
  1. 交往聚會禮記·樂記》:所以交接。」後漢書··張衡》:從容不好交接俗人。」

  2. 互相接觸淮南子·兵略》:平原白刃交接。」

  3. 男女交合拍案驚奇·○》:去年七月交接。」

  4. 交替更換隋書··禮儀》:故交。」

  5. 移交接收交接典禮」。移交

(of two things)​ to come into contact, to meet, to hand over to, to take over from, to associate with, to have friendly relations with, to have sexual intercourse
joindre, connecter, relier, prendre le relais, avoir des relations amicales avec, copuler, transition
verbinden (V)​, grenzen an
