

0 maan ko nitatoyan iso? - What are you holding? 你提的是什麼


Tatoyen ko kamay ak。 - Hold my hand. 擅住我的手

Caay k。 tatatoyen ko matiniay - You shouldn’t hold something like that. 這種東西是不能提的

Mapatatoy kako tonini a codad. 一 This book was put in my

hand. 這本書放置在我手 中

tawa - generic for laugh with positive and negative meanings 笑的

總稱 , 含有肯定與否定的意義

M ataw a kako a mitgil to sowal nira. 一I laughed as I listened to

what he said. 我聽到他的話就笑了

P ak at awaen k ami. - Make us laugh. I Give us a good time. 逗我


的a: a mat awa ci S at an. - Watch out or Satan will get to laugh. 小心 , 撒且會嘲笑

0 ma an ko k ataw aan namo a sowal? - What are you laughing

about? 你們在笑什麼?

tawal I pawan. to forget 忘記

Mat awal ni ra ko pi ala to codad. - She forgot to bring a

book. 她忘了 帶書本

0 m aan ko m atawalay iso? - What did you forget? 你忘了 什麼?

tawasi - brush 刷子( from Amoy dialect 引自 閩 南語 ) * for

scrubbing * including a tooth brush 洗衣刷 , 刷響 , 包括牙刷

tawata、、r / ta、、rta、有r. a scarecrow * a straw man dressed and placed in the fields to scare off birds 稻草人,置於田中用以嚇鳥

tawataway - 1. to kick legs back and forth * as when a child is

angry 暴跳如雷 , 如小張生 氣或撒嬌的模樣 2. to wander around

without direction 走來走去 , 徘徊

tawciw - black or yellow soybeans 黑豆或黃豆 ( from Amoy di­

alect 引自 閩南語 )

tawi ' ig - to drop one's head 頭部偏斜一邊

Tawi ' ig sa ko fogoh ni Yis ta lafot sato ko sla ' nira. Jesus

dropped his head and died. 耶穌的頭偏斜一邊後就斷氣了

tawinaan - a mother animal雌性動物 See 參閱 ina I wina.

0 tawinaan a kolog konini. - This is a mother water buffalo. 這





是母牛 ( 種牛 )

tawki - boss * master * headman 老閱 ( from Amoy dialect 51自

閩南語 )

tawtaw I tawataw. a scarecrow * a straw man dressed and

placed in the fields to scare off birds 稻草人置於田中用以嚇鳥

tay(;ld I Tayad I Cogaw. the Atayal tribe 泰雅族

- work * occupation * ministry 工作 , 職業 , 聖職


matayalay - 1. worker 工人· 2. servant 僕人

.J1amatayal - one responsible to do the work * one who does

menial labor 職工 ( 有 負責任的 )

- place of work I factory I office I shop 工作 場所 ,公

司 , 工地 , 工廠

karat �yal - to work all the time 很動

M atayal kako anini. - I am working now. 我現在在工作

0 nika tayal is。 ko ga ay. - You should work. 你最好還是去工作

的yhaw I tnos. a bamboo water container used by fishermen -at

)' sea 用竹筒製成的水壺

tayhi - organic fertilizer 化學肥料 (from

Japanese亨︱自 日 語 )

tayi ' - 1. stool * bowel movement 便 , 糞便 2.

rust 說,鏽

to have a bowel mnt 上廁所

tatayi ' an - toilt·t 棚內﹔

Matayi ' koya marad - That metal is rusted. 那


patayi to put manure on 施肥


tayko - a d rum 鼓( from Ja panese 亨︱ 語 )

- to come 來

- Please come here. 請 來這裡 '

I hacowa cigra a tayni? - When did he come? 他什麼時候來的

kataynian - time of coming 來的時間

tayo二slow * slow in performing a

Matayo ci gra a mi harate g. - He is not quick in thinking I a

inferior in intelligence. 他的反應遲鈍



Matayo ko tayal nira. - His work is done slowly. 他工作很接慢


.. 321



0 maan ko sakatayo iso a tayni? - Why I for what reason are you slow in coming? 什麼原因,使你來遲 ?

tayra 一 to go 往 , 去

Tayra cigra i Ripon. - He went to Japan. 他去了日本

lcowa ko katayraan iso? - Where did you go? I What place?你

要去 什麼地方 ?

Patayraen ko wawa ako i Taypak - Take my child to Taipei.

(literally: Cause to go) 請你帶我的小孩 去台北 ( 字面上敘述去的 原因)

Pakatayra kiso haw ? - Will you be able to go? 你能到達嗎?你能


tayrig I kincac I imeg . pl﹜lice * I﹜oliceman '.�-·f察,??員(from Amoy dialect 1] 11'-i l�\J﹝的指)

tdac - to go straight through without stopping 位肢,茵通是小停耿

T dac sa ko piasip ita toy a co dad. - We read straight through tht﹒ book (without a brea k). fUl"l很川白粉(也不悴的﹔ ) 地-[]*\抽完f f一本書

tdal I hdal I sdal. 1. to untie 解開 2. to set ree * release


M at dalayto ko roray no f aloco ’ ako. 一i am released from my

burdens. fit心rf:1的苦痛已解除了,此,心中于斤重壓解除了

Cima -ko pak at dalay to r awr aw niyam? - Who can resolve our problems? 誰能赦免技們的罪?

Ci Yis ko mafana ' ay a mit dal to matini ay. - Jesus knows how to

resolve these kinds of problems. 只有耶穌才能解救這種事情

tdi I 1 dil. splendor * glory * shining light 光輝 , 燦爛 , 榮耀 , 光

Ta dam aanay ko t diI ' dil no ci dal. - The splendor of the sun 1s

very bright. 太陽的光芒是壯麗的

0 maan ko mat diay ? - What is shining? 是什麼東西 發

M at di 'ko fola d. - The moon is shining. 月光餃潔

Pat dien ko l alan. - Shine a light on the path. 請照亮道燈

的。 一 to do without reason * without forethought. 毫無理由隨意iffi

做 , 欠事前思考 Also see 參閱 patdo.

Alapat dot do c agra a pasowal to ifaloco ay nagra. 一 They all said





what came into their heaas.

- to pull 拉 , 拖曳

pull against each other. 讓我們互相拖拉


tektek - 1. an electric light pole 電線桿 2. a stake land·

marker 當 作 地標 用 的木 樁 3.

cekcek. to peck * with reference to birds or chickens 啄食 , 指


teltel - 1. to cut open intestines 用剪刀剪家畜的內腸

be shaken or jolted 顛飯

temtem - to try biting at something in one's mouth with front

teeth 試看岐碎東西在嘴裡用牙鬥啃東西吃

teptep - a skiff * a light rowboat made from bamboo 小舟 , 竹製

之小艇 derived from the sound of the motor in that kind of a boat 由發動汽艇引擎的一種聲音

terter I teltel . to be shaken or jolted 顛仆,顛撥

materter a maro' i palidig - to be jolted while riding in a

可V vehicle

Mahaterter /" cigra. - He stumbled and fell. 他跌下屁股


tfad - to ﹛all with litnal and figurative meanings 村i(苔,1:;·1法,含字

ifli .1: fl I比l廊上的,芭拉

Mat fadto koya wawa nai kilag. - The child ﹝ell ﹛rom a tr付 那孩

f i控制土則叫苦F來

7 Ma !fadto ko fa loco’ ako - My !wart fl'll Ii. e. I lost hope I


: disillusionecl. rn �絕�� {

��j_\-=1 no tawki cigra 'i mat fadto cigr a. - When伽boss

tested him he failed. 當老山考驗他阱,他失敗了

0 maan ko matfaday? - What fell? 什麼東西掉下來

M atfadto ko gagan noya tadamaanay a .t amdaw. - That man of

honor l ost his reputation. 那位有名堂的人名持掃地( 一落千丈)

tfafac I tofafac. 1. to grab and rip open when fighting 打架時互相

抓扯對方 2. to tear skin 撕碎 , 扯裂皮膚

M atfafac ko fa ges ako. - My skin is torn. 我的被扯裂 pj口

的『- small green lima beans 扁豆,帝王豆 -

tfig -.1. to touch literally 字面上的觸模 2. to get involved with 參






與 3. to move upon * to empower 觸動 , 感動 , 加 諸力量

Ak a pitfig to dok a' nir a. Don’t touch his sores. 不要觸摸他的傷


C aay pitfig k ako to t ay al nir a. 一I didn’t get involved in his work. 我絕不 會參他的工作

Nan ay tfigen no K aw as ko f aloco nir a ta m as alof cigr a. May


God move upon his heart and he change. 願上帝憨動他的心, 使他悔改

M atfigto no K aw as k ako. I’ve experienced special power from


God. 我被上帝感動, 我已經驗到 了 從上帝來的特殊力量

tfo 1. to descend and alight upon * to come down from the


sky 從上面飛下降落 , 降下 2. answer 自答

P atfo ko ' ay am i ti reg nir a. A bird alit on him. 小鳥停摟在他Ii 1


Ir a ko p atfo nir a h aw? 一 Is there an answer from him? 他有答案




tfo' edible bamboo shoots 竹筍


tfoc punishment * penalty 罰,賠償

M atfoc no K aw as k ako I have been punished by God. 我被上



。m aan ko s ap aftoc to r ar aw iso? What is the penalty payment


for your sin? 用什麼來替代你的罪?

M al as ap atfoc to r ar aw it a ci Yis. Jes us became the ransom for


our sins. 耶穌變成我們罪的贖金

0 t atfocen ko r ar aw nir a. His sins must be punished. 他的罪是


該受罰 的

tfok to completely eat up a lot of food not leaving any left over as


one would expect 把很多食物全部吃完不留任何殘餘物 , 如期待 a well * source of water 水井,水 的源頭

to dig a well 摺水井

tfos -sugar cane 甘蕉

Jmitfos 一 to cut * harvest sugar cane 砍甘膜,收割甘P.!

tga I an - a . Ring-necked Pheasant * a large bird 燒雞


tged to stay for a long time * to stay too long 逗留一時間 ,




tidos I tisod.

Mitge d ko cka. - A thorn has lodged (in my flesh and become infected). 荊棘長久刺入在 肉 體中以致於感染

Nawiro tge d sa kiso? - Why did you stay so long? 你為 麼停


那麼久 ?


tger 1. to cook till tender 嫩煮 2. to cook too long * as veetables 煮的 很久,如蔬菜


tgil 1. to listen * to listen to 聽,傾聽 2. to hear 聽

0 mitgilay kako. I am listening. 我是在聽 著

Pakatgil kiso haw? 一Can you hear?.. 你能聽到 嗎 ?


Matgil ako ko sowal iso. I ca hear :i l have heard what you said.


Cima ko pitgilan is。 ? Who is your counsellor? 你 的顧問是誰 ?

0 maan ko tatgil en ita? What are we to be listening to?我們

要聽 什麼 ?

ti'aw_"·l- i. 泊的日 Opposited-leaves fig * a species of tree 金氏


榕 2. I species of snake which leaps and is afraid of people

ti' dap to be stacked * of paper or anything thin 堆積,紙張或任


何薄 的東西 的堆疊狀

ti『enec 1. to put hand inside clothing 把手插入襯衫或寬大衣服 2. to hold tightly * to press closely to (o肘,s person) 挾在 肢 ,緊緊 的 3. to have * hold 有拿 東西

fj I er - 1. tO trust * have faith in 信任,信賴 , 對......有信心 2. to be faithful * trustworthy 忠實 的,耿直 的, 可信頓的

O tati ' eren ita ci Yis. 一Jesus is trustworthy. 耶穌 是可信賴的

O piti ' eran ita ci Yis .一]esus is the object of our faith I the one to be trusted. 耶穌 是我們信仰的對 象 , 是值得我們信賴 的那一位

O nano piti ' er ita ci Kri stoan ko saka mapa ’。rip kita. - We are

saved on the basis of our faith I trust in Christ. 我們因相信耶穌



一ti'nag/嗨,nag. to lie on one's back 仰著睡

- ti'raw to stretch on的body so he can see better 傾注全力,睜開


tidos I tisod� a change of clothing 換衣服 .

Pati dosen ko riko ' noya wawa. - Change the child’s clothing. 把






more than 比超過......以上

tifac - 1. to be taller than 突出, 超過比......2. figuratively to

M atif ac n 。 w awa ako k ako - My child has grown taller than

I. 我的小孩長的比我高

M atif ac no lo ma' ko kil ag. - Houses are being made higher than

trees. 房子的高度比樹還高

Mitif ac ko f ana' nir a to sigsi nira. 一He knows more than his

teacher. 他比他的老師知道

tifarag - to throw leg over body of a person * lying next to and

leaning against bed partner 把眼橫放在別人身上腫,把身體fPtq�\j{f.: 都睡的人或同淋的人身上睡覺

\tp atif ar建立to cross one's legs 把眼交叉(f }Jlj人腿k脈

tifek -.:o mill grain i蜈米

4>itifek an - 1. a mill 棋米廠 2. a rice polishing machine 跟米機

M atifekto ko p anay niy am. - Our

rice has been mill<.>d. 戚們的殼子 跟好F

tifek a,弘 一a wooden stand for beat­

ing out rice木製能站立蕾的,能用 來敲出穀殼的臼

tifni - heat rash 扉子

tiftif I datok. a mouth harp made of

bamboo which is also a stringed

instrument 竹口琴(古老樂器)也是 弦樂 器 * single .. and double

styles 黃銅單簧和黃銅雙簧


,�,�,._ tigalaw - 1. clear * referring 叫If I da叫

water 很清澈, 很乾掙(指水) 2. . 資銅學簧、黃鋼雙簧

pure 純潔的 3. name of Amis village 豐潰鄉豐富部落名

Tig al aw ay ko n ano m noy a f anaw. 一The water in that lake is

clear. 池塘的水很清潔乾掙

Tig al aw ko f aloco' ako. - My conscience is clear. 我的喪心清白, 我的很純掙



加﹔1:甸的I tigal. to have f叫caught in one's teeth 牙縫之殘留


tigasod I tigasot. to not be in unison 不整齊 , 不劃一,不和諧

- ko rakat niyam. - We didn’t walk together ( side by


M atatigaso d ko radiw nagr a. - They weren’t singin g in unison. 我們歌唱 的不和諧

tigdahan a heifer * a young female cow 未生子之母牛 ( 此牛)

tigki - 1. electricity 電 2. the deed to a field I papers marking the

boundaries 土地所有權狀 ( from Japanese引自 日 語 )

tiglel - to have cracks at the base of toes on the bottom of one's

foot 腳趾底 部破裂


tigroh I togroh. the top surface of 上層,頂巴基

Romakat ci Pitir o i tigr oh n o nan om. Peter walked on the surface of the water. 彼得在水面上行走

T omireg ko wawa i tigr oh n o loma' . 一The child is standing on

the top of the house. J玄于在臣服上站立著

tigsokiw - Catholic church and religion 天主教 ( from Japanese亨︱


Jtigsopayo - greeting of Cathol ics to each other meaning - May c;od take can.4 of y<﹜u. k. t保佑的: ( from Chint-se引自 國 語)

tigtig - 1. I cladoy. to weigh 秤,叫:’的 2. a swamp grass 芒草


花( 磁草) :�. broom made from grass 掃帝是用草製成的

Pi na a tigtig ko karteg n onini ? How h<:>avy is this? 還有多重


Tigtigen 怯cipi nag kita. - Weigh it and then w<:>'ll know. 稱起來


t atigtigan - scales for weighing 體重機

M atigtigto k onini a fotig - This fish is weighed. 這條魚已經稱奸了

tihfa I hinefa. 1. to lie on stomach 面向 下俯臥 2. to lie on top of


another person or animal 俯身在別人身上或動物身上

tihi 1. the one next to 同事 2. one’s companion 同伴 3. mar-


riage partner 配偶

0愉i ako cigra a ma 個.yal. He works next to· me. 他是我的同事 M ata ti hi kami a maro '. -We sat next to each 。由前.我們坐在P ati hien kako a tayra i loma1 nira. - Keep me company I go with





酬。m -tk�例J次于三

me to his home. 你陪我去他家


Aka p si atat ih i 一 Don’t show favorites. 不要偏心

Masatat ih i ko p pi atl i. The thing is off balance. 東西安置的不平

M ala t hi

l" ak。 c gi ra i kalasof tiayan. - He was my companion in

the military. 他是我當兵的伙伴


tihlom --to surround * as for a group to stand around a person or thing or activity to watch 圍觀,包圍,圍繞一人或東西觀看

tihmok 1. to lean over with head down 俯身頭朝下 2. to pros·

trate oneself with head against the ground 翻紡斗 3. to reverse one’s position * as to have one’s head at the foot of the bed顛



M ati hmok ko foti ' nir a. He slept in a prostrate position (without


stomach on the bed). 他趴著睡覺


tihtih to shake out the dust from 抖落灰塵


letter 信件( from Japanese守︱自 日語 )


Pat ikam ien I pat il iden k ako Write me a letter. 請寫信給我

to meet accidentally 磁見 , 遇見 , 偶然遇見或碰見

i lala 『l. - We met each other accidentally on

我們 很偶然的在 路上相遇

tiked I cmot. fishing hook 釣 , 鉤


Pat iked kako i r yi ar. - I fish with hook and line in the ocean. 我



tiko 1. I tikol. to return * to come back to the starting point 返

田 , 回頭,歸還 2. a copper pan provided by Chinese for tribal

people which polluted their food 中國人給山地 人的一種銅鍋 , 用 這 鍋煮 , 冷切後 會變色 , 吃了 對身體有害

Pat ikoen ko n ical wi

an iso a codad. -Return the book you

borrowed. 把你借走的書歸還

Matat ikoto ko faloco' n yi am a malaccay 一 Our unity has been



Mti iko c gi ra ihon i. He came back a bit ago. 他剛回來過


tikokay 1. to be thrown and roll over before landing * referring

to the body of a person 著地以 前翻滾指一個人的身體 2.1

tikolac. the name of a bird with a call like his name 牠的名字很




像牠的聲音 * Bamboo Partridge 竹雞


tikolac I tikokay. a quail * Bamboo Partridge 鶴鳴(流氓)

tilak to scatter * spread out in different directions * as rice *

one’s reputation * news 撒播 , 四散 , 散落,向不同方 向擻散, 如

穀子 , 好名聲 , 新聞


tilfes - Chinese Cork Oak * a species of tree 詮皮樑

tilid 1. I codad. writing * to write 書 , 文 章 , 書寫 2.

pattern 模範 , 模式

Tiliden ko gagan iso - Write your name. 寫你 的姓名

0 tadamaanay a tilid konini. - ihis is very important I special

writing . 這是 很重要 的文件/特別的文件

0 tilid ni Pawlo konini. - These are Paul’s writings. 這 是保羅 的書

Patiliden ni Pawlo ko salikaka no Loma. Paul wrote to the


brothers in Rome. 保羅寫 信給在羅馬 的信徒

0 maan ko mati liday iso. What have you written? 你寫 的是什




0 nitilidan nima konini ? Who wrote this? 這是誰寫的

0 citi liday a kiradom konini. This cloth is patterned. 這件布料



tilo I talakal. a trap made of string or twine 用繩線或 鐵絲佈設的 捕獸陷阱 2. tilo ni Idek - a rainbow 彩虹

Mitiloay cigra to fafoy. He is snaring a wild

boar. 他在佈 設陷阱捕提山豬

Masadakto ko tilo ni ldek. - A rainbow

appeared. 彩虹出現了

tima 一 to bewitch * put one under a spell * the

act of a medium 施以魔力 或咒語使鬼魂附在某人 身上 , 巫師的行為

“ma’ - to have limbs go into spasm and not

move 胸學 as after holding something for a long time or from the effect of cold 如長時間揖


time) -to be in pain or stiff from not changing position 因沒有變換位置或姿勢而引起臟木酸痛


' .喧 ﹒‘






timol - south 南方

Talatimolto kami. - We went' south. 我們要去南方

Pakatimol ko rakat niyam _:_We went to the south of... 我們從南

方走 , 我們繞南部走過來

\!Pasatimol ko rakat niyam. -"We are heading south. 我們朝南方行

I katimolay a niyaro' cigra. - He is in a southern city. 他住在 南


timpa' - a hunk of food 一整境食物


timpi'一long and narrow as the shape of a fish 扁平的,長且窄的 像一條魚的形狀

timra I laco 1. a bullet 子彈 2. a bomb 炸彈

11�/ tina' i I tinai'﹒ intestines * inwards 鴨子

tinac - to touch with the tip of the tongue 用舌,.l�.�

tinako - 1. an illustration Jt喻 2. to use an illust ration to

explain 用例子就明 :1. biblical term for parable 學榨用法指lt


4. to experience 生經驗,體會

tinako sa for example * to illustrate * the introductory word in a sentence 比如,比方,舉例來說,一個句子的導語

Pat inakoen ta mafana ' kako. - Use an illustration﹔then I will

understand. 請你舉例說明我才能明白

Adihay ko tinako ni Yis. 一Jesus used a lot of parables. 耶穌 用很


Matinakoto ako ko matiraay a pades.一I’ve experienced that kind

of trouble. 我已經體 會過那種挫折了

tinci - flashlight 手電筒( from Japanese亨︱自 日語 )

tinol - to sing in rounds 輪流 , 輪唱

Matatinol cagra a romadiw. - They sang in rounds. 他們在 輪唱

Matatinol ko soni no ' ayam . - The birds alternated singing. 小鳥


tioy I kifsiw . a tea kettle used in former days 芳、茶的水壺

tipaw - a dead stem of a rice plant with no grain inside because it did not pollinate or was eaten by insects 不結穗的穀子

tiped I tipod. to take something along with someone else’s 順便帶





tipid - 1. a large serving bowl

made from wood




boat-shaped trough �fi形槽

:�. a

freight car 鐵 路貨運車

tiplak I toplak. 1. to open something that is closed like a book 黏貼的東 西整張脫落 2. to split open * as bark or the skin of a baked potato 劈閉,如樹皮或烘烤馬鈴響的

tiplok I tatiplok I pad叫�op叫(, paper



ti pod 1. I Tipod. the name of an 1ipid ;t、製碟直在

Amis village 台東縣知本地名 2. /


tiped. to take something. along with someone else’s 拿另外一個 人的東西一起完成( from Hual ien引自花﹔這話)


ti polo flute * to play the flute 笛手,喇叭

Mafa na' cigra a mitipolo. He

knows how to play the flu付 他


tipos - 1. the name of a kind of


rice 在來米 2. the north wind 北方的風 :�. ti posan - the win­

ter season



- gall * gall bladder 瞻,瞻,血

tireg - 1. one's identity * self 身體,自己 2. person * body of a


living thing or inanimate object 某人身體的有生命物體與無生命物 體 :�. to stand 站立

O no tireg a harateg ko tatoore n. One should follow one’s own thinking. 按照自己的意思去做

Katomireg han ako cigra 'i tireg sa cigra.一I told him to stand


up and he stood up. 我吽他站起來他就站起來

Nima a tireg ko madoka1 ay? Whose body got hurt? 誰的身體


受傷 ?

Adada ma' min ko tatirega n aka. My body aches all over. 我全



Mic。mod ko tireg nira toya pakayraa n. He has identified him-




self with that organization. 他自己參加那個宗教組織

tiri 『 - 1. to show * to cause to be · seen 看 , 顯示 , 看見 的原因 2.

referred. * . compared to 指示 , 比較 , 比照

Matiri 1 ko 1 okak ako. - My bones show. 我的骨頭顯現出 來

Patiri en kami to fa l oh ay a palidig iso. - Show us your new

) vehicle. 把你的新車顯示給我們看

Matatiri " konini a codad. - These two books are laid side by side

(for reference). 這兩本 書可相 互對照

Pasasotiri ' en konini a tosa. 一 Compare these two. 將兩者對照一

下, 把這兩者比較 一下

tisek - to stick a needle through the middle of to hold together *

as a hair bun 刺進去,從聚集之東西中央穿如髮捲

tisel - 1. to pierce through 刺穿,穿孔,戳穿 2. to penetrate 貫 穿,慘透 * figuratively to see through 比喻看穿,洞察

Mitiselay ko pinegneg no Kawas to laloma ' no faloco' ita. - God

sees inside our hearts. 上帝能洞察我 們的心

tisii - one after another 排隊,縱隊, 一個跟著一個

Satisil sa ko sofitay a romakat. - The soldiers walked in a straight

line. 軍人排行進

tisod I tidos. a change of clothing 換衣

Patisoden ko riko' iso - Change your clothes. 把你的衣服換下來 tisowanan - you (singu lar) 你 ( 單數L See Appendix 一

Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代名詞

titaanan - us (including the hearer) 我們 ( 包含聽者 ) See Appen­

dix - Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代名詞

titi - meat 肉

tiwa'一to go off in a different direction from the others 從某 地方


tiwal 一 to go off in different directions * not going in any certain

course 前往不同的方向 ※ 不循任何設定的線路

tiwas I tiwag. to use a long pole to loosen something out of reach so that it comes down 用竹竿遙取東西

tiwid - 1. lopsided I one large and one small 不平均, 大小不均

2. partial * not treated the same 部份 , 偏心 , 待遇不同

tiwtiw - to exceed that of others 超過 , 超越 , 勝過, 多出





. -

Mitiwtiw cigra a·matayal. - He works to excel ( for some personal gain). 他比別人多做了一些工作

Patiwtiw kako a pafli toya 悄悄 I gave that child more (than

the rest). 我多給那位小孩 ( 比其他的人

tiyac - to slide on something slippery and fall 在滑溜溜的東西上 面


tiyad - belly * stomach 肚子 , 腹部

Adada ko tiyad ako. - My belly I stomach hurts. 我肚子痛

Citiyadto cigra. 一 She has a belly I i. e. she is pregnant. 她已有腹


部了 , 她懷孕了

ti yarn merchandise for sale 店舖 ( from Amoy dialect引自 閩南

語 )

- to sell merchandise 做生意 , 做買賣 , 交易

- a shop * place of business 雜貨店 , 生意人 , 店鋪


tiyap I togal I tolag. to increase the amount 補貼不足的部份

tka to begin * to start to do a task 開始


Tka saho kami. - We just started. 我們剛開始

tka ' to hit in the head with a stick or rock 用木棒或石頭打頭部

tkal - to warp * to get twisted out of shape as by heat or

wea er 熱陵或天氣所引 起 的翹曲現像 , 如木製水桶經曝曬後漏水

koya pa 'tag. - That (wooden) bucket is warped (and

leaks). 木製水桶巳翹曲漏水了

tkatka I Tofotofo I Tkatka . a demon who dulls people’s senses so they cannot move or speak 致人不能動彈亦不能說話的邪靈

tked/『akiw. for oneself 自 己承受

Matked nira ko roray. 一He kept to himself I carried alone his

burdens. 他自 己一個 人承受 痛苦

0 misatkeday a tamdaw cigra. 一He is independent minded I


keeps his own counsel I does his own thing. 他是 自私自 利的人

Mapatked cigra to adihayay a tayal. He has been given a lot of


work to do without any help. 他被加諸許多工作而無任何幫助

tkef a large mature clam 大而成熟的蛤貝


tkeg / lneg. to sink 枕沒


tkek to snap * bite at * of snakes or birds 哎,啄

Mitkekt。 k。 『。ner. The snake bites. 蛇在咬





tkel - 1. to inhibited speaking and to stammer * because of people . present 抑制 說 話 , 口 吃 , 結結巴 巴※因許多 人的 出現 2. patkel - to make go without eating 不給于東西吃

"J"'tkep - the name of a trap 捕捉器

�r;. tker - 1. a trap made of metal 鐵製的捕提器 2. the leg between the knee and ankle 小腿肌肉 3. tker ni ldek - rainbow 彩虹 tkes - 1. a species of bamboo * small 桂竹 2. to cut bamboo or

sugar cane 砍伐竹林或甘撰 3. expensive 昂貴的

Matkes ko 'aca no dateg. - The price of vegetables is high. '.[:;


Mitkes cigra anini. - He is cutting (hamhoo or sugar cane) today. 他今天去﹛1t'.竹子

,r' fki I一l to ma ke a so叫l n物f. 2. 伽so州。﹝附ks hit川﹛i

�({�極樟號 :�. Itka'. - to hit something in the head with a r﹛】ck or stick 用木棒或石頭打頭的聲昔

tkig I eris. ma tc hes * a match 火古巴

tko' - the sound of something getting broken 東西服碎的聲昔 or

the sound of joints cracki叩 開節活動之聲

tkog - 1. to bump with on叭head 頭部碰撞 2. to ba月 * the sound of a thud 砰擊聲

Aka pitkog to fa'vahan no loma'. - Don’t bump the doorway. 不


Matkog nira ko fawaha『l. - He bumped the doorway. 碰撞門檻

Matatkog cagra tatosa. - The two of them bumped each

other. 他們倆相互碰撞

tkoh - 1. I tokoh. to be stacked up on top of each other till they touch the top or ceiling 互相堆積東西至頂部觸及天花板 2. a hor­ net * stinging insect 大黃蜂 , 虎頭蜂

tkol - 1. to throw something 擲 , 投

Tkolen ko mali. Throw the ball. 把球投過去 2. Patkolen ko­

- Feed the dog. 丟東西給狗吃 ( 餵狗 )

tkop -

perish * die * to be destroyed

毀滅 , 死 , 全軍覆沒

tlac - 1.

to miss the mark 沒有射中 目 地

2. to polish * with

reference to rice only 精磨 ※ 單指礦米

Patlac ko goyos ako. - I made a mistake speaking. 我說錯話了






tlaf I yamayam. to burn with large flames 烈火熊熊


tlag old * worn out


Matlagto ko riko ' ako. My clothes are old. 我的衣服己老舊了

0 mat lagay a codad ko ni ni. This is an old book. 這是一



tlay to be strung out tight * stretched across a space 拉線 在空


中 架線

Tlaye n nira ko towaso i fawaha n no I。ma ' nira. He put a rope


··across his doorway. 他在家門口 裝拉一條繩索

tlec to tie around the waist * or lower down off the hips 東腰帶



、Jtat lecan 1. the waist 腰園 2. lower back 背部下方


.._Aat el c I sa faked I sa fakec. belt 腰帶 , 皮帶

tleg to make a straight line 拉緊 ( 線索或繩子 )


1起色to join together 接在一起

Matatlek kita to sowa l. Let's make a pact together I i.e. a mutual


ag reement. 我們相互約定

0 katat lekan no Kawas ato finaw lan nira konini. This is God’s

covenant with His people. 這是j:帝和他的于民所立的約


tlel to st<﹜p * with reference I<﹜ the wind 停JI:’暫且等回(指


Tle lenho ko fa li. - Wait f﹛﹜r thl' wind to stop. 特且等風停歇

Mat le tlo ko tali. - Tht﹒ wind stoppl'cl. 風 已仰11:: r

Kinat lel sa ko nama l. - The fire died out. 火焰慢慢熄滅

tlep - 1. to fall * fell * with referenct· to a tree cut down etc. 倒


下,欣倒(指litF的tM木) 2. to fall on top of 壓倒

- .

Tlepen koya kilag Fell that tr侃 把木材推倒

Matlep noya ki lag ko wawa nira. That tree fell on his son 他

的兒子 樹壓倒


place * put 妝置

to put or place 放置

Jmatli 一 to be put or placed 放置


put or place 放置


pat lia n a place to put something 放置處


tli 1 i to be outraged * angered * furious * provoked :暴虐 , 生


狂怒 , 憤慨




Matli ' i kako a mitgi l t。 sowal nira. -I am outraged to hear what

he said. 聽到他說的話 ,我很生氣

* as. the end of

tloc - 1. the end point of something 東西的末端 a branch 如枝葉末梢 2. a descendant 後代

lcowa ko tloc n。ya kliw? - Where is the end of the thread?繩子


Awaay ko t ol c noya lomaThat family has no descendants. 那



Masamaa n ko tloc noya dmak ? How did that matter come to


an end? 那件事 的結果如何?

tlof to be obstructed * with re ference to a road ﹛﹜r path 阻塞 , 妨

晦 , 干摟※指路或小徑


Aka pitlo f to lala n. - Don’t hinder travel on the road.

tlog - deep * with literal and figurative meanings j 架 , 含字面上和



Mat log ko pikag kag nira. - He ploughed deeply. 他把 田摯的很深

M at ol g ko fa na nira. He is very intelligent. 他是聰明的人

tloh - matloh. to have a lot disappear with only a small part

remaining 大部份均消失 , 只剩下一小部份 tioho『-phlegm j農疲

tlook - to hiccup 打兩


- l. to burp up food 打飽兩兒 2. to hiccup 打嗎

tmek 1. secretly 組密 地,悄悄 地,暗暗 地 2. to do as self

desires 私自 做自 己所期 望的

Tmek en nira ko dmak - He secretly killed an animal for


meat. 他暗 地殺動物做菜館

his own.

他們各自 由家

Paytmek I pitmek kita a mi nokay. Each of us will go home on

tmenek - 1. to pe hungry for * craving for what one sees but

can’t have 不能滿足, 繼續渴 望那不能擁有 的 2. to be settled down * stable condition 固 定在那兒 3. to sit down still * not


walking around 一直坐在那 兒, 沒有走動過

tmer 1. to be shocked by electricity 被電電擊 2. to have a



tnes l halafin.



shooting sensation of pain go to the heart 內 心深處的一陣劇痛


tmik 1. to pulsate with life * pulse 心跳 , 動靜 , 搏動 ,

Caay ka t at mti mik k oya wawa. That child has no sign of


life. 那孩子 沒有生命的動靜 , 沒有生息

awaay ko t mik to not respond or do anything 沒有 反應 , 或




tmili I I tomili I. white、 * glistening 潔白

tmo to be able to eat something small completely 可 以直接入



Tmoe n. nira ko da mdam. He ate the hot pepper whole. 他 把


tmok 一 to beat * pulse * with refeence to the heart 脈搏

Tmoktmok sa ko faloco' ako. 一 My heart is beating hard. 我的心




tmoy reserved * quiet * not talkative 絨默的 , 遲鈍 , 寡言

0 matmoyay a ta mdaw cigra. He is a quiet person. 他是 沈默寡


言的 人


tna 1 to hinder * obstruct * stop 阻擋 , 妨礙,停11:

M at na 1 ko karomakat niyam We were hindered from going.




tnak to spread 擴散 , 傳插

Pat nak cigra to sowal no Kawas. He spread the Word of


God. 他傳桶上帝的福音


0 pat nakay cigra. He is an evangelist. 他是傳道人


M at nak ko sowa l to pakay niay to dmak nira. Words about his activities have spread. 有關他的事已傳開了

Tnake n ko ' mi a mipawali. Spread out the wheat to dry. 把小



tnas to dip food in a sauce or salt 沾 , 把食物沾在醬油或鹽水 中吃

a spatula for stir frying vegetables 鏟子 ( 炒菜用 ) ( from Amoy dialect引自閩南語 )


tneg I Ineg. to sink 沈下去

tnem salty water (as is found in the village of H aciriwan) 在花蓮

縣學潰鄉八里灣附近的 鹹水泉

tnes I halafin. a long time * for a long time 很 , 很長一段時問




an anchor for a ship 船錯

I 'nor. to anchor-

took - 1. I tokod. to kick with o肘s heel 用肺的後跟踢或用力


i踩 2. 1 sifo'. the middle * center 中間 , 中央

satnok the heel of the foot 肺的後跟 , 開鍾

Matnok no ' fa kako - I was kicked by a horse. 我被馬蹄踢傷

Tnokay a riyar 一the Mediterranean Sea 地中海

tnooy I tnoon . to weave * to work with a loom 織布

。台tnooy - a weaver's loom 織布機

0 nitnooyan a riko konini. - This

c lυt bi ng is woven wi th a loom. 這f'l:衣服是ff]人工織布提製


tnor - to soa k in water i’之{1:水1j1’泡


在水中 tnooy I tnoon緻lfl

Patnorenho ko fa faca ' en a riko '. Soak the clothes you want tc入 wash. t巴黎忱的A.�fl先泡在水1j1

tnos I tayhaw I potot. a bamboo water container used by fisher­

men at sea 用竹筒製成的盛水擋,漁夫在海上用的,罐,中lj竹節製成

to' ag - to become lazy from the bad influences of another worker

* becoming discouraged and wanting to quit 受到另外工人的壞影


to I as I I liteg. 1. old in years 古代,早年 2. to grow up * to

mature 成熟 成長


Vtato' asan - ancestors 祖先,祖宗


v pito' asan a place from which the parents of the home's family originated 祖籍

Nano to as ira ko matiniay a pinagan niyam From old times I

antiquity we have had this kind of custom. 從古代我們就有這種



0 mato asay cigra He is an old man I a man to be respected 他是老人家/是可敬的人

Mato 『asto ko wawa iso anini - Your child has grown up. 你的孩




todldls I todadac.

0 samato' asay niyam cigra. - He is our oldest member. 是我 們年紀最大的

to 『 aya 一 to raise one’s head 把頭抬舉 , 仰望天空

p ato' aya I pata fag 一 to offer an animal sacrifice 獻祭牲物

pipato1 ayaa n - place where sacrifice is made 祭壇



Ma la sapato' aya ko tireg ni Yis. - Jesus' body became a

to ' em I kadit. clouc!s * a cloud 雲 ’ 彩

Mato' em ko kakarayan. - The sky ·is cloudy. 今天烏雲彌佈

to 『 man - 1. to be dark 變黑 2. glowering 形示不悅 , 怒 目

To' ma n ko kakarayan. 一 The sky is dark. 天黑

To' ma nto ko rom i' ad. 0 dadayato. The day is dark. It i�

evening. 天黑 了 , 已 經是晚上了

To' ma nt。 ko pisig nira. - His face is glowering. 他愁眉苦臉 , 他

的臉 上顯示不悅的樣子

Sato' ma ne n ita ko la loma' . - Let's darken the inside. 我們把裡面

可昏 弄暗


to 『ol - 1. to be lonesome 孤單 , 寂寞 2. a large shade tree

之 拉j林

Mato' ol ko fa loco’ ako. - My heart is lonely. 成的心靈 很寂寞

to ' to / tocto. to go tυ the source * to go di rectly to 去追尋根

源 , 怯怯地去

To' to sa kako a m itg i l. - I went to the l﹜erson di rectly to hear the status of thi ngs. .f.12 向J友去惚 ,圳市的 �}﹔憋

mito' to to taya l - to kee1﹜ worki ng to the finish 繼續完成工作

to ' to' I kotkot. 1. to bore a hole m洞 , 擎扎 �. to carve * make a form from something hard li ke rock 刻, 影刻 , 雕塑※ 從硬如石


toda - an eel 鰻魚

padagkaan a toda - a kind of eel 一種鰻魚

todadac - to skin a snake or fish 剝蛇皮或魚皮 * to peel off all

the ba.rk of a tree 剝去 ( 一國 ) 樹皮

todal - to burn on的 mouth or skin 被燙傷或皮膚被的傷

todid is I todadac. to peel off te bark of * or skin 1f.!I

皮 taking hold of to unravel 拉開




todis - to peel off the outside skin of stems of vegetables l ike broccoli 剝蔬菜莖的皮

todod I solol . to yield to * go along with 讀步 , 順從 , 尤准 , 容


todog - 1. · the representation of ......表象 ...... 代表 2. to im­ itate * copy 模仿 3. responsibility 責任 , 職責


0 mitodogay cigra takowanan He is copying me. 他在模的我

0 todog no pisig nira konini. This painting represents him. 這


是他 的街像

0 citodogay cigra tonini a tayal. He is responsible for I the


representative of this work. 他是 負 責這項工作的

0 cacitodog cigra to adihayay a tayal. He will have responsibil­


ity for a lot of work. 他將要負 責繁重的工作

Patodogen ko malo no mako a toki. Set aside time for me. 煩



todoh 1. to burn * generic form 燃燒的總稱 2. to roast *


barbecue 烘烤 , 全燒




Matodohto ko tatiplok The paper is burned. 紙已被燒毀了 Tod。hen koya lakaw Burn up the waste. 把垃圾燒 毀 Todohen k。ya titi. Roast I barbecue that meat. 把肉 烤燒 ﹒


抖l tdem to close one's mouth 閉嘴

tofa the rind of pomelo 抽子的 白 色皮層

tofafac I tfafac. 1. to grab and rip when fighting 抓取 , 扯裂 2.

to tear the skin 抓破皮膚

tofeg I tmoy. matofeg. to be shy * quiet * not talkative 絨默


木訥 , 不善辭令

tofific to pull clothes off a person 拉



的fil a sun or rain shield worn on the backs of farmers working m 出e fields *


made from grass 驚草製成做為阿美族婦 女披在背上下田遮 日 防雨用具

的for a calf * a young domesticated

animal 小牛 , 橫 , 家畜幼仔


0 todog no tofor a siri ci Yis. 一 Jesus


側的 i皂白 遮兩周具


tohatoh﹒/ llhalih.

represents himself as the lamb. 耶穌把 自 己比擬成羔羊

tofotofo - the name of a spirit that dulls the senses a nd makes people unable to speak or move * as when they are in a twilight state of sleep 致人遲鈍 , 感覺上說不出 話或無法移動的 邪靈名 ,

當在睡覺半麻醉狀態時 * makes them squirm 使坐臥不安

toga' ef I togaref. to bite (of a d og) * with intent ·of

hurting 咬 , 狗有意傷害的大咬舉動

togagan - to slander 排謗 , 中傷 , 話鼓

togal I tolag . to increase * add more 加 , 增 加 , 添加

Matogalto ko roray no faloco『 ako anini. - I have even more

burdens of concern now. 現在我心中的煩惱有增無減

Togalen ko tayal . - Do more work. 工作要增加 , 做更 多的工作

togigic 一 to pull on m eat with teeth tearing it apart to eat 用 牙齒 使勁咬撕韌 肉

togih - to bite * breaking apart with teeth 咬一 口

togod - 1. a connection * joint 連接 2. to join 使連接 3. to

co空(埋旦旦 go on 繼續 , 連 續


’. (/ ��tatogoderl) ko一 Join these. 把這些連接起來

M atafo包otog·od ko tireg ita. Our bodies are joined together in


many ways. 我們的身體以種種不同的方式按合起來

Tog oden ko tayal iso. Pick up and continue on with the

project. 把你的工作繼續下去


top of 放在 ... . 的上面

togroh I tigroh. 1. the top surface of 東西的頂部 , 上面 2. to put

ltira i togroh no loma ko mali. 一 The ball is on the roof top. 球


M atatogroh ko l oma' . - The house has two stories I one surface


on top of another. 房子有兩 層/一面在另 一面的頂上

togtog 1. left over grain in the the mill that was not milled 補 賽 , 把臼 上溢下部份穀子補審 2. the sound of drums 鼓聲

M itogt。gay cigra to panay. - He is milling out the left over grain in the mill. 他在補溢下的部份教

tohatoh I lihalih. to be loose and wiggle 鬆動 , 擺動 , 搖動

Matohatoh ko . pitaw. 一 The hoe handle is loose. 動 頭 的 柄 鬆




Matohat。h ko palidig. 一 The wagon rolls without braking. 車子搖


tohem - to be stuffy * have no fresh air * as a closed up

house 悶熱 , 無新鮮空氣 , 如緊閉的屋內


toka 一 to be lazy 懶惰

Matokato cigra. 一 He is lazy. 他是懶惰的人

toka『 I tokah. to prop something up so that it won’t fall 支性 , 支

tokad - 1. to cut open a carcass and dress 剖開動物屍體 �. to operate on * do surgery 開刀 , 動手術


·�, 0 tokah - to prop up 支撐 , 支 架 , 支


Tokahen ko pawli. Prop up the banana tree. 把香蕉﹔女 架起來

tokar 1. a ladder 娣于 2. a stairs 階梯 :�. the name of an Amis village 玉昆 級觀普里山下部?在 名

tokatok - to be sleepy * to noel 打瞌睡 , 打削兒

toked - a crossbeam in a building 橫樑

toker - l. to refuse to change * hindering the desires of the

group 拒絕改變※ 阻擋全體的願望 2. to brace oneself to keep


from losing footing 撐住腳基 以免失足或滑落

patoker to sowal to help or support someone’s ideas by follow­


ing up what he said 幫助或支持某 人的想法

toki - 1 . 吐 clock * a watch 2. the time 時間 ( from

Japanese 引 自 日 語 )

Pina ko toki? - What time is it? 請問現在幾點鐘?

Tolo ko toki. 一 It is three o’clock. 三點鐘

.,/tokikar I togiri . to stand on tiptoe for better advantage in ·doing

something 抬舉腳跟用 腳趾尖站立 , 為更有利於做某事情 ( 拿東西 )

tokilaw I ti ' law . to stand on tiptoe from the perspective of the

actor 踢足望


tokinih - to be unbalanced * off balance 傾斜 , 不平均 , 失去平衡 Satokinikinih ban no faliyos kami. The storm was violent against us (literally: unbalanced us). 暴風雨把我們吹的搖來搖去

( 字面上 , 使我們失去平衡 )

tokinil - to lie on ones side to rest or sleep 使倒身躺下或睡覺

Satokinikinil sa cigra a miharateg. 一 He tried every way to figure




out what to do. 想盡 各種辦法

tokiso - term for the many species of Hibiscus 木 懂 from

Japanese 引 自 日 語 )

tokitok - to do often or continually 連續做 , 繼續做 , 時常做

tokiyar - 1. to stand on tiptoe to reach 抬舉腳跟用 腳尖頂立伸手觸 及或取物 2. to strain the body * as when an ox strains to pull a cart 使勁拉 , 如牛使勁的拉二輪 輕便馬車 3. to do by oneself 做

自 己的事

Tokiyaraw ako. - I'll stand on tiptoe to reach. 我要搞足 伸手觸及


tokled - 1. to include in another’s activity * do an activity

sepa ra tely 與別 人一起做 , 而 不獨 自一人 deal with 別人 的分 一起完成

I tokinih . to tip over something like a dish or a boat 傾

toko - 1. I satoko. the large center beam of a house 房子的中央大


。r a ship mast 船的能性 2. an edible snail from muddy fields 可食 的田螺 :3. to stop * stand or sit where one is 停止 , 站

plan· where beam is anchored to · a cross beam 木頭艾 文會 合﹔三-地 方

tokod I tnok . to kick with heels 肘腳踢或1日


阱。h - 1. hornet 大黃蜂 2 診to be

stacked up on top of each other till they touch the ceiling 凡物的 頂部能觸及到某種高

度 ( 如橫樑或 天花板 )

tokos - 1. the top of a mountain * term used

pacokoan 11] (1!1央 1、“

in central dialect 山脊 , 山頂﹒ 2. mountains 山縣 * mountain

* southern dialect term 山 ( 南部阿美語 ) 3. the spine of · ones back * vertebrae 脊骨 , 脊性 , 脊椎 4. the blunt side of a machete blade 刀 不鋒利的一邊 , 刀

to - to hit with a hammer 鎚打

a hammer 鐵鎚



tolac I pl' dac.

tolac I pi ' dac. a scar of long standing * from a wound 跡 , 傷痕

tolag I togal. to increase * add to 增加 , 添加

傷疤 , 痕


Matolag ko nika adihay no tayal anini. - There is even more

work now. 今天的工作項 目 增加

Tolagen ko kasoy. - Add more firewood. 添加柴 火

的lampo I Tolampo. the name of an Amis village 富里鄉新興阿

美部落名 ( from Amoy dialect 引自 閩 南語 )

tolas - the end * final * the limits of 結束 , 終 丘 , 限制 , 有限制

Citolas ko fana' ita. - Our knowledge is limited. 我們的智慧是有



Awaay ko tolas no taneg no Kawas. God’s wisdom is

unlimited. 上帝 的智慧是無限的

0 tolasto no rakat ita. 一- We come this far and no farther. 我們的

tolatolaw - l': white bird * Cattle

White- e、


Water-hen 白腹 快雞

toled to be disappointed * discouraged 氣餒 , 洩 氣 , 頹 喪

tolek / do 『 eg. 1. to be deaf 耳聾 2. to extract wax from the

ears 抽出 耳垢

tolem - 1. to bury alive in a hole 埋 , 沉沒 , 活埋 2. to bury *


cover over with soil 埋葬

Patolem han ni ra ko waco i nikarkaran nira a ' ofag. He stuck

the dog alive into a hole and buried him. 他把狗活埋於他挖掘 的洞裡

tolidac - to rip or pull off * to peel 剝開 , 剝皮 * with refer­

(,· c. : ence to skin or bandage 指皮膚或繃帶 ( 被剝開的情形 )

tolik 一 to use bamboo to make something 編製 , 用竹片或籐片緝製


tolo - three 三


Tatolo cagra. - There are three of them. 他們三個人


Tolo ko ciciw 一 There are three piglets. 三隻小豬

Sakatatolo a wawa cigra. She is the third child. 她是第三個致




Latoloe n nira a pasac faca fag cagra. - He put them in three groups. 他把他們編為三組

0 kalatolo l kalitolo ko ni ni. 一 This is one third. 這是三分之一

tolo 『 - 1. to fall literally 跌倒 2. to fall figuratively 比喻上的

下 , 落下 , 跌 落


Aka ka tolo . Dont fall down. 不要跌倒


M atolo' ko faloco' ak。 a mi neg neg to dmak nira. My heart (i.e. I) stumbled seeing what he did. 我看到他的行為就隨之犯罪

tolok a China Pheasant * a large. game bird * Swinhoe's.


Pheasant 血腹 鷗

tolon 1. to pray * a prayer 禱告 , 祈禱 2. to carry a command

or request to someone 信息 , 叮嚀 ’ 吩咐或請託某人



0 pitolo n ko ga ' ay. You should pray. 最好還是禱告

0 maa n ko tatolo ne n? What should we pray for? 我們 為何事禱

告 ?

M itolo n kako to saki . tisowa na n. 一 I am praying for you. 為你禱


Patolo n cigra to sowal i takowa na n. He gave me a message to



Y\ pass on. 他託我帶話 ,G.t吟,


tomadaw to look over and check work done 核查和審驗工作




tomay 1. a bear 熊 2. to be fierce 兇猛 * violent 兇暴 M atomay cigra. He is fierce. 他很 兇 , 他 粗暴 , 他撒野 tomcek to focm; on one thing only 瞪眼 , 目 不轉睛 , 凝視

Patomcek sa cigra a so『nowal takowa na『1. He directed his


words to me. 他瞪眼看著我

lcowa ko p atomceka n iso? Where is your focus point? (in


choosing a person) 你的 目 標在那裡 ?

Cima ko katomceka n iso? Whom are you considering? 你在顧


慮誰呀 ! 你在關心什麼人 ?

tomes to fill * to fill up 使滿 , 充滿 , 裝 滿 , 填滿 * with liter-

al and figurative meanings 含字面上和比喻上的滿



T。 mese n k。 pawti. Fill the . sack. 把麻袋盛滿

M at。 mes ko kaysig. The dish is full. 碗得滿滿的

M at。 mes no lipahak ko faloco' ako. 一 My heart is filled with joy. 我心充滿喜樂




主山 1


tomiyac - 1. to hit and glance off * with referenee to a rock or

bullet or dart 幌眼一看 , 瞥見 , 驚鴻一瞥 , 形容振動頻率或子彈或 標箭的速 , 疾馳飛逝 2. the name of an Amis village 台東縣


tomli 1 I tmli 1 I tmili 1 . to glisten * be very white 閃光 , 閃爍


tomokol - to sprout * come out of the ground 萌芽 , 擷 芽 , 芽衝 破地衰成長

tona 1. I tonini. this 這 See Appendix - Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代


名詞 2. since * because 之梭,自 ...... 以來 , 因 為


tonaton to bruise 打傷 , 瘀血發 育的現 象

tonek 1. to set * establish 設置 , 建設 , 建立 2. to decide *


plan a course o﹛ action 決定 ※ 計 畫lj 行動的過程

katatonekan nagra mutually agreed upon place or time 互相約


定的地點或時 間l

toni 1 1. I poni'. rotten * with reference to flesh or vegetation 腐

爛的 ※指 肉或蔬菜 2. to soften 柔軟的


Masger ko lalan saka toni ' sa ko lalan. The road is wet so the road is soft (muddy). 雨水使泥土鬆軟


tonini I tona. this 這 See Appendix - Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代 名詞


tono ' precipice 懸崖

Aka pisalama i tonotono' an. Don’t play around a precipice. 不

要在 懸崖玩耍

tood - 1. the name of a tree * Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa

思樹 2. to follow closely another一個接著一個 , 跟隨 著 , 接近的

Matatood ko rakat noya tosaay a palid ig.- Those two vehicles are

traveling close to each other I i.e. one is tail-gating the


other. 兩部放行車緊接著 , 一個車子接著一個

toor 1. to follow 跟從 2. to obey 順從 , 服 從 3. to follow a


religion 信仰宗教

Tooren ko Wama. Follow I obey the (heavenly) Father. 跟隨 /

順從天上的 父

Mitooray kako. 一I am obeying. 我在服從

M atoor nira kon。 mako a faloco'. 一 He goes along with my

feelings I thinking. 他跟從我的意思 ,他跟隨我的想法



t 17oc i -q ll,ffl11Z c (c

toris I toslr.

Patooren ako ko sowal. - I have something to add (to what has

been said). 我要補充說明

0 maan ko pitooran is- What is your religion? 你信奉什麼

教 ?

Tooren ko rakat ni ra a mitakop. - Follow I pursue him and over­

take him. 跟跟他的腳步 , 趕上他

topa - to stamp 蓋章

a chop * a stamp 印章 , 印 記 , 戳記

- special headdress or crown worn by someone given special recognition 在很特 別的表彰某 人時給子特別的冠 冕來裝飾他


topi I fanol. a dove * pigeon 鵲子

topida ' to hit with something filthy 用 污穢的東 西擊打 * as to spit upon 如被吐唾液

Mapatopida ' no sopa' kako. - I was hit with spit. 我被吐一片唾

toplak - to open up * as to rip a package open 剝開※如扯裂剝開


Toplaken ko codad. - Open the book. 翻開書本

toptop - a feeding trough * manger 槽

tora I torira . that 那個 St-e Appendix - Pronouns 參閱附錄 i 代名


torcek - to point at 指摘

Patorceken nira ko raraw ako. He pointed at my mistake. 他指




tores 1. a knot 連怯 2. to join two pieces into a knot 兩個連在 一起 , 把兩者接台

tori 1. one kilometer * a measure of distance 一公里距離的測量單


2. See 參閱 lalidec I kakidec. the name of a

torik the name of an Amis village

torira I tora. that 那個 See Appendix 一 Pronouns 參閱附錄 I 代 名

torirac - to slip or slide on something slippery 滑倒或在滑溜溜的東 西上艙跟欲倒

toris i tosir. a line * a line on paper 線 , 紙上的一直線 * or a

line of planted rice plants 成列的水稻行線



toro '

toro 1. to point with the finger 指向 2. to point figuratively 比 喻上的指 3. to pick 挑選 , 採搞

Toro' en ko kagalayan iso. - Point at what you want. 指出您喜歡

的東西 , 您喜歡什麼指一指看

O nitoro' an cigra. - He was picked I chosen. 他是被指定的


l raay ko tatoro en a raraw nira 一 There is something blamewor­

thy about him (literally: there is sin to be pointed at). 他有些該

forefinger 食指

torod - to hand over * give into someone else’s hands 交給 , 給與

交給某人的 手上

Matatorotorod kita ttayal . Lets pass on the work from one to

the other. 技們把工作 相互 交接

Patoroden ci Wamaan ko karorayan no faloco' iso. - Turn over to the heavenly Father the responsibility for your burdens. t巴


torok - a plant * Euphorbiaceae Glochidon lenceolatum 光葉饅頭 也會

的ron - sticky rice bread made by beating out glutinous rice with a pestle 懦米糕

ii misatoron - to make rice bread 製作儒米糕

\!tatoronan - a large earthen vessel * a steamer 蒸飯陶顱

toror - 1. to put wood into the stove 添加爐仕的柴火 * pushing it in 推進 2. to encourage * exhort 鼓舞 , 鼓勵 ※ 勸告 * sup­

port a person so hA_\is warmed and inspired 支持→個人使他有溫 曖與鼓勵的感受

tortor - 1. to peck at food 連續而快速的味食 2. tortoren. to do


something quickly not allowing time to elapse 做事快速不容時間 過去 3. to dip into something like salt 沾於像鹽一類的東西 Matortor ko sowal nira. He �poke quickly and immediafely to

the issues. 他說話立刻發佈

tosa - two 二

Tatosa kami. - There are two of us. 我們倆個

Tosa ko cokap. 一 There are two shoes. 兩隻鞋子

Kalitosaen k。ya ' pag. 一 Divide the bread in two. 把麵包切成兩塊



towa '

0 sakinatosa anini. - This is the second time. 這 第二次

tosir I toris. 1. a line * a line on paper 線 , 紙上 線條 2. a verse of scripture 聖經的章節

(\. tosok - goal * direction to be headed 目標 , 前進的方向

Tosok han cigra a somowal. 一 Speak to him ( not to someoe

else). 指名跟他說 ( 不跟其他人說 )

Tosok han a miraod . - Approach (him). I i.e. Don’t bother with

talking to


tosor I toros .

1. knee * knees 膝蓋


to kneel



0 mipitosoray cigra a mitolon. - He is in prayer. 他是


tostos - 1. to shake down and make the same height * as a bundle

。f tied bamboo not bundled properly 上下搖動使頭部平 齊※ 如擱綁 竹子 2. to dip into salt or sugar before eating 吃以前先把食物沾 在鹽巴或砂糖中

totag - aluminum sheeting 鐵皮 ( from Japanese 哥︱ 自 日語 )

totat I la 1 pa. a trumpet * made from water buffalo horn and used to call the community together 用 水 牛的 角製成的號角用 以呼吽大


toto 『 - 1. a dipper made from a gourd or some material 葫蘆

製成的汲 水工 具或 其他用具( +句子 )

plant 飄瓜 , 葫 躇

totog - a token of doing something 做某事不 正經的 as 1. after

eating at home to go somewhere else and sit and eat a little with others eating 在家 吃過俊 , 到別的 地方 叉 口乏 , 蜻蜓 點水 式的吃飯

法 2. to give the appearance of working 好像要做 叉不做的樣子

( 工作不徹底 )

totoh I tneg . to sink * with reference to ships only 沉沒 , 僅指船

totom - to light a fire from one that is already burning 從已點燃的

火 中取火種

totoy - a puppy * a young · dog 小狗 , 仔狗

towa ' - to open the jaws 張嘴 See 參閱 also ga towa' 一 to open


the mouth 開口 a nickname given to a person who talks a lot and does nothing 光說而不做




towapon I Towapon.


towapon I Towapon. name of Amis village 花蓮市 中美部落名


towasig a pick axe 十字青島


towaso rope 草繩 ( from Amoy dialect引自閩南語 )

towid the Tits (Paridae) family of birds 山雀


tpa I tpa 1 . to slap with hand 拍打 , 打一巴掌

tppa to clap hands together 拍手

tpa 1 I tpa. to slap with one's hand 一拍 , 一擊

tpatpa 1 I tpatpa. to clap hands together 拍手

tpeg / latag. to measure grain with a large measure 量 , 衡量


tpes - term for grain that is immature and has no kernel to it 未成 熟的稻穀 , 空穀粒

Matpes ko panay ako. My grain is no good. 我的水稻長的不好


tpi『 I tpih I tpa'. to slap on the face 打一巴掌在臉上 tpih I tpi『 I tpa 1 . to slap on the face 在臉上打一巴掌 tpik 一 to fold 摺盤

Tpiken ko nifaca 『 an iso a ri ko ' . Fold the · clothes you

washed. 把你洗過的衣服折好

thud * the noise from falling 掉落聲

k。ya codad . 一 The book was dropped with a thud. 那

書砰然一聲掉下 來

tpoc 一 to cut with one stroke 一刀 砍斷

tpog I I ofag. a hole * to make a hole 洞 , 孔 , 穴

tpor - 1. to take everything given and leave nothing 全部奉送 2. to cut a tree with a machete 用 刀 砍斷樹 3. to beat out敲 , 鍾


tra ' - 1. a drop of liquid 液體漏下 2. to drip 滴落

trak to fall one at a time and be scattered as along a trail 落下


tred - to be an able speaker * communicating well and to the

point 口 才 流利 , 人際關係極佳

Satretred sa koya wawa a caciyaw. - That child surely knows

how to talk. 那核子講話 口 辭伶俐

treg - 1. to pull till the thing is straight * as string 把東西拉緊

( 直如繩線 ) 2. to make a straight row as when planting young rice plants 弄成直線如插棋 3. to line something up * as when






prepan月 for building 把東 西排成一線 , 如當準備蓋房子時

trek 1. to eat before the rest arrive 留存 , 留 下 2. to save over

for further consideration 保留這個問題下次再做

to save * keep left over food for late comer 留起來


、冶a.trek - food saved 儲存之食物

Treken konini a dmak. Save .this for further consideration. 保留


這個 問題事情到下次再做


trep to be silent * to stop activity 安靜 , 沈默

T。m re pto ko wawa im ati ni. The chil dren have stopped

talking. 現在小孩子已肅靜了

Pasowal saho ci Yis ' i trep sato ko tali. - J esus spoke and the

wind stopped. 耶穌剛說完 , 風就停止 了


”,ik - to throw off and away from 彈出去

M itrikay koya kikay to lakaw 一 That machine is throwing off


debris. 那機械會彈 出碎物 ( 垃 ) 出 來


Matrik a matfad nai otofay cigra. He was thrown off and clear

of the motor bike. 他從 機車上彈 出落 下

troc - to jump over something 跳越某東西


tsek - to pierce * stab 刺穿

M itsek i fal。co ' ako ko sowal nira. His words stabbed me m

the heart. 他的話 刺痛伐的心 , 他 的話 感動必

tsel I ta I sel. 1. to pierce through 穿過 * to penetra te 刺穿 �.

with minegneg - to see through 誡圳 , 看 穿 , 結 日IJ :�. to


stitch 刺繡

mitsel to talip to stitch a skirt 刺繡裙子

wa I oa . a grammatical particle used in the south indicating a pro­

jected or future concept 文法上的一個用詞指出 一個 計創或未 來的觀


wa ay / o O. leg * legs including the feet 腳

wa 1 elk 1. to separate fro the rest 從餘的部份分出來 * to

lay aside and separate 拋開 , 2. to roughly brush · aside 很

組暴的推開 , 拋開

waa ' I pohog . horns of an animal 動物的角

wacay - 1. evidence 證據 , 證物 2. mawacay - to be naked 赤裸





1. to give evidence 提出證物 2. to witness 做 見證

waco - 1. dog * dogs 狗 2. degraded 虐待 , 侮辱 3. biblical

use - foreigners * a term of slander 外邦人

I masawaco -,- to degrade 誣蝦 , 虐待 , 侮辱

Mapalawaco nira ko ' ori p ako. - He caused me to live a de­

graded !ife. 他糟蹋 了 我的一生

Matiya o waco cagra. - They are like dogs. 他們像狗 ( 指狗貪


I lodihag. to echo * an echo 回音 , 共鳴

) - 1 . t州1 * teeth 牙齒 2. the gears in machinery 齒輪

. - to cut a tooth 長牙 , 出 牙

iwadis - to have teeth 有牙齒

Aka pawadisen to sasowale『l. - Speak tactfully. 說話不要傷 人

”,agawag - to attract attention by waving the hand 揮手 , 以揮手

引人 注意

waheg - molar * molars * back teeth 臼齒

wakag - 1. to lie down for a few minutes 暫時躺下 2. to lie on one’s back 仰臥 3. I ska'. to lie unconscious 昏倒 , 休克 wakah I Wakah. 1. the name of the son of Kafid who was a

sovereign governing spirit as understood by Amis in the area of Kiwit. They believe Wakah's relationship to Kafid is parallel to Christ’s relationship to the Father. Kafid 之子的名字 Kafid 是統治

靈界的元首 ※ 就如基督是天父上帝之子 I

hip is painful ( from some

、心 \wakawak - 1. to walk with strides 邁開大步走路 2. to be empty handed * without possesions 徒手 ( 空手 ) 來持任何東西 3. 1 wayway. the way a person acts * behaviour patterns 一個人的 行為模式

Pawakawak aka haenen kako a papinokay. - Don’t send me

home without anything. 不要讓我空手回去

waklid - to carry along * as a result of motion that was

initiated 波及 , 禍 及 , 累 及

Mawaklid no tata ' agay a fokloh ko talo' an niyam. Our hut was




carried along with a rock (that rolled).



wakog - a bowl * serving dish 犬碗 ( from Amoy dialect 51 自閩南


語 )


wakwak White-breasted Water-hen * a bird 自腹 袂雞

- .

waladwad to be nausea.ted 作嘔 , 惡心 walay 1 string 細繩 2. noodles 麵線 , 麵條 wali - east 東方 , 東邊

I kawali no loma ' niyam i ra ko kilag. 一 There is a tree east of

our house. 我們家東邊有一棵樹

0 riyar ko sawalian no niyaro' niyam . 一 The ocean is east of our


town. 我們村莊東邊是海

walin to roll over 滾翻

Mawalinto koya kolog . 一 The water buffalo rolled ove� (and died). 那隻牛滾下來 ( 死 了 )


Walinen konini a fokloh. - Roll this stone over. 把石頭翻掉



walwal a screen door 紗窗 , 用 木 片或竹 片製防棚

wama 1. I mama. father 父親 2. the Father in heaven *

God 天父 上帝

wanag I waray. to separate two parties that are quarreling 拉開

爭吵的 雙方

waneg I ' odax. sugar * sweets 砂糖 ※糖 果


waneg no ' odal honey 蜜糖

wanik - 1. to wave aside with hand 移闕 ,挪開 2. to exclude *


reject * brush aside 排除 , 拒 絕


wara to weave along as one walks 走路 左右搖擺


Wara sa ko rakat 川ra. His walking was not straight but weaving. 他走路 左右搖擺

M awarawara ko rakat no malasag ay 一 Drunk · people walk


weaving. 酒醉的人走路搖搖擺擺 warak - to poison 中毒

poison 毒藥

kak。. - I’ve been poisoned / I'm nauseated / suffering


Aka piwarak to fotig Dont poison the fish. 不要毒魚








waray I wanag. to separate two parties that are quarreling 拉開


way 移閉 ,


warih - to push aside objects * to move something out of the

warwar - to overturn something large 推翻 , 翻倒

Warwaren ni ra ko cokoi. - He overturned the tables. 他把桌子推

waswas I lakfak. for objects to be scattered * as by wind or a

child 東西被吹的七零八落


wata - an exclamation of admiration or amazement 讚嘆或詰異 的感

watawat - to wave something back and forth 把東 西前後 左右擺動

Watawaten ko hata. - Wave the flag. 請揮動國旗

- 1. offspring 子孫 2. children 怯于

- a disciple 門徒


pawawa - 1. to give offspring 使受孕 2. to charge interest

wayway I wakawak. the way one moves and ca rries himself * the impression he gi ves 人的一舉一動 , 人的 行為或 作為※ 給人的印

widag - friend * a rather close acquaintance but not a close

friend 朋友 , 認識但不是親密的朋 友

make acquaintances 結交朋 友

kami. - We are friends. 我們是朋 友 widawidan I minaro 'an. rice heads * heads of grain 稻穗 widi - 1. leeches 2. I toki. a clock * time 時間

Pina ko widi? - What time is it? 幾點鐘

Tola ko widi. - Three o’clock. 三點鐘

主M迦立- place that has le叫es * name of an Amis village 產

水控的地方 , 花蓮縣壽豐鄉水禮部落名

wigawig - to wag one's tail 搖擺尾巴

wihawih - 1. I pances. rudder of a ship 船舵 2. to move back and forth * as the large leaves of a banana tree 前後擺動貌 ※如



Jsawihawih 一 the tail of a fish 魚的尾巴


wikol - tail 尾巴


,Jo貝多 定為 准

wikwik 一 to weave baskets 編竹籃


wilet - 1. to twist something literally 字面上指扭檸東西 , 扭捏 2. to twist * turn around the meaning 扭曲 , 歪曲 意義

Aka piwilet to sowal ako Dont change my words to another meaning. 不要歪 曲我意思

wina I ina. mother 母親

v?alawina - to seek someone for comfort and encouragement

位能安慰 與鼓勵的人

νpalawinaan - someone on whom to be dependent 可依賴 的 人


1,;iawinaan a mother mammal * animal 雌性哺乳動物

to play * the acti vity of children imi tating the acti vi­ ties of adults 辦家家酒 ( 小 孩之遊戲 )

wisawisan - overhanging grass eaves of a roof 屋緣迎 所垂下的茅


v witawit - 1. to hold or carry something in a dangling fashion 提 拿東西 2. to 叫e somethilong with 帶點東西不要空手去

wiyawi ' I gohagoh . 1. to manipulate * put in place * bring into

line with where it is su pposed to be 樑作 , 帶到應放霞的線上 2.

to move something till it comes loose * to wiggle 搖動東唐使輕


yafayaf - 1. to have several acti vites going at the same time 在同

一個時間做 很多 事情 2. to walk several abreast taking up the

whole road 收 盾,走 路佔倆位個 道路

M ayafayaf ko rakat nagra. - They wal ked several abreast. 他們並


yakyak 一 to spread out in di fferent directions 宣傳 , 閒 談 , 向不同

方向撒佈 * referring to negative speech * gossip 謠言

Aka payakyaken ko sowal. - Don’t gossip. 不要亂散佈謠言

yamayam - to blaze with large flames 火焰 , 燦爍

和k yatayat - to exercise 活動筋骨

yo - a response word 一 look * here

日語 )

yofig - the post office * postman 郵局 , 郵差 ( from Japanese 引自

Pakayofigen k。 payso a pafli i takowana『l. - Send me money by mail.






,y olinohana - Easter Lilly 百合花 ( from Japanese 自 日語
