

  2. 憑借借助後漢書·○·皇后·皇后》:前代外戚賓客假借威權輕薄詷,奉公為人患苦。」拍案驚奇·一一》:本是儒家精通文墨不必假借訟師自己訴狀。」

  3. 寬容戰國策·》:蠻夷鄙人未嘗見天振慴大王假借。」三國演義·第一》:平日不假心懷。」

  4. 六書語言某些字形借用表達縣令久遠縣長·許慎說文解字〉:假借假借本無。」

to make use of, to use sth as pretext, under false pretenses, under the guise of, masquerading as, lenient, tolerant, loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書)​, character acquiring meanings by phonetic association, also called phonetic loan
avoir recours à, emprunt (langue)​, homophone (langue)​
von etwas Gebrauch machen, mit fremder Hilfe (V)​
