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fee lings

of sa dness 傷心 , 悲傷

* mixe d

fee lings

2. to change

Yo paka'araw kako to ina nira刊,masQrnad ko �kb,.

When I sa w.his mother I ha d sa dmixe d up f ee li ngs我看到他

母觀 的時候, 我心裡很 難過



Palisomaden ko faloco. 1. - Change your attitu des. 你要改邪歸

sona - gran dchil d ( fro m Amoy dia lect 51自閩南語)

sonay - threa dbare * cloth being wel l worn 穿舊衣服, 陳腐, 衣服 很耐穿 , 耐用

soni I honi. 1. noise 喧噪聲 2. soun d 聲音 3. I honi. a ti me re ­

ference wor d 剛才

Sonien ko palidig iso. - Blow the horn of your vehicle. 按你車子


.Matg il ako ko soni no ' do. - I hear d the soun d of a rat. 我聽到 老鼠的聲音

Tata ' ag ko soni noya kikay. - That motor ma kes a lot of

n oise. 那個引擎的聲音很大


Ano soni i ra ko wawa ako. - My chil dwill be here soon.


lsoni ira cigra. - He ca me a little bit ago. 他剛剛才來的

sono.l/『alol. I. to drift * of a b oat 漂流,漂浮,如小船 2. to move from ·one place to a nother * usuall y with reference to water 從這個地方移動到另一個地方,浮起漂流,通常指水勢


sonor - masonor. to co me loose by itself fro m being tangle d


Masonor ko fokes ako. 一 My hair came untangle d·. without


我頭髮很 容易 的解開

SOO' - to put han d insi de of something 把手伸進袋裡搜尋

Soo' en koya ofag. - Put your han d into that hole. 把手伸進洞裡


spit * spittl e 吐(唾誅 , 血等 ) 唾誅, 唾被

0 ;ka pisopa'. - Don’t spit. 不要吐疲

tasopa'an - a spittoon * receptac le for spit 疲孟

sopaliw i tomaliw. to change places 交 會 * to be available for




use in p lace of 變換 的地方

sopay - to rub in order to re move dirt 揉擦得以拭掉污

Pakasopay kis。 to riko' akoCan you rub the di 此out of my

c lo thing ? 你能把 我那 件衣服的污垢除掉嗎?

M asopay ko ' onig no ti reg. 一My body has been ru bbed

c lean. 我身上 的污垢已洗 乾 掙了

Masopay ko fal。co' ak。. - My bad a ttitude has g one . 我已去邪

歸正 ( 改過 自 新)

soped - to co llec t * gather together a nd keep 收集 , 儲存

Adihay ko nisopedan nira a payso. - He has a massed a lo t of

money. 他儲存了很多錢

Aka pisoped to riko' . - Don’t co llect a lot of c lo thes. 不要堆積很

多衣服 ( 未洗 的)

soprit I hapric. to strip grain off fro m th e sta lk 把餘留在稻草上的


sopsop - to gath er together so th ere is more space on the outer

peri meters * referring to peop le or things 集成一堆騰出周圍多餘


misopsop to tafokod - to draw the strings in a draw net 把漁網


sorar I sodod. to yi eld * give in 退讓,開服,尤准,容許,寬

是! * for th e sa ke of uni ty 為f利泣的)�j(故

sorita - octo 1﹜us * eigh t-legg ed creature of th e s ea 蟑魚 ( fro m

Japan ese� I白日語 )

sorot - to co llec t * gath er clu es fro m ea ch pers on 收集 ,收集每一



misorot to payso - co llect money (as ﹛or a s pecia l project 收集金


dues 捐贈

1. to let drip out 把水濾 乾 2. I soo '. to put hand insi de of

so me thing 把手放進口袋裡搜索 3. Palisoso’enho 一Drain it

first. 烘 乾

sota『- 1. earth * dirt 污泥 2. mud 泥巴 3. I sra. land 土 地 ,


Cisota ' k。 lalan anini. - The path is muddy at present. 現在馬 路





Mi『aca kita to sota1. - We are buying land. 我們 購買土 地

Aka pisalama to sota '. - Don ’t play with dirt I mud 不要玩泥巴 sotic - a s pecies of tree * Sago Cycad (Cycas rev oluta 蘇鐵 soto/『onig. dirt 污垢 ,污穢

sowaf - to ya wn 打 哈欠

sowal -1.、 words 文字 2. speech 演講,談話 3. language 語 言 4. sayings * oracles 說話,口頭,格言

Pasowal cigra to ifaloco『ay nira. -He to ld I spoke what was in

his heart. 他說出他內心的話

0 nika somowal ko ga' ay. -You should speak. 你最好說出來

Masowal ako cigra. 一I told her. 我已告訴他了

Masasowasowal kita. -Let ’s d iscuss w ith each o ther. 我們彼此商

量吧 ?

0 maan ko sasowalen iso? - What do you have to say?你要說什


Sapasowalan kako nikawrira caay ka sadak ko sasowalen. I want to speak but the words don ’t come out. 我很想說出來,但 是講不出來(欲言猶止,有口難言)

0 sowal n。 'Amis k-0nini. -Th is is Am is. 這是阿美族說的 話

sowana _:. large green garl ic 蒜頭(from Amoy dia lect 引自 閩南


sowasan -dog teeth -shaped metal p ieces strung together to be shaken for mus ic 青銅犬齒,排鈴在齒根部份緊結在一起,撞繫擺動

-four 四

- the f ourth 第四

~Saspat kita a tayra. -Four of us wil l go . 我們四個 人去

Spat ko waco niyam. - We have four dogs. 我們有 四隻狗

spen/ pee. to look d own upon * treat with d isres pect 輕視 , 對


sra - land 土 地

Cima ko cisraay tonini? _.Who o wns this land? 這塊土 地是誰


Kakahad k。 sra niyam. - We have a lot of land. 我們的田地很大






( 廣大 ) , 我們擁有很多土 地

sray I fray. to re lax * re lease · * let go of 鬆她 , 寬鬆,解閉,解

srer - 1. to s lid e d own * lands lide 滑落 , 滑動下來崩調 2. to

c ome d own figur ative ly 退化 , 降落 , 低落 ( 比喻上

Masrerto ko ' orip ita anini. - We h ave a less aff lu ent life sty le

n ow th an bef or e. 現在我們的生活沒有以前 富裕

Masrerto ko iceI nira. - He h as lost strength. 他體力減退很多

Masrer k。 aca no dateg. 一 The pric e of v eg et ables h as c ome

d own. 蔬菜降價了

Sreren no tawki k。 m atayalay nira. - Th e boss g ave his work er a

less er p ositi on. 老闆把工 人 的地位降低

sro -1. th e hump on th e n eck of a m ale wat er buff alo 公牛背 上有

肉婆 ( 如駝宰) 2. to walk with a limp fr om h aving on e sh ort leg 因另一支有缺陷的關較起故走路不平均

sta ' - to fall and f aint 昏倒

Fahal sa cigra a m asta' . - He sudd en ly fell f ainting. 他突然的昏

Mapastakako to nika kamleg no lalan. - Ifell d own h eavi ly fr om th e s lickn ess on th e p ath. 因路滑使我摔倒

statihi I tatokinil. 1. to be off ba lanc e 不平均 , 失去平衡 2. to

sh ow f av or itism 偏愛,偏袒,不 公平

stay - to be e xh austed 很疲倦

stek - 1. to lit era lly cut * s ev er 字面 上指切斷 2. p ast ek - to

fi gur ativ ely cut s om ething * i. e. to m ake a d ecisi on 比喻 上指對 某些事物的決斷,就是做某種決定

lni ko ccay a nistekan a titi. - H ere is a pi ece of cut meat. 這裡


Mapastekto k。 sowal. - The m atter is s ett led I d ecid ed . 話已決

定, 事情已決定

0 nipastekanto a romi ' ad anini. This is th e d ay th at was

set 今天是決定的日子

Mapastekto i patay koya ciraraway a tamdaw一 That sinner is con demned to de ath . 那個罪人被宣判死刑

M apastekt。 i raraw kita o tamdaw. .,- We p eop le h ave been






condemned in sin. 我們人 類設定在罪中

stel - a piece that has been cut 切成一片一片的 , 切塊 狀 * to cut

a pie ce off 切 一塊 , 并塊

0 stel no titi k。nini. - This is a h unk of meat . 這 是肉塊 (這 是個

獵獲到的肉塊 )

0 mistelay cigra to ' ayam. - He is cutting the chicken’s throat

(to bleed it). 他切割雞的 脖子

Jsastel - a knife 刀刃

Sti I - 1. to hit * s Jap 打擊 , 摺 , 打 , 掌擊 2. figurati vel y to

discipline 喻上指訓練

Aka pisti『 to safa. - Don ’t hit your younger sister. 不要 打 弟妹

0 sasti' en no mama hananay ko wawa nira a misalof. - Fathers

must disci pline their children. 父親所以責 打 接子們是要管教他 們 , 為父者必須要訓練他們 的子女

stik一to set out to go fishing 獵物 , 出去捕魚、

0 mastikay ko kadafo ako. - My son-in -law has a habit of going

fishing . 我女婿著於 打魚 ( 捕魚)

sto 1 - 1. to come loo se from (錫頭) 脫落 , 解脫 2. to colla pse

from hunger literally or figuratively 指字面上或比喻上的 , 因飢餓


Ano misaliway to tolo a romi' ad ' i, masto' kita. - If we fast

three days we will be faint with hunger. 如果我們禁食三天 , 全 身就軟弱無力

Masto' to cigra to nika adihay no ni ' orogan nira. - He colla psed

from the heavy load he was carrying. 他搬運過多的東 西使他衰 弱疲倦

Masto' ko kawil no pitaw. 一 The handle came loose " from the

hoe. 動頭 的 柄鬆脫

stol 一to hit * bump against as when in an accident 打 , 拍擊 , 碰 撞,如車禍

Masastol kita. - We bum ped into each othe r. 我們互 相碰撞

Tahastol kami. - We stum bled. 我們被絆倒了

syoni - a nun * a sister * a Catholic woman committed to

celi bacy in serving God 尼姑,修女 , 天 主教修女 ( from Chinese 引自 國語 )




一a connect ive part icle mean ing and or then in qu ick /t ime success ion 文法連接詞 或在紐促的時 間內迅速完成

徊,dip - to over-lay * cover 覆蓋 , 舖’鍍

Pata ' di pen nira ko c ok oi to、im. - He overlayed s il ver on the

table. 他鍍銀在桌子上

的『enagan - cornerstone * the ma in foundat ion stone

石,石住地基 , 房角石

ta『gad I tadgal. l ight * d iffu sed w ithout reference to the

source 亮光 , 光明普照來 並未 指明其來 源

Awaayto ko to' man. Sata' gad sato imatini. -It isn ’t dark

anymore . It has turned l ight. 黑暗去了 , 黎明隨即而來

0 pata ' gaday to faloco' ita ko sowal no Kawas. - The Word of

God brings l ight to our hearts. 上帝的話 帶給我們亮 光

Ta『gad ko pisig nira. -H is face is al ight I he is happy. 他的臉上


徊,ig -to sw ing o 肘,s head or ha ir i. e . I. a water buffalo sw ings its head at its foe 揮動角以2. a g irl sw ings the ha ir out of her eyes 女我揮動頭變使不擋住眼睛

的,is -to sew * by hand or w ith a f!lach ine 縫合 , 縫 , 用 手 或機器


Mata ' is no ina ako ko riko ' ako. - My mother made my

clothes. fx母親已縫製了 我的 衣服

tata ' isan -sew ing ma ch ine 縫制機

ta『lif - to P<\SS by * to go on beyond 越過 , 超過

Ta ' lifen no palidig kako. -A veh icle passed me. 車子越 過了我

Ira ko Pita『lifan a Lisin no Yotaya a tamdaw. -The Jews have a

Passover feast. 猶太人有趣越節

Matata' lifto kita i lala『1. -We passed ea ch other on the road. 我

們在路上互 相交錯

徊,man I Ta' man . the name of an Am is v illage 長演鄉阻曼部落村

徊,mod - to swallow whole w ithout chew ing 未 經咀嚼就吞食食物

( 圓圓吞下

ta『nek - a state ·of s itt ing or leaning on someth ing that makes one

uncomfortable 衰坐著或傾斜時 感到 不舒服的狀態

Ta ' nekto kako a maro. 一I am unco mfortable s itt ing. (probably





s itting on something I am not aw are of or am not supposed to

be s itting on) 我坐 的很不舒服(可能 是因坐 在並未事先知道 的東 西 上面或因坐 在不想坐 的地方

ta 1 og - 1. to bow * show ing respe ct 鞠躬,表示敬意 2. to salute

* to nod to 敬禮 , 行禮 3. to worsh ip 崇拜,敬拜,禮拜

Maolah ko Ripon a tamdaw a mita' og. -J ap anese people l ike to

bow a lot. 日本人善於點頭 行體

Ta ' ogen ko sigsi iso. - Show respe ct to our te acher (by some

phys ical s ign). 向 你的老師敬禮 , 你要尊敬你的老師

0 pita『ogan a romi' ad anini. - T his is a day of worsh ip. 天是

主日 禮拜

0 pita『ogan a loma' konini. - Th is is a pla ce of worsh ip I

temple. 這是敬拜 的殿

0 tatapagan no sakacitaneg ko pita『og to Kawas. - Fear I

wors hip of Go el is t he beg inn ing of w isdom. 敬畏神是智慧的開


sel - to p ierce t hrough 穿越 , 深透 , 戳入

Ta' sel sa ko pi neg neg no Kawas. - Go d sees through (to the

inner parts). 上帝能看透我們的心

Mita ' sel ko rinom nira to kiftolay a rafir. - H is needle p ier ced

through th ick leat her. 他的針能刺透厚皮

tada - 1. a covering 墊子 as a saddlle for a horse 馬鞍 * a

cushion for a cha ir 椅墊

patada - 1. to be ready to re ce ive before the obje ct h its the

ground 東西接到地面 以前先舖上墊 子以策安然的接下東 西 2. to

hold so that the obje ct is in t he right pos it ion 舖上墊 子使東西 a saddle * a cus hion 墊子 , 坐構

- gold 金的 , 純金

tada' mi - b arley 大麥

tada﹒ I tada - a grammatical aff ix ind icat ing a great amount of or a

great degree of something in pos it ive or negative forms 指文法上 的附加詞表示肯定或否定形式 的重大或東 西的盛大 程度

mu ch. 他非常愛他的孩 子

Tada maolah cigra to wawa nira. - He loves h is ch ild very very




Tada o katalawan ko dmak nira. - What he is doing is ve η frighteni ng. 他的行為實 在令甚 為 害怕

tadah I ki》旬m . debt 債務 , 欠跟

Citadah kako to ccay a ' ofad a pays。. - I am in deb t I o we ten

thousand dollars. 我有 一萬元 的債務

Patadah kako cigraan. 一I let him be unkno wingly in debt to

me. 我讓 他欠 債 ( 借錢給他 )

M itadah kako to payso cigraan. 一I borro wed money from

him. 我向他借錢

tadamaan - 1. great 極大 2. wonderful . 奇妙 , 美妙 3. honor­

able * noble 可尊敬 , 正當 4. magn ificent 莊嚴 的 ,重 要

Tadamaan ko olah no Kawas. -God ’s love is great. 上帝 的愛 是

很偉 大的

0 tadamaanay a tamdaw cigra. -He is a noble I h igh rank ing

person. 他是偉 大 的人物


it up fancy.

Satadamaanen ko dmak. -Ma ke a big occas ion of the thing I do

。tadamaanay a romi ' ad konini. -Thi s is a special day. 天是

很特別 的日 子

Tadamaanay ko pipatahka nira. 一 He fi xed a very spec ial I mag ­

nificent meal for us. 他擺上很豐富 的喜宴

tadanca - 1. weak * no strength 軟弱 , 虛弱 2. not up to par * belo w standard 遠不到要求,標準以下

Tadanca ko tireg ako. 一I am not strong. 我 的 身體軟弱無力

Tadanca ko faloco『 nira. -He is hara s sed I feel s no courage. 他

不斷 的受外界攻擊困嫂,感覺沒有勇氣

Tadanca ko tayal nira. -His work is belo w par. 他的工作能力差

- to be ne w 重新, 換新 , 改新

patadas - to begin something ne w 重 新開始

cagra anini a misalorr叫 They are beg inning to build

a house . 他 們開始重 新蓋

Patadas cagra to αnah. 一 They are m akin g l and into a field.

們重新耕 地開拓

< tadek - 1. to e at dire ctly out of the pan in whi ch food is prepared

) * not using dishes 沒有 把食物預備 在盤子上而直接 從鍋中吃 2. to



he lp onese lf to , what is avai la ble * appropriate for onese lf 通合 於某人的方法幫助某人 3. to do something dire ct ly 直接 的做某事

Tad ek han nira a somowal. - He spoke d rie ct ly (to the

person) 他直接了當 的說( 對某人

Tadek sa cigra a komaen i lama ' niyam. - He eats at our house

( without giving anything or working) 他 ( 未付分文,未 做半 事) 竟 在我們家賴 著吃

tadem - grave * tom b 墳墓,埋葬

Matademto ko tireg nira. - He has been burie d. 他屍 體 己埋葬了 Tademen koya mapatayay. - Bury that de ad person. 把死屍埋葬 tadi 'ec - 1. to be ne xt to * lean against 幾乎 在一起 , 靠 的很近 2.

to depen d upon 依靠

Caay ko tatadi『ecen cigra. - He is not to be depen de d upon. 他

是 不能依靠 的人

Cima ko pitadi ' ecan iso anini? -.,.- Whom can you depen d on at

present? 你目前依靠 誰? 現在你能信任誰 ?

Matadi' ec no lama' nira kc loma' niyam. - His house is ne xt to

ours. 他家緊靠 著我們的 家

tadimocok I kalico' co - a corner 角落,隅 -

\( tadipi I 個di『ec. to 叫close to 靠近 , 依傍 , 依偎

, . Tata ' ag ko tali, saka tadipi sa kako i ' ogcoy. - The win d is blowing har d so I staye dclose to the huge rock 風吹 的很大 ,

所以我 靠 在大石頭過

tadiwic I tatiwid. to be une


tadiwid I tadiwic. to be une


evn in size or height 不平均 , 長趕 不 evn in size or height 不均 勻的 , 長但

tadkel - a chopping boar d 切菜板

tadkes - to speak directly to * scol ding 直說,直接責備,毫不含 蓄的譴責

patadkes a somowal - to speak bluntly P七責

tado - 1. an e xpression meaning what is the goo d of the fact

that 其意義 是指 對事 實什麼 是好的表示 2. to take w aht is a

for oneself 做對某人有搏益 的事

avi l ­

patado - to do for someone else so they don’t have to do it






themselves 代某人默默 的去傲 使 他們不必為 他 們該 去做

Tado o nika tayni i so. Awaay cigra. - It is too bad you came. He isn t’ here. 很可惜你 來的不時候 , 他不

lni ko kakaenen. Tado han a miala. - Here is food He lp

y uorselves. 這裡有食物 , 請便 自己取用 , 不 用客氣

Patado ci Yis tita�nan a milahci to dmak. Jesus did the work

for us ( we don’t have to do it). 耶穌 為 我們完成救贖 的工作

Japi patadoen cigra to d mak to saki wawa ak。. - Have him take

care of the matter for my chil d. 為了 我孩子之事情 , 請他幫忙 的dtad 一to rip out * as the stit ching in a seam 縫台線扯裂 with

literal an d figurative meaning 含字義與喻 意的 意思

Matadtadto ko kliw no riko ' ako. -The stitching has come out of

my clothes. 我衣服 的縫裂開

Tadtaden ko sowal no Kawas a mipatala to sapakimad. - Analy

ze I dissect the scriptures in preparation for preaching. 為預備

講道篇必須 把聖經節充分了解及注釋

taeroran - billo ws * a blo wing machine use d to smelt iron 巨浪

tafa I cidem. to be pointe d 尖銳

tafa ' I sdef. to dam a stream t者住河水

tafad -a disem

ob die d hea d g

toten in hea dhunting or wa r 出草或打

戰時 所獵得 的頭

Citafad cigra. - He g o a hea d. 他獵得人!iii

tafak - t obacc o 個絲

j pat撇- t ogive a 叩削e or 州ω分享香個圳喲,以香咽

J mitafak - to put to

abcco in a pipe 把個絲放在個斗上


tafal - to have flesh cut * as by a knife or machete 割傷 ( 被 刀


tafalog I Tafalog. the name of an Amis village 花蓮縣光復鄉富 田

p lant

菜心 ,嫩芽

tafdo 1 - ne w leaves and shoots of gro wth coming out on a

月A tafihaw I tifahaw. to fee l deserted 感覺孤單寂寞 *.as to sud

den ly be a lone after having a lot of company 如與眾同伴盡歡而散

後突然弧單 的感覺




tafo - to wrap up * to make a bund le 包裝 , 擱成一包

Tafoen ko codad iso a panokay. ,- Wrap up your books and take

them h

mo e 把書本包起來帶凶,表

Aka pitaf。 i falocoiso to kter. - Don’t keep anger in your

heart 不要把怨氣埋藏在心 裡

0 malo satafo konini. - This is good for wra

J. 的 ( 包 裝紙)

pping. 這 是用 來包裝

p剖afoan 一lun ch basket and its contents 便當 盒

tafOk I fonak. sand 細砂

tafokod - a fish net * a dra w net used in deep sea fishing 電害 ,

捕漁 用漁網,撒拖 在深海中的漁網

tafolod I dofot. a po cket book or

shoul der bag use dfor carrying betel nut or to ba o 用布製成的袋 子 (吊 袋 , 裝個草)

tafsiw - to pass by wi thout

stopping 經過 , 行 過 , 飛越不 做絲毫

机I ·,停留



I fogoh. 1. h

aed 頭 2. intelligen ce 聰明 3. mihtagal I

patagal I mika lo lo l. to wash hair 洗頭,燙 頭髮

O citagalay a wawa cigra. - He is a brilliant chi ld. 他是聰明的

孩 , 他是一個有才華的小孩

l ni ko malo tatagalan iso. - Here is a pil lo wI pla ce for your

head. 這是你的枕頭

o tagal no cinamalay - the engine of a train * head car 火車

Adada ko tagal ak。. - My head a hes. 我頭痛

tagasa I tahira I tahini. to arrive at jlj達

Ano hakowa ko katagasaan nira? - What time is he arriving ? 他

什麼時候 到 達?

I hakowa cigra a tagasa? - When did he arrive ? 他們什麼時候 到


Tagasa saho cigra. - He just arri

evd. 他剛 到達

tagcon - wooden tu bs for carrying ri ce seedlings 木製盆 (插換 用的

盒) ( from Amoy dia le ct 引自閩南語)

tagfor - the bells on festive costumes 鈴錯 (跳舞用之 鈴錯)



(J, i) t" tagsol

, �l' tagic -1. * expressed or unexpressed * grief 2. to

besee ch 哀求 ,懇求

0 tomagicay cagra. - They are crying. 他們 在哭泣

I faloco' ako ko tagic ako. -My grief is in my heart (not

expressed) 我內心 在悲泣

Tag ic aka ka haen i ka ' ayaw no ' alomanay. Dont cry in front

of everyone 不 要在眾人面前哭泣

Aka patagicen kako. - Don’t besee ch I try to for ce me. 不 要勉強

Tanotagic sa ci Tafiti a macokacok. David wept as he went up

hi ll. 大衛 一直哭著爬

tagiga I tagila. ear * ears 耳朵

tagiiw -tar 柏油

tagila I tagiga. ear * ears 耳朵

Tata ' ag ko tagila noya waco. That dog has big ears. 那隻狗 的




Mimig ko tagila no rinom. -The need le s’

sma ll. 針頭的孔很小

eye (ear) is very

tagkad I patagkad. the p lanet Venus 金星

tagki -to communi cate with the dead M童 ( from Amoy diale ct 51

λ 自閩南語)

0 misatag kiay cagra. They are invo lved in communi cating

with the dead. 他 們聘請自L量和死者交通

tago ' -to be broken 折斷

M atago' ko wa ' ay nira. -His leg is broken 他 的關脫臼

tago 1ol - to not have enough fe llo wship with a person * wanting

to be near them 沒有辦法滿足 對某人 的思念 ,依依不捨

tagol -an instrument for fishing 抓魚 的


tagola - to be m ute * una ble to

speak 啞嘸言,口吃

tagsol - immediately 立刻,馬 上

Yo pakatgil cigra t。nini a sowal ' i, tagsol sa cigra a l omowad. - Whe

he heard th s至e words he immediate







ly left 當他聽到這消息 , 他馬上起來 (起程)

0 tatagsolen k。nini a dmak. - This matte r must be ca erd fo r

immediate ly. 這件事必須要馬上辦

tagsoy I karafas. rain c lothes made out of pa lm p lant mate ira l 糞

( f orm Amoy dia le ct 引自閩南語)

tagtag - to cook * gene ir

te mr

煮,烹飪 的總稱

0 mitagtagay cigra to hmay. - He is cooking rice. 是 煮飯 的,

他是 廚師 ,他在 煮飯��' Matagtagto ko kakaenen ita. - Ou rfoo dis cooke d. 我們 的食物已


tahaco' co - to bump into (as w hen blin d 碰撞,樟擊 ( 如當瞎時 ) tahacowa - unt li w hen? how long? 李I]何時,有多長,有多久? tahadoy - 1. to float on somet hing 使東西漂浮 2. to be a lfoat 俘

Kacitahadoyan to sapad a talahkal. - Go to lan don a floatin

object 用俘食飄苦lj岸上

tahaf - to co

ev r 蓋起來 ,覆蓋

Tahafen ko kaysig 一 Co

ev rt he dishes. 把碗蓋起來

lcowa ko satahaf? - W he er

is the li ?d

蓋子在 那 裡?

  1. mikowanay ko Kawas to tahaf no kakarayan. - Go d is rule r

    o ev re

    ev yrt hing (lite arl ly o

    ev rt he co

    ev rof hea

    evn .) 上帝統治

    宇宙萬物 ( 字面上指 整個王國 )

    tahafikod I tahfikod. to stumble * t irp o

    ev r碰到障礙物, 被 絆倒

    Aka ka tahafikod a romakat. - Don’t stum ble walking 小心 走路

    k 不要被絆倒

    ka tahafikod a minegneg to dmak nira. Dont stum ble at

    what he does. 不 要因為 看到他 的行為 而跌倒

    tahanini - up unti l now 直到現在 See 參閱anini.

    tahapiga ' - to step on stool * manu er


    tahfod - ai -rbo nre dust * di tr

    blown by the wind 灰塵 , 塵埃

    tahic - 1. to he lp 幫助 ,協助 2. to get e

    evn in a positi ev

    way *

    pa-y ba ck 以積 極 的方法取得統 一 , 還清 ,付清

    Matatahic kita a mitifek. 一Let’s the t wo of us use a pest le and

    mi ll the g arin. 我們相互協助 樁米

    Mitahic kako i cigraan to pipadag nira i takowanan. - Iwant to




    get even with him for his he lping me. 因他 曾幫助,我要 的工

    的hidag - 1. to ca ll * to te ll to come 呼阱 , 呼召 2. to invite

    待,邀請 3. to address * to ca ll by name 口頭直呼名字

    Tahidagen ko wawa a patayni. - Ca ll the chi ld to come here. 把


    Matahidag kami a mikapot. - We have been invited to be a part

    (of an event). 我們被 邀請參加

    tahini - to arrive here (near the speaker 靠近說話 者) 到這裡

    I hakowa﹜<iso a tahini? - When did you a rrive here? 什麼時候

    到 達這裡?

    tahira - to arrive there (away from the speaker) 到達那 裡(遠離說


    Ano hakowa cigra a tahi ra? - What time wi ll he arrive there?他

    何時到達那 裡?

    \\ tahka一1. a meal 2. a feast mitahka 一to sit on

    haunches or chairs 進提

    Tadamaanay ko tahka ita. - Our mea l is very specia l. 們這一頓


    Patahkaen nira kami. - He gave us dinner. 他招待我們吃飯

    lcowa ko pitahkaan ita? - Where is our meal to be served ?放們

    在那 也進餐

    tahkal I sdak. to come to light * to suddenly be seen 出現,突

    出 ,突然看到

    tahkol I fahkol. 1. to throw out * throw away 拋棄,丟棄 2. to

    be thrown off * flipped 輕輕拂打 ( 灰塵)

    tahod - to ea t immediately when the food is hot 乘熱吃

    tahoriyac - to slip * slide on something s lick 滑倒

    tahpo - to cover over the top of something * as with a c loth 用布

    或 其他東 西覆蓋

    M atahpo k。pisig no fafahian i Alapo. - Arabian women’s f aces

    are covered over. 阿拉伯婦女的 臉部是 遮掩起來的

    M atahpo no to1 man ko faloco' nira. - His he art is covered with

    d arkness I he is i gnor ant. 他 的心被黑暗籠罩 著

    Tahpoen ko nipawalian namo a panay. 一Cover the rice you are






    drying. 把曬好的 穀子鋪蓋起來

    tahtah - more than enough 足夠,充足

    Kinatahtah cagra a ma 1 orip. - They lived in luxury . 他 們過著奢


    Patahtahen nira ko ifaloco ' ay nira a som。wal. - He to ld every­

    thing that he felt. 他把心理的 話全 部說出 來

    Patahtah cigra to ' orip. - He spent his money freely. 他 意地花t

    用他的錢 ( 他的 生活揮霍無度 )

    taipiyaw - to represent * a representa tive 民 意代表 ( from

    Chinese 引自國語 )

    taiwag - 1. Taiwan 台灣 2. Taiwanese 閩南人

    takag - a piece of wood or rock used as a stand for something to be placed on 墊,用一塊木頭或石頭, 使某東西站立在位置上

    Patakagen ko pakaysigan. - Put the cupboard on a stand. 把碗

    櫥墊起來 (使其 種困 )

    takah - to be unaccustomed to * feel strange 不習慣,生疏,陌生

    Matakah kako a komaen to hmay. - I am not used to eating

    rice. 我不 習慣吃米飯

    takal - not dense * not close together 間隔寬 , 稀稀落落

    .. t\ Mataka! ko pianip nagra. 一 They planted the ·rice plants far

    apart. 他們 括的 棋間隔很 寬

    1 takar

    - a sleeping platform in old style Amis homes made of

    bamboo poles 古代阿美族竹製或籐製台(林舖 )

    takaraw I『akawag. tall * high 高 with figurative as well as

    literal meanings 字面上和比喻上的 高

    Takaraw ko loma' nira. - His home is ta ll. 他的房子很高

    Aka pisatakaraw ko faloco'. 一Don’t make your heart tall / i. e.

    don’t be proud. 不要 驕傲,不要 趾高氣揚

    takaw Ikoliniw. 1. to stea l 備,偷 2. matakaw I ma’oxit一to crave 渴望 3. Kaohsiung· ( from Japanese 51自日語)

    Mitakaw ko payso niyam. - Our money has been stolen. 我們的

    錢被 偷

    Matakaw cagra to titi. - They craved meat. 他們 倫豬肉

    Aka pitakaw. 一Don’t stea l. 不要 偷竊

    takay ITakay. name of an Amis vi llage 花蓮縣五里鎮三民部落名





    jtakec 一 to embrace * to ho ld in o的arms 犧i1 ttl� !\使

    Matakec nira kako. 一She me . 她擁抱我

    Tiliden ni Pilato ko paya - Pi late wrote a

    sign and had it put on cross. 很住多寫一個罪狀牌釘在十 架上

    taker - to hind er * obstruct th e mov em ent of som ething 耽誤,


    M ataker nira k。 rakat niyam. - He hind er ed us from moving /

    going . 我們 的行 程被他 耽誤

    takid - 1. a win e cup 斟酒 2. a g lass 一杯酒

    Patakid cigra takowanan. - He s erv ed me I gave me win e. 他


    takini『- to hold or carry und er on e’s arm 挾在服下帶走

    takUg - a b el l musical instrum ent tied around th e waist and dang ling

    from th e sid e or hack 鐵製長撞鈴,此鈴掛在腰帶 上或 傍邊,行動時即發 出 很大的 響聲

    taknip - a coffin 棺木

    takod - 1. to jump 跳躍 2. to jump around *

    pranc e * danc e 跳來跳去,跳舞 ,跳躍 前進

    0M isatakotakod kami to lipahak niyam. - We

    - pranc ed with joy. 我們高興的 雀躍起來

    Mitakod cigra 旬,adipel. - He jump ed ov er th e

    fenc e. 他跳牆而過

    takodicay - a toad 蛤蜍 ( 較大的 蛙顯 )

    tak ofan I Tako fan. th e nam e of an Amis

    vi llag e 台東縣關山鎮德高部落名

    takogkog - to b eat drum in mourning 銅鐘

    takllg Jl製長鐘錄

    takogkogay - 1. a fish * Big-mouth F lound er (Ps ettod es

    er um ei) 大口鎳樹 2. th e p erson wh o b eat s drum in

    mourning 某人敲銅鐘

    takokog - to pick up a bowl of something and �at from th e big

    dish 把碗提起來喝湯

    m itakokog a mikohaw - to pick up a bow l of sou p and eat I drink

    th e contents 把整鍋學起來喝湯

    takola『-- a sma ll frog 青蛙





    Mitakota' 'cagra. -They were hunting for frogs. 他們去提青蛙

    takolaw - 1. throat 喉嚨 2. to gallop 馳騁

    Adada ko tak。law ako. 一 My throat is sore. 我喉嚨痛

    takolil - rabbit * rabbits 兔子

    takoliyaw I Takoliyaw. the name of an Amis village 花蓮縣玉

    里鎮高寮 部落名

    takololo -a species of bird * White·Backed Woodpecker 自背啄


    takomi I Takomi. the name of an Amis village 台東縣長清鄉 田組


    takomod - the fluff from blossom of a treE! used to make quilts 棉花倒取其木柯:毛製成棉被 1. Cotton Tree (Bomba x ceiba) 棉花 樹 2. Bougainvillea 九重葛(開紅花的熱 帶植物)

    takonol -to be hunch-backed 駝背

    takop - 1. to catch up with 趕上 , 追趕, 及時 2. to overtake be﹒

    fore tht: person or activity has left 人未離開或活動未 結束時即時留 住

    Matakop no isig ko adada nira. 一The doctor was able to treat

    his sickness in time. 醫生及時 治療他的病.

    cigra i' ayaw no pilaliw nira to niyaro' - Get hold of

    him before he leaves town. 趁他還投有離開 村莊前趕上

  2. ayawto cigra a lomowad. Takopen cigra. -He left ahead of

us. Catch up with him. 他已先走了 , 去追趕他吧 ! takos一to approach a person in order to call him to come 傳令,


atakosay -a messenger to bring ambassadors from another

village 特派員 , 傳達信息的人 , 天使

chief of a village 部 落的頭

takowanan - me * to me * for me 我,為 我

See Appendix -Pronouns 參閱附錄I 代名詞

taktak - to po.ur out of a container 把東西從容器中傾倒出來

的la -to wait 等待

Jp.atala -to prepare 準備

Matala ako ko kataynian nira a romi’ad. 一I can wait till the day

he gets here. 我可以等 到他來的那一



0 nika tatala ita ko ga' ay. - We should wait for each other.

們最好相 互 等待

Pakatala kiso hawCan you wait ? 你可 以等 嗎?

tRapitalaen cigra. -Have him wait. 科他 等待

Hinatala cigra anini. - He is waiting expectantly. 他 正殷切期

他 正翹首企盼著

Misitala cigra i lalan. -He lay in wait on the road. 他在路上埋伏

1>isitalaan 一 ress 惆堡 ,要

tala' ta 1 - 1. the sound of rain 雨、扇聲 2. the crackle sound of

somethii:g burning 喵啪聲 , 爆裂聲

talacay - 1. pineapple 鳳梨 2. a wild plant with mina ture

pineapples 野生的小鳳梨

的lacowa - 1. Wh ere are (you) going ? ( 你) 到那裡去? 2.

although 雖然

Talacowa kiso? -Where are you going ? 你要去那裡?

Talacowa o mafana ' ay cigra nikawrira awaay ko taneg nira.

Although he knows, he has no wisdom. 雖然 他是知識份子但是



agawan Itagarawan. roost er * male

的lahkal - 1. to come to shore * to come to the sur﹝ace 上岸 ,浮

上水的i 2. to be rev ea led 悄話 ;j. to appt·ar 出版,公開

Talahkalto anini ko tatiihay a dmak nira. 一,I'h e wrong he did has

come to light 他的壞事已搭話山來f, 他的劣跡t2 �£街來殺了

0 pipatalahkal to dmak iso ko ga ' ay. 一You should confess the truth about what you did 的:還是也正i承認的:1�r做自’j一切為上策

Talahkalto ko fotig. -The fish came to shore .(�ftj l:i少灘

0 tatalah kal ci Yis Kristo. - J esus Christ will appear. 耶穌基督即


talakal I tker. a metal trap for catching game 大形鐵製陷阱

talakal I tilo ni ldek - a rainbow 彩虹

talakes I tapad. leggings worn by women 婦女之綁腿布帶 talaktak - 1. a pounding headache 疼痛 2. the dripping of

w ater 水滴

J副椒恤,., sa ko losa ' nira. -Her tears dropped. 她眼淚直流下來

talalokan I talokan. a chicken coop 雞籠




talamagaw I talagawan.


-talamagaw a rooster 公雞

- to be afraid * to fear * generi term


to threaten

patalaw -

Matalaw kako. -Iam afraid . 我害怕


0 maan ko katalawan iso? - What are you afraid of? 怕什麼?

0 katalawan ko dmak nira. - What he is doing is dangerous. 他

的 所做所為 很危險

Patalawen 『1ira kako. - He threatened me. 他 威脅我 , 他 恐嚇我

talay - wash tu b 浴盆 ( from Japanese亨︱自日語)

talegteg - to t hrob with pain 劇痛

talem - the s harp edge of a knife 刀口銳利, 刀現銳利

Citalemto ko fonos ako. - My mac hete is s harp. 我的 刀很銳利

,·J�· Q 刊l Matalem ko sowal nira. - His words are tactless ( from an over-

" bearing s pirit). 他的 話一針見血,他的 話銳利

tales Itales. the dull edge of a blade 鈍 ( 不鋒利的)

Matales ko po ' ot nira. - His knife is dull. 她的小刀很鈍

) tali - taro * a tu berous food 芋頭


talid - 1. a bottle 瓶子 2. a jar 陶瓷容器 3. glass * generic

' I term for 玻璃瓶的總稱

taligafoh - in a hurry wit hout careful preparation 臨時抱佛腳,匆

忙的 沒有謹慎準備

Taligafoh sa cigra a lomowad a tayra i Taypak. 一 He left m a

hurry for Taipei. 他匆匆忙忙的 趕去台北

talik - to beat out glutinous rice to make bread. 樁懦米糕

talimola ' Isaynay. 1. to act childish toward a parent or any older

person when desiring attention 在 父母或大 人面前 撒嬌 引他們 注 意 2. to woo * to win with love * as a man pursuing a

woman 求愛 , 博得愛 , 如男人 求 女人

Caayto ka ga' ay kiso a mitalimola' to mama iso. - You shouldn’t

(any longer) act childish in front of your father. 你不應該再向 你父親撒嬌了

Talimola ' en ita ko Wama i kakarayan. -We act like children

toward our Father in heaven * i. e. we have a dose child­ parent relationship 我們 對天父的行為正如小致于對雙親的親暱

talip - a skirt 裙子(both Amis men and women wore skirts




美族在 慶典時男的和女的所穿的 裙子

talipa 'lal - to a waken out of s leep with

litera l and figurative meanings 從睡夢 中甦醒含有字面上 和比喻上 的意

Talipa' lalto kako anini to dmak nira. -

I fina ll y rea lize wh at he is doing. 我 終於 了解他的所做 所為

taliyok - 1. the perimeter * area around

the outside 璟 繞, 周圍 2. to go around 到 處走

ra11p m子

Taliyoken ni ra ko kitakit niyam a romakat. - He trave led a ll

around our country. 他 璟繞我們的國家 服行

0 taliyok no loma ' niyam knini. This is the perimeter around

our home. 這是我們家 的四周範圈

Mataliyok iso ko niyaro' no 'Amis haw? - Have you been


around the Amis villages? 你走 遍了阿美族的各落 嗎?

talo ' an - 1. a hut * a for use in the fie lds 工

寮:茅舍, 田 間的茅舍 2.'/ community meeting house 集會所

taloc - to be too late 遲到 , 太慢

M ataloc ko d『nak nira. - He wa s too late with what he di.d. 他做


talod - a ll kind s of grass * weeds * generic term 各種草 , 芒草的


Masiday nira i talotalodan ko toki nira. - He lost his watch in the

weeds and �rass. 他的手錶在 蘆葦叢裡 遺失

taloged I fataogi '. wood ears * lichens for eating 木耳

talokan - a chicken coop 雞籠

taloko I Taloko. the Taroko tri be 太魯閣族

talolog I ' alolog I 『agogol. deep 深,很深

talopiyak ·- to sit with legs s pread apart 雙腳閱叉而坐 * of

wom en an uns eemly positi on 一般指女人坐下的坐娶不雅

tama -1. find 尋見,找到2. I t pi’ to be right 正確,符合





Matama nira ko masidayay a riko' ako. 一 He found my lost c lothes. 他 找到了 我 遺失的衣服

Matama ko sowal ·is。. - What you said is right. 他說的很 正確

Tama han nira a mik。wag. - He shot the gun on targe t. 他 射

目標 ( 靶子)

tama 1 - meat gotten in a hunt 獵物

Citama1 to kita anini. - We got a catch of mea t. 今天我們 獲得獵

tamako -tobacco * cigare ttes 個草 , 香姻

切� 111e1.•\ vflitamak。- to smoke tobbaco I cigarettes 抽姻 tamana - cabbage 高麗菜 ( from Japanese亨︱自日語) 的marag -a large sea crab 大 螃蟹 ( 海中)

tamayan I Tamayan. name of Amis village 花蓮瑞德鄉瑞北部落

tamdaw - I. man * geheric for 人的總稱 2. human 人類 :i.

well be haved 高尚舉止

' Aloman ko tamdaw no Taiwag. There are many peo ple m

Taiwan. 台灣的人口很多

0 tamdaw aca cigra saka tadancaay cigra. -He is human so he

is· weak I doesn't live up to e xpectations. 因為 他是 人所以他很軟

Masatamdaw . koya wawa. -That child is well be haved. 那小孩子


'{3glatamdamdawen no mama kako. - My father disciplined me I

made me well beha ved. 我的父親教導我 做人 的 道理

Cima ko citamdaway tonini? -To whom is he related ? 位是誰


Malatamdawto ci Yis. 一1esus became man. 耶穌成為 人 ( 道成肉


tamek -to put in hot ashes 憫燒 ,放在 灰燼中憫燒如蕃薯

tamina - 1. small boa t 小船 2. generic for shi ps or boa ts 船或汽


pataminaan -harbor 渡船的碼頭

tamita I tatata . let’s go * a call to s tart out together 走吧 ! 呼招

別人 一起走的口頭語

tamiyanan - to us * us 我們 (not including the hearer) 對我




(門 , 包括聽者 See Appendix -Pronouns 參閱附錄 1 一代名詞 的mlac - to make c lean * shining 乾掙 , 潔 白

P�tamlacen ko c okoi. - Shine the ta ble top. 把桌子擦乾掙 , 把桌


c lean. 那小核子的很乾

ko pisig noya wawa. - The chi ld’s face is nice and

tamod - leaven * yeast used in making bread or rice wine 素 ,

酵素可用 來製麵包或製酒用

Citam。d konini a 1 pag. - This bread is made with yeast. 這個麵

含有 酵素

Patamoden ko sasaga' en iso a pag. - Leaven the bread you are

making. 把製作麵包 的材 料加點酵素

tamohog I kafog. northern word for hat or cap 帽子 ( 北部阿美

tamor I caloh I foraw . to be in a

tamorak I ciyak. ye llow squash 南 瓜

r- tamorog - to carry on the head or shou lder 扛在頭上或 肩上搬運

M atamorog 『iira ko tata' agay a koreg a minokay. - She carried a

large earthen vesse l home (either on her head or shou lder). 她 把大 缸用頭頂回家 ( 閑在她頭上或肩 上)

tamowanan - you (p lura l) 你們 See Appendix - Pronouns 參

,閱 附錄 I 代 名詞

tampo - 1. to 只ive a surety for 典當 , 典 押 ( from Amoy dia lect 引 自 閩 南 語) 2. to ha ve encl of one’s finger en larged 手指尖端部份


0 sapatampo to tadah ako konini a toki. - This watch is surety

for my de bt. 這支手錶是要拿去典押抵債的

tana - a square woven wool c loth u sed as a light- weight bed

covering 一個四方形 的 被蓋 ( 用 來睡覺蓋著的涼被) ( from Japane:.;e 引自日語 )

tana’ 一 Haze l Bott le Tree 香樁

tanam - 1. to try to do something 試驗 , 嘗試 2. to 個ste 品嚐 Tanamen ·konini a tayal. - Try to do this work. 試著做遺份工作 Tanamen k。nini a fa' lohay a kakaenen. - Try eating this ne w

kind of food 嚐嚐這新種類的




taneg 斗λ ’J?oc ( > . 八 11/?) 1. 11平 均f ,. ·;.句:

taneg - wi sdom that comes from experience and not from books 智慧,從經驗來的不是書來的智慧

Tadamaan ko taneg no mato' asay. - The elders have great

wisdom. 老人 家的經驗很豐富 , 老 人家具有鹽富的智慧、

0 citanegay a tamdaw cigra. - He is a person of wisdom 他是


1 0 matanegay cigra to tayal no misakilagay. - He is experienced I

skilled in working with wood. I He is a skilled carpenter. 他是

有經驗 的木匠

tanektek Itanoktok. to be strong * stable * esta blished * not easily moved * with extended meanings of good health 穗固 ,不

伸其意義為 好的健康狀況

久 }t � (L tJ

Tanektek ko katomiregan no loma ' niyam. -Our home’s founda­

tion is stable I strong. 我們家建的非常堅固

Tanektekto ko faloco' ako. 一I feel secure. 我的信心堅定

0 tanektekay a kilag konini. - T his piece of wood is strong.

是堅實的木材 ,.

Tanektek ko tireg nira. -His health. is good. 他的身體很強壯


Tanektekto ko katayalan niyam. -Our business is secure 我上班 、-

的公 司很種固

Patanekteken ko loma ' namo. - Sta bilize your house 鞏固 你們的


tanestes - t he good looks of clot hing * good style *

handsome 衣服 穿起來 整齊好看 , 威風凜凜

tanikay - a black cricket 蜍蟀

taniktik Itariktik. to step or do somet hing quickly and lig htly *

with dignity and grace 活潑,敏捷,快活 , 快的

tanod - 1. part of an ox’s harness * a wooden bar * a hitc h一個鉤

住摯形器具的東 西,與摯形器具結合 在一起的 工具 2. a club used for beating out grain or lentils 揖棒用 來鞭打稻穗或扁豆,木件

tanohtoh - t he good shape. of one’s legs 健美的雙腿 * right

proportioned legs * with reference to women . 均勻結實的雙腿指


tanoktok Itanektek. healt hy * well 結實,標緻 ’ 健康

Tanoktokto ko tireg ako. 一I am healthy and strong 我的身體很





tanoman I tara ar. a water container made from a gourd ’用 葫蘆

做成的水瓢 ( 盛 酒用 , 葫蘆製成 )

tanotireg - to be or go someplace without anything in one's hands

or person * to be stripped 隻身的 , 空手的 , 赤裸裸的

Tanotiretireg sato koya samiyay. 一 Only the body of the idol was

left (no limbs). 那個偶像只留下一具空殼

Tanotireg sa koya kapah a minokay. That young man came

home without anything in his hands (implied: he should have caried some firewood or brought some provision home when he came). 那年青 人 沒有 帶任何東西 回家空手 而回 ( 隱含地說 , 當他 回 家 時他將要扛一些 木柴或帶一些 食物回 家)

tao - 1. others * outsiders �Jj 人 , 邊 的 2. extended family mem­

hers (south) 延伸至 涵蓋家庭的成員 ( 南 部阿美語 )

Maala no tao ko palidig niyam. 一 Outsiders I strangers took our

vehicle. 我們的車子被別人牽走 了

Tayra cigra i taowanan a misalama. - She went to visit some

people. 他于lj別人 家去玩 , 他去拜訪別人

0 aolahen ita ko tao. - We are to love our neighbors. 我們應該


taos I raod. to meet 走近 , 挨近 , 會面

Taosen cigra. - Approach him. 接近

Matataosto kita. - We’ve met each

other I come together. 我們會合

了 , 我們 終於會面了

ta pa 1 - to cut flesh with a

knife 砍 , 把肉割傷

Matapa ' no fonos ko wa ' ay ako. 一

My legs got cut with a machete. 我的腳 被刀割儷

tapad 綁髓,,

Aka p﹒帥d to 'ada iso. - Don't knife your enemy. 不要砍殺你的敵人

tapac - to cut the bark of a tree off with a trowel (carpenters

instrument) 用斧刀砍剝樹皮

tapad 一個 apron with half legs tied at the waist and the knees 綁

於腰腿間分 叉之圍裙 ( 跳舞裝飾 ) , 綁腿褲




tapag - 1. lord * master 主 人 2. offical 官吏 * ru lers 統治 者 3. source 來 4. the base of 基部 5. the start of 起源 ,


0 Tapag ako ci Yis. Jesus is my Lord. 耶穌是我主

Taynito ko tapatapag a tamdaw. - Officials have come. 官方要員

已經束了 ,有 頭有 臉的人 都到齊了

lcowa ko tapag noya sowal? - Where did that message come

from? 那信息的根源、在 那裡?

lcowa ko tatapagan namo a loma 1? - Where is your family

origin? 你們 出身 在 那裡 ?

·.Satapag sa kita anini a matayal. - We start work today. 我們 今


Patapagen ifa ko wawa ita. - We get our c hildren engaged. 讓我

to all go together 全體出動 ,J勞師動眾 2. to

take a includ ing t he roots 連根拔起

tapal - 1. to o bserve * pass judgment on * oversee 瞭望 , 監

督 2. to iI)timidate 威嚇,思嚇 , 脅迫

Cima ko mitapalay tonini a katayalan? - Who oversees this

business? 是誰在 監督這 份工作

O Kawas ko mitapalay to dmak ita o tamdaw. 一 God oversees

everything we do. 上帝鑑察我們一切的行 為

Tatapal sa ko sofitay a romakat. - The soldiers a pproac hed each

other to intimidate. 部隊面 對面互相威嚇對方

ta hold something damp over t he fire to dry 標乾東

西 roast· over t he fire 烘乾

white mold or fungus-like growt h 霉 , 發霉

tapdoh - 1. I sair. to heal by incantation (the work of a

medium) 以妖術來驅遂病魔 2. s pecfi- cally to brea t he a divine blessing u pon 藉吹 一 口氣息來祝福

taped - very fine sand 細砂

tapes 一 1. I 叫臼遨豆証設 a winnow­

ing ba sket 籬翼 , 篩 綴揚殼物 自守圓

2. to winnow 吹閒 ( 殼物 自守 ) 慷皮


hatapes 篩子


tapesan - a winnowing floor 篩揚場

taporo _

tapi ’ 一 1. to work at the home of the man you hope to marry 在欲

嫁或娶對方家獻工 2. I lowid. to conquer * win 征服 得盼

M itapi ' ci Yakop ci Lakiran aci Liyaan. - Jaco b worked to get

Rachel and Leah as wives. 雅各 為娶拉結和 利亞獻工

tapic - to roll up clothing * .as to roll up trousers 露面 tapid - 1. to mend * patch 縫補 , 修補 2. to repair 居慣 , 補 tapi怡, - a basket * a basket in which cooked rice is placed 籃

籬 , 小籐邊

tapiror - 1. to lay on its side 傾倒 2. to be

bankrupt 倒閉 , 破 產

tapiyas - to spill out from being tipped over

* as liquid from a tipped over kettle 溢

出, 氾出 ,氾 檻

taplig - pancreas 棋臟 taplla ’ 小接過

taplik - waves of water 海浪

tapnih I toknih. to be tipped over losing the contents 傾倒 ,

倒 , 倒 出

Matapnihto ko dagah ako. - My frying pan has tipped over. 我

的鍋手翻倒 了

tapod - 1. for body to be soiled 全身 都被污穢 2. for things to be soiled �! l剖 才� f皮(']織 :i. for face to be stained It﹜t﹜king * as that

O﹛ an old pers﹛﹜n whos

J在 人的皮 II可.失去 I正常頡色

的 podo - to veil * a veil 面 包頭 巾

Citapodoto ko pisig ni Mosi. - Moses' face was veil削I. 瞳西的臉用布遮掩

0 tapodo no fa ' lohay a malo fafahi

konini. - This is a bride’S veil. 這


tapokaw - mold from dampness 霉

taporo - a hill * hills 山坡地 , 小 山丘

taporo ci Yis _a mapacek i ciwcika.

一 Jesus was crucified on a hill. 耶

!. 穌在 山坡上被釘在十字架上

精 心I'

‘長 特、

心、 315

rapodO •m




tapowaray I Tapowaray.

Masataporo ko omah niyam. - Our fields are hilly. 我們的田地 高低不平的 山丘狀

tapowaray I Tapowaray. name of an Amis . village 台東縣長演

俱來部 * from powar - gushing, referring to a spring

in the mountans above the village 台東 縣長演鄉大 俱來部落 , 或許 因泉水冒 出而 得名

1 i.I?- taproc - a nickname given to a person who is always thinking

about food 給貪 食的人一 個綽號

tapsi' - to throw out so that it splashes 潑水

Matapsi' no citosiya kako. - The car splashed (muddy water) on

me. 我被 車子掘出來的水弄濕

tara 'ar Itanoman. a water container made from a gourd 盛酒


的rac - 腹瀉 2. to clean up by sweeping 清掃

﹜立I肢 ,

Matarac cigra anini. - He has dia rrhea at present 他正在腹瀉

Taracen. - Clean up * sweep. 打掃 , 掃除 , 清 潔

的rag - to be hot from being near heat 烘火 , 烘烤 , 烤 火

Matarag no cidal kako saka matokatokto kako. 一 The sun has

warmed me up so I am sleepy. 我被太陽烘熱而慾睡

0 pitarag to masgeray a riko' iso ko ga ' ay. - You should qry

your clothes (by the fire). 最好把衣服烘乾

taragitag - rose-colored 粉紅色 , 薔薇色的

tararoan Ikapowa - a small bamboo basket for holding betel

nut 竹籃 , 或籐編製成的 , 盛檳椰或餅乾

tarawid - a round trip distance that can be walked in a single

day 來回一天 可走完的路程

Matarawid koya niyaro' . 一 That village can be walked to in a day

(and return home the same day). 那村莊以一天路程可 以走到

( 回家也相 同 )

tared I takag. to put a wedge in between so that the thing is

stable 模子填在空隙中使物牢固

Tareden ko kawil no pitaw. - Put a wedge in the connection

between the handle and hoe. 把動頭柄填 入模子使牢固

tarifaso - a large flat shallow basket made of reeds with a lid *




for .storing clothing 大而平淺的籃子用蘆葦草做成的且有蓋子 , 是用 來裝衣服的

tarig - to pile * stack high 堆積 , 重疊

Tarigen ko 1 asisiw. - Stack the straw. 把稻草堆積起來

Tarigen ita i kakarayan ko malo dafog. - Let us pile up our treasures in heaven. 把我們的財寶前存在天上

tarigtig - to be firm and stand s without bending 堅硬且直接 Tarigtig koya 1 aol. - The is firm and tall. 那根竹子長的


Tarigtig koya panay. - The rice is strong and firm. 稻子很堅硬

tariktik I taniktik. to walk lightly and with grace as a deer steps high 很靈活 , 很輕快 , 很敏捷

tariwid I tariwil. to fall over from being off bala nce *

unsteady 昏頭轉向

711t\ tariwil - to be unsteady * stagger as when drunk 搖擺 ( 因酒醉開

步不穗 , 走路東倒西 歪)

tarnes I tnes . to spend a long time in considering and doing something 發很長的時間在思考和做某事情上

tarodo ' - 1. fingers 手指頭 2. toes 腳趾

taroh - to drag along * pull 拉 , 拖拉

tarokos - 1. an ambassador 大使 2. Amis biblic al use apostle 阿美族聖經用 法是指使徒

0 tarokos ni Yis Kristo ci Pawlo. - Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ. 保羅是耶穌基督的使徒

0 tarokos no niyaro' cigra. - He is a village representative I

ambassador. 他是部落的代表大使

�I tarpes一(with ’。叫) . a gentle rain 細雨

- a harlot * prostitute 妓女 賣 淫

tastas - to be torn apart * parts disengaged from each other 分

解 , 破壞 , 拆開

Matastasto ko kikay n。 citosiya ako. - My auto engine is broken down . 我車子的引擎損壇 了

Tastasen nira ko kikay a mikilim to samo' . - He took the. engine

apart looking for the trouble. 他把引擎拆下找 出 故障之原因 .




tata I tatata 令t� llt. k

/ taiaia'. let’s go 咱們走吧 !

' ak. big * large 大 , 巨大 with figurative as well 的 literal meanings 包含比喻上和字面上的“大”的意義

Tata' ag koya Iona『). That ship is very large. 那艘船很大 Tata' ag ko adada nira. - He is very sick. 他的病很嚴重

Tata' ag ko olah nira toya wawa. - His fove is great for that

child. 他對那孩子的愛很深

Satata ' agen ko loma' namo. - Make your house bigger. 把你們


tata 'ak I tata ' ag . big * large * great 大 , 巨 大 Tata' ak koya fotig. - That fish is large. 那條漁很大

Tata ' ak ko cidal. - The sun is high I noon time. 陽光強烈 , 艷陽


Tata ' ak ko fa ' det. - It is very hot. A﹔氣 很悶熱

Misatata1 akay kami to loma' niyam. - We are making our house bigger. 技們 在擴建我們的房于

tatafik - 1. Seven Gilled Shark 2. Cow Shark * Mud Shark 鯊 魚 3. I kakitan. large beans including the pods 大豆包括 ( 豆 )

,.9 I ,� (o. I I 英

tatahciw - Black Drongo * a species of bird 紅嘴黑鴉

轉的說是臭味 , 發 出 惡臭的

品f�4ic ﹔ smell

tatahgan - outhouse * toilet 廁所 * a euphemism for bad


tatamaan - the source 來源 , 原 因

maan ko tatamaan no adada nira? - What causes his illness? 他病因是什麼

O tatamaan nonini a kikay koy picocokan to tigki. The power source of this machine is the electric plug. " 電源插座就是 引擎發 動的根源

偷偷偷 I tamita . let’s go * a call to start out together 咱們走 , 招

呼大家一起走的 口 頭語

tatextex I 『 op ' opay. a large frog 大青蛙

tatig - to hang * dangle 懸掛 ’ 吊

tatigih - a species of earthworms * white * a parasite of sweet potatoes 一種有害的幼蟲

tatiih - 1. evil * bad 邪惡 , 不薯的 2. not good 不好的

Li.大t'-�\ •,



tatoy I tatlw I ’awlt�

Tatiih k。 goyos nira. - He spreads gossip. 他是善於撒播謠言的人 Tatiih ko faloco nira. - His heart is evil. 他居心不良

Tatiili ko harateg ako. - Idon’t feel good about (something. 我

很不高興 , 我對 ( 那些事情 ) 感覺欠佳

Yo pakatgil kako 'i satatiih sa ko harateg ako. - When I· heard

that, my attitude changed.

Aka pisatatiih takowanan. 一’ Don’t do m巳 wrong / be mean to

me. 不要誤會我

0 tatiihay a tamdaw cigra. - He is an evil person. 他是邪惡自守 人 Tatiih ko romi ' ad anini. - 1. This is not an auspicious day. 今天

是不好預兆的 日子 2. The weather is bad. 今天天氣 不好

tatiplok I tiplok I padakopak. paper * writing paper 紙張

tatiniir - a species of fish 一種特別的魚

tatnaan - the bottom of 深底

o tatnaan no riyar - the ocean floor 海底 , 海 林

o tatnaan no pa' tag - the bottom of a bucket 水桶的底

tato ' lep - sea clams 蛤酬 , 蛤 貝

o. tatodog - 1. the essence of something 東西的本質 * the meaning 意義 2. the center * · core 中央 , 核心 3. with ma-. to be adequate * fitting * to represent well 字前加 ma 表示切合之 意: 4. portion 部份 , 某某 人的份

0 maan ko tatodog noni ni a dmak? - What is the meaning of

this affair? I What is this all about? 這f卡車的意義是什麼 ?

Matatodogay ko tayal 川的. - His work is adequate I suitable. 的工作很正睞 , 他的工 作I台 到好處

Caay ka tatodog ko dmak nira. - His act is unbecoming. 他的行

為太離譜 了

lcowa ko tatodog ako? - Where is my portion? 我那一份在那裡 ?

Ma' pod cigra i tatodog no katomiregan ni Yis. - He came down right in front of Jesus. 他剛好在耶穌站立的地方下來

tatokem - a wild leafy vegetation gathered by the Amis and

cooked as a vegetable 黑仔菜

}!,� tatood - everyone in the group included * all go 團體的每一成

員 , 全部一齊走

tatoy I tatiw I 『 awit. to hold * have in one's hand 提 , 拿 , 取 ?至1