

ceased to exist 以為,怎麼,文法上的助詞,指已不存在的想法

0 widag ako cigra na $a k。 harateg ako. 一I had thought he was my friend. 我以為他是我的朋友

natawran - name of an Amis village and clan


naw -why? 為什麼?

、Jnawiro I mana? -Why? 為什麼呢 ?

J nawhani -because 因為

nawhani -because * for 為了


nawnaw - 1I.naop. to be swamped * surrounded by water j祟

游/淹沒 2. to float 漂流

Manawnaw ko loma ' niyam. -Our house is swamped. J兒fl11J的家


Manawnaw ko tamina. -The boat is floating. 船在漂流

nayar I nayat. to stretch * pull out * extend 延期/延伸 , 延長

panayar to rom i ad -extend the time (before an event begins)的 間延期

nayat -to pull something that stretches * to stretch 伸縮狀

.J panayatI panayar to rom i' ad - to delay the time for an event to take place 要延期時間,暫緩的發生

Manayat ko romi ' ad. - It will B、e a long time yet. 日問延長 ,還


Minayatay ko soni no la 1 pa. - The trumpet blew long. 喇叭聲傳 的很遠,喇叭聲拖的很長

necnec / to rub pne’s eyes 揉,用手揉眼睛

negneg /hinig I Mlaw. to look * see 注視,窺視,

Negnegen kak。 Look at me!看著我

0 pinegneg iso ko ga ' ay You should look and see. 你最好還是 看一看

taneg 叫an - something to look at and get an idea from 樣本,

J 參考書籍,藍圖

neknek - to be settled * as dirt in the bottom of a . pan of

water 沉澱

alinekto settle easily (of伽in water)輕易的沉澱下來

Jpa ilnekneken - to make water settle 使之沉澱




nemnem - a spr n i

go fwa

rte 泉水,水源

i外1fak I dfak I rinafo. to befurro wde


ngaw I cgaw. to telslo moen etoop ne

shi eyes吽某人睜開眼睛

Ngawen k。 mata iso - Opne your eyes 請開你的眼

nigra I nira.

shi * hrse

他 (她)的 * by himor hr e

(她) SeePronouns - App ned ix 1. 參閱附錄I代名詞

nihar - da

nw * ear y l

morn n i


\.ani ha ran - the timeo

df a

nw 破曉時分

』仰ani ha rI moni har ko dafak . 一 The morn n i

da wng.清晨剛亮,清晨正值破曉

gis(n i a s a t

teo f)

nika - a gra mma taic

l mar kre

d i nti

g文法上的用語指 1. the

s a t

teof so metnhi

某些事情的狀態 2. theop nen i

gtoa d


d ne

t aus e話承上轉接到獨立句子 3. s

ohu d l 應該

0 nika f an a iso tonini ko ga ay . Your kno w g tshi

good I

You s

ohu d l kno w 你應該知道這件事


M afan a' cig ra to nika i ra ako - Hekno wIs a m hre


nikar I nihar. da

nw * whne

the rfi st lighot f pr dea nw

bengsi to

/ app aer 黎明 ,當黎明前的第一道光芒出現時

k anika ran - the timoe




nwby ws e rtne s antdards 破

./m anik ar -to be(n i a s a t


  1. a

    nw 天亮,起來的很早

    nikaw - man i w. tohun tfor food by hard labor 缺乏,貧

    窮 baecus eof bnei

    ginwan t因他 沒有得到所需

    o manikaw ay I pakoyocay. a poor p

    rseon 貧窮的人

    nikawrira - bu t* a lo gaic


    l nn ecvti oe

    f othu ght但是,邏輯上聯

    nikiw - togo

    rthou gh theposs sse oni s o fano thr ep e iec byp iece

    lo onki

    g r so

    em thing totake* to steal 翻動別人的東西找尋要偷

    to be dissatisfied * to feel that something is

    1. 參閱附錄I代名詞

    nima - whose? for whom? 是誰的? See Pronouns 」Apepnd ix






    Ono nimanima konini ? - Wh ose { pl ural) are th ese? 這些西是誰



    ninip - to sip * to take a sm all sip of liquid嚷飲,一點一滴的喝


    A al n in in in ip han ko oini a tak id. - All you dri nk a sip fr om is

    cup. 所有的每一個人都要環飲這杯酒

    nira I nigra I no mira. h is *

    ehrs 他(她)by h im or

    her 藉若他(她) S ee P ronouns -A ppendix 1. 參閱附錄I代名

    nirnir - to move clo ser and closer by stag es 愈步愈矩,慢慢靠近

    Pani rni ren ko wawa ako a papitilid - H elp my child first so he

    can get into a (g oo d) school. (T he perso n being requested has

    o ther children to help.) 請你幫助教導我的孩子好讓他(她)能升 上較好的學校(這個人請求別 的孩子幫忙)

    ' nisnis - to cut * clip o ff sho rt (g rass) 割草,割田墳的草 nitiih / lmed. to dream when sleeping 夢

    niwaniw I kapkap. to hand cultivate rice plants 除田的草

    pulling o ut weed s fro m th e mud 在泥中拔除雜草

    niyah I no tireg. 1. personal * belo ng ing to one’s o wn self 自己

    的,各人的 2. the ego * self 自我

    Ono n iyah a ha rateg ko dado' doen One should fo llow his per­

    so nal o pinio ns I ideas. 要按照自 己的想遵行

    o wn prayer. 我們各自 禱告

    I Paytmek kita a mitolon . - Let us each pray h is

    niyam - ours ( excluding the hearer)我們的 * by us

    們 S ee P ronouns -A ppendix 1. 參閱附錄I代名詞

    Too ren ko ha rate g niyam 一 (You) foll ow our ideas. 請你順從我


    Matoo r niyam ko sowal is。- 一F ol lo wed by us your words. I We

    did wh at yo u to ld us. 我們已按你的旨

    niyani' I seksek. to sh ake so th at ·c ontents settle down 搖動麻


    niyaro to wn * v illage * city 部,村莊,城市

    kasaniya ro' - all the v ill ag es * e;i ch and ev ery v ill age 各地方,


    Tay ra kita i n iya roa ro' n。 'Amis. -L et’s go to th e A mis





    v ill�g es. 讓我們一道去阿美族部落

    paniyaro' an - a pla ce to esta bl ish a v illag e wh en th e g roup mov es 部落的所在地,部落的位置

    nker - to rn ss down firmly an d h old * to p in down 被壓倒


    no - a g ra mmat ical pa rticle * of * by 法上的屬於或憑

    依據 經等法 S ee G ra mma r - A pp en dix 2. 參閱附錄E

    no1no1 - to dig in to th e cen ter l eav ing a h ole as an in sect ma king a h ole in a tree 挖留下個洞孔 蟲在樹上挖口洞穴

    nohir - to. cra wl on th e g round f rom being hurt or sick or drunk or

    hay ing f eel ings hurt 指受傷或酒醉者在地面的塵埃爬行

    noka - to ma ke th rea d or twine 搶、線或編織

    nokay - 1. to return to sta rting p oint 回到起點 2. to return h ome 回家

    Minokay ko wawa ako - My ch il d is g oing h ome. 我的核子回家

    Pan okayen ko wawa ako - Take my ch il d h ome ( ca rried). 請帶


    νPapin。kayen ko wawa ako. - Ma ke my ch il d go h ome. 讓我的改 子回家

    noli - pa ste * gl ue 漿糊

    nona I nonini. of th is * by th is 這個/憑這個 S ee P ron ouns

    App en dix 1. 參閱附錄I 代 名詞

    noneg - to trea t someth ing with ca re so it is n ot b roken or wa st ed 細心處理使其不毀損與浪費

    nonini I nona. . this * of th is * by th is 這個, 屬這個,依據這

    個 S ee P ron oun s - App en dix 1. 參閱附錄I代名詞

    nonoh - to scroung e * to ta ke something someone el se ha s thrown a way and keep 按拾別人丟掉的東西加以利用(廣物利用)

    nonol - the l ower leg * f rom knee to an kle 從膝蓋到腳踩之間的小

    nonor - to g rad ually get what is needed wi也no extra 逐漸的


    203 人/


    nora I norlra.

    0 panonor - to imme diately do wh at can be done as av ail able 立即



    nora I norira . of th at * by th at 屬於那個,憑那個


    See P ron ouns - Appen dix 1. 參閱附錄I代名詞


    O wawa noranan a tamdaw cigra . is the child of th at


    pe rson ( ove r the r


    norira I nora. of that * by th at 屬於那個,著那個 See P ro­

    nou ns - A ppe ndix 1. 參閱附錄I 代名詞

    nornor I nirnir. to gradually move cl oser by stages 逐漸* to approach old age 如年紀愈來愈大 * as to gradually pay a de bt 如債務逐漸還清

    noya - of the * by the 屬於這個,憑著這個 See P ro nou ns一

    -A ppe nd ix 1. 參閱附錄I代 名詞

    。ciya -Tea P lant ( Came llia sinen sis)茶 ( from Japane se亨︱自

    日 語)

    。cor - to se nd 差遣

    0 niocor an no Kaw as ci Yis. Je sus was se nt by G od. (]e sus is

    the se nt one.) 耶穌是上帝所差遣的

    M aocor no Kaw as ci Yis. Je su s was se nt by G od. (G od is the

    actor and Je sus the re cipie nt.) 上帝派遣耶穌/耶穌被上帝差遣

    Ocoren no Kawas ci Yis. God sent Jes us. G od ac ted up on )

    Oco ren ko waw a iso. -

    nd your ch il d. 請派你的孩子去


    Je sus in se nding. 上帝派遣耶穌


    0 nipiocor to w awa iso ko g a' ay

    Y ou shou ld send y our

    son. 最好是保你的孩子

    aoco ren - one to be se nt * apostle 受派遣的人!使徒

    。do' -:- amber * jade * pe cious st ones 弱翠瑪施

    ofag -a hole 洞

    ogog - to sob * cry audibly 嗚咽,哭泣

    okag - a bul l * male cow 公牛 male water buff alo 公水牛

    \uYY ram 公羊

    okos - to act l ike one knows when he does not 炫耀,誇炫

    扭扭h - f. to li ke 喜歡 2. to l ove 愛 3. kaolah I p akaolah

    re ward 報酬,獎金

    � kaola han - some one or some th ing love d 喜歡人或物




    ()11 rt"


    ( k。wawa your child. 要愛你的張子

    a wawa cigra. - 1. He is a loveable child. 他是值得被

    愛的孩子 2. He is a child that must be loved. 他是必須愛的

    Cl 孩子

    J. relax.

    -vMao al


    h kako a tayra a misa al m 似﹒ I like to go (there) and

    Pakao al

    he n koya wawa. - Reward that child. 要獎賞個小故


    olat - 1. tendons 筋鍵 2. blood vessels 血脈

    olatek - to do too hard * to do something without restraint

    量, 超量 , 過份

    vM ao lat ek k。 pisti ' ni ra t。 wawa. - He beat the child

    unmercifully. 他 鞭打致于很 過份

    oles - a wolf * wolves 野狼

    。lif - biblical term for olive tree 橄欖樹 ( from Japanese 引 自 日

    語 ) See the Amis word katop參閱阿美語文katop

    olili - a command to go or leave 去吧! omah - field * farm 水田,田地

    .Jmaoma h - 1. to work in the field * to do farm work 耕種 2.

    extended meaning in the South is to do any kind of work * to

    work on the job 在南部阿美族擴大其涵義為就任何職業/就業

    aoma hay - a farmer 農夫

    吋kalioma han - a specific piece of farm land 農忙時期

    Paka oma hen cigra to oma h ako - Have him cultivate my fields. 吽他耕種我的田地

    'fioma h - many fields 擴大的田地

    omi - 1. Plum tree (Prunus mume烏梅 ( from Japanese 引自 日

    語 ) 2. Formosan Rhododendron 梅花

    omi ' - 1. pliable * flexible 柔軟的,易曲的,柔順的 2. to be withered 凋謝,衰退 3. to have no strength 沒有體力,軟弱無 力

    m aomi' ko fal oco『 - agreeable in spirit 仁慈的心

    ona I onini. this 還是 See Pronouns - Appendix 1. 參閱附錄I


    onaon - maonaon. to be slow moving * of water 水的流勢盡量慢

    onih I fao. all insects and reptiles * a catagory for living




    onini Iona.





    P. 'lt1


    oninl I ona. this 這是 S�e Pronouns - Appendix l. 參閱附錄I


    。nol - paonol I pakonira. let do by oneself * not interfere with *

    not be involved in 護某人任 意去傲 , 任其隨心所慾去作 , 不干涉


    oo ' I wa'ay. leg * legs , 下肢

    opih feathers 羽毛

    勤快 的工作者

    opoh I dopoh.

    to be a fast hard worker 迅速成

    : ..; M aopoh cigra. - He works fast and hard. 他工作勤勞叉迅速

    ) D opopay - a species of frog * large frog 大青蛙’俗稱田雞

    oraf I patlas. to do a task any way * not correctly 對工作 不負

    orasaka - a logical connective meaning so

    therefore 所以 ( 連接

    責 , 不確實 * also refers to speech 也指隨便亂說話


    詞 )

    Awaay ko ratoh to pakayniay to iloma ay ako. Orasaka maroray kako a miharateg. 一There is no news from home so I am

    worried. 我沒 有得 到家 裡的消息所以我很難過 ( 不安 )

    orat - to be confused *. muddled * not clear in thinking 混亂,

    Kaoratan ko sowal nira. - What he said is confusing. 他說的話令

    人模稜兩可 , 他說的話令人摸不著邊兒

    oray - a light-weight blanket 毛毯

    orira I ora. that 那個 ora is a shortened form of orira. * ora 是

    ori凹 的簡寫 See Pronouns - Appendix 1. 參閱附錄I 代名詞


    t令aoror I pacoracor. to persuade * force to do something

    wrong 促使 , 催促 , 強迫 做錯事

    osa - approach 走近 , 接近 , 挨近

    miosa - to approach a person 自 動走近異性

    -.{>aosa 一 to take food to someone as to workers in a field 將飯盆

    送給在田 裡工 作者


    - to be late * slow in arriving or doing something 遲鍾 的 ,

    ota' - vomit


    接慢 的 ( from Japanese 引自 日語 )


    sakaota1an - to be nauseated 想吐 , 將要嘔吐


    pi I pakpak.





    Maota ' kak。. - vomited I I am vomiting. 我嘔吐

    Jota ’en . Vomit (a command). 吐 出來

    oy - 1. 'an exclamation meaning-“it’s me.” * “I’m here. 呼域之

    2. to catch the attention of a person by talHng 呼城引某入 注意

    oya - the * a definite particle 那 , 定詞 See Grammar - Appen­

    dix 2. 參閱附錄H文法

    Oyananto ko dmak nira. - He·· is doing the same thing I no change. 還是那個樣 子 , 他的工依然不變

    pa 'anifog I Pa『anifog. name of an Amis village 台 東興昌 , 阿美

    族 部落

    pa’cas - with negative * meaning to seek a temporary solution 用


    Awaay ko pa' casan no faloco' ako. I feel there is no way to

    resolve (this situation). I i. e. no open door. 我的心實在無 法下定 決心

    pa1el - 1. to influence the feelings of影響對某事的憨覺 2. to make

    feel sleepy 令 人憨覺昏昏欲睡


    Mapa ' el no folad cigra. 一 He was moonstruck. 他 設月亮著迷

    Mapa' el no sapayo cigra saka mafoti ' to cigra. He was anesthe­

    tized so he went to sleep. 他 被藥麻醉 , 所以 他一直在睡著

    pa ' Hasen I Pa 'Hasen. the name of an Amis village 花蓮縣瑞穗


    pa1kel - 1. literally to put down or hold so that something doesn't


    move or blow away 字面上指壓住或握住東西 , 使其能動彈或 被, 風吹 走 2. figuratively to control and restrain freedom 比喻用於 控制和限制 自由

    Mapa ' kel noya tamd aw kako . I am controlled by that

    person. 我被那個人控制 得毫無 自由

    pa『nan I paenan. 1. the floor of a room 地板 2. the entrance

    way into a building ( North北方阿美語 建築物的大門

    pa 1 no - 1. the seed inside of a fruit 該子,種子 2. the egg from

    an ovary 卵巢 3. sperm 精液 4. clitoris 陰蒂,該5. Adam’s apple 喉結

    pa 1 pa I pi 'pi I pakpak. 1. to clap hands 鼓掌,拍手 2. to hit on






    →� V'I r』


    the shoulder as a friendly gesture 拍別人 的肩膀表示友愛的態度

    a1pa1 - L to .chew * the action j�w� anp teeth in ch.ewiiig阻

    嚼,頸部與牙齒 的動作 2. a dipper for meast,u:ing rice 量米的約

    3. a gourd used as a water container 用來當作 裝水 的葫蘆.

    pa 'tag - a, bucket 水桶,made from wood and of various types 各

    式各樣 木製 的水桶


    pacahfak - 1. to spread out something to lay onas a cloth .or

    coat 攤開衣物披掛 在某物上擊打 2. to spread ,out for a cover 攤 閩東西以覆蓋 3. to take someone through an area that-1 has no

    path 帶人橫闖沒地方

    pacako I paca ’of. to answer * reply 回答,答:覆

    pacarcar - to be in a tem porary state 居於暫時狀態rf:i * with regard to sta yin g 暫時逗留 * sl eep ing 躺臥休息

    thinking 思想

    thinking. 我臨時思潮他湧

    Pacarcarho ko harateg ako anini. - I am in a state of ﹛lux in my

    o-C"-l.J Pacarcarho kako a mafoti'. 一I am going to sleep a few minutes. 我暫時睡一下(一會兒 )

    0 mipacarcaray kako a maro『 itini. - I am staying here

    temporarily. 我暫時 在這 裡逗留

    J - a nail * nails 鐵釘,釘子

    - to nail * hammer a nail into 鐵釘,釘子 ,打釘,釘住

    J kapacekan - place where nail is placed 被鐵釘刺的地方

    pacfa I patras. 1. to make up a story 隨便亂講 * to not tell the

    truth 說假 話 2. to do something incorrectly getting another into trouble·做不正當 的事情 , 使別人遇 到困難

    Aka pacfa to sowal. - Don’t �alk off the top of your head I make

    up a story. 不要隨便 說話

    Pacfa ko dmak nira. - He did the thing altogether incorrectly leaving trouble behind him. 胡作非為

    paci 'Ci - to force * insist on doing though not suitable or

    reasonable 勉強 堅持去做不適當 或沒理性

    Aka paci 1 cieri ko faloco' ako. _;_Don’t force me (my heart). 不要 勉強 我的,心意

    Paci1ci sa· digra a tayra. - He went against reason. 他硬著要去










    pacig I pacigko. a

    paci 'eg I kaci 'eg.

    cheek * part of the face 面頰

    rubber slingshot or sword gun for shooting ( from Japanese 引自 日語 )

    a rubber sling or sword gun for shooting fish


    魚槍 , 彈弓

    pacigko I pacig.

    弓 , .魚槍

    species of birds including the Pied Wagtail



    pacilit -a

    自鵲銬 , 灰鶴鴿

    and Gray

    鼓舞 , 激勵

    , 感動

    packil - 1. to come upon in visitation 來訪 2. to move upon *

    \/Mapackil no ' afag nira koya cikawasay. -The medium was

    '-L '- visited upon by his spiritual power ( spirit). 魔靈附在某人身上

    Mapackil no Fagcalay『Adigo ko mitiliday to Fagcalay a C�且可立



    -The writers of the Bible were inspired by the Holy

    packis I ra『it. 1. tusks of an animal 動物的尖牙 , 撩牙 2. the

    eye teeth


    claw above the foot on a chicken 公鶴 的開爪 3.


    packis no wadis -eye teeth 鬥牙 , 犬齒,撩牙

    pacofcof -to force a person to drink wine or eat something硬灌 ,

    硬塞 ( 酒類或食物 )

    pacok -to slaughter * to kill with a knife or sword 用刀或劍宰

    殺, 刺殺

    ' pacpac I papeg. 1. to beat hard * to thresh out 用力鞭打 , ,可

    2. to h-it with twigs 用細枝擊打


    threshing frame on which harvested produce is lain

    and beaten out 收割時用 來打穀 的框子



    pacrem I maratar.

    morning only 很旱 , 起得早

    referring ’to

    pada 'ciay -a plant called Elatostema edule





    padadoki I pda doki . bat a

    padag -to help * assist 幫忙

    o mipadagay -a helper * assistant in a


    task 幫忙的 人,某種任務上的助手 或助 理






    padagan I kakonoyan.


    Ira haw ko papadag e:n ako �一 Is there anything I earl do to help? 有我需要幫忙的嗎?

    Mamaan m �papa dag k tia to tayal . How about us helpin� each

    oth�r ·with the work? 我們可否 相互幫忙?

    kita a 『n ci kroh . 一 Let’s all help push. 讓我們用


    padagan I kakonoyan. a reed back pack 藤製 的背籃

    padahaw upper part of the leg 陰部雙邊 的大腹部份

    padahof -to

    give or send a present without expecting return 援助

    金 , 贊助金

    padaka I Padaka I Amilika. 1. a white foreigner * a foreign country 外國人 , 外國 2. an American * America 美國人 3.1

    ’ariray. corn 玉米

    Tayni ko Padaka i Taiwag a mipatnak.

    padal - walls of a building 牆壁

    - Foreigners came to

    Taiwan to spread the gospel. 外國人到台灣傳道


    padeg -

    to put out * literally to extinguish a fire 熄減

    2. to

    turn off 關燈 3. to-neagate (words) 打消別人的話

    Padeg-en ko namal.

    Put the fire out. 把火熄滅

    a st-ep-child or step-parent 前夫妻之子女或繼父母愛 , 偏




    to show favoritism to someone 對某些孩子

    * a wide generic word covering trouble * suffering


    * difficulties in the world of the spirit as well as physical 涵蓋

    精神和 肉體上的痛苦-, 苦難 與困難

    trials. 我有苦難 , 我有很多挫折

    Cipadesay kako.-

    I am having

    J kapadesan a romi ' ad -time of trouble 受難 期間或 日子


    I am (in a state) of trouble. 我很痛苦


    0 ·mipadesay kiso takowanan. 一You .are causing me to go through -trial. 你帶給我麻煩

    -a type of soil that is rocky

    padiwawa a funnel-shaped container used in fishing 漏斗形 的木 用來捕捉

    padiyaw -a square tin can 四方形鐵罐




    -a large bush * Common Melastoma and .White-



    pagpagan I pagpag.

    flower Melastoma 野牡丹(山石榴)白花野牡丹


    padopil -to make stick to * as to cause to cling to skin or paper

    etc. 粘貼,如黏貼東西在皮膚上或紙張上

    padteg to deliberately do something when it may seem\1ht ­

    able * with positive or negative

    eason connotations 專程,故意有意


    Padteg sa cigra a mitakaw. - He deliberately stole. 他專程有意地



    Padteg sa ko Kawas a miocor ci Yis k側。an. God deliberately


    / sent Jesus Christ. 上帝專蓄意差遣耶穌基督

    paen -an edible wild vegetation * bitter 可看之野生植物有苦味

    Paflien kami to riko' . -Give me some clothes. 請分衣服給 我們


    to give 給子 , 贈給

    可"'n o paf lia y -the ones who give 施捨者,贈子者,給子的人


    0 sapaf li nira konini. -This is his gift. 這是他的贈品

    JPapipaf lien nira kako to riko' . Make him give me some clothes. 託他人把衣服拿給我

    0 ha lipaflia y cigra. - He is a generous giver. 他是很慷慨的人

    pafsoc - straight ahead * directly ahead * without distraction 直



    Pafsoc ko rakat nira. He went straight ahead I did not stop along the way. 他直接去了, 不作任何停留

    paga -1削1is * male sexual organ 陰莖 , 男人 的生殖器

    pagcah I Pagcah. 1. the name the Amis give themselves 阿美族 人自的 2. in some areas it can refer to all tribal peoples 在某些 地方以此字涵蓋所有的山地同胞

    _pagkiw - half 一半


    Cca y ko toki ira ko pagkiw ira cigra a ta yni. - fi:e came at one thirty (literally one and a half). 他一點半到達這裡


    pagloy a leafy vegetable 高琶植物(from Amoy dialect 引 自閩南

    語) pagpag

    1. I

    pagpagan. eaves on a building 屋詹 2. Double


    er gardenia 重瓣黃揖

    pagpag剖l I pagpag. 1. the eaves of a building \屋詹 2. a porch

    * a covered entrance to a building 引 自大門有屋頂覆蓋 的走廊




    pagta - shallow * with literal and figurative meanings 淺的 , 不深 的 , 有字面上和比喻上的

    Matalaw cagra to katalapagtaan no l onan .一They were afraid of

    the ship running into 他們很害怕船會擱淺

    paharawan -a bird * m,.igr�tes through Taiwan in the fal 紫嘯


    paheg -tohave hea feel ach ngi

    的感覺(耳鳴 )

    and conf ueds

    * 'ea rsnrgi


    pahko -a

    ptye of fe tha t ised blie 過貓 菜,數額植物

    pahko no lotok - w ldi fe nr * Taiwa nCh

    ainFern山上的過貓 菜

    pahotig -to nd a f oclk (of sh凹的* tobe a shephe dr

    (羊 ) ,牧者


    paikor I parikor. todo someth


    gin fo r e last tiem 前或臨終

    paiko r to sowal - g v i

    a fa ewr e llme

    asgse 臨終前說遺

    paiko r t。 dmak - todo soemth


    gin fo the last tiem



    瓦,\ "<;

    paiko r a pakaen

    - tog vei

    a fa ewr e llmea l (osmeone who is


    gin 給子錢行(對要離開的人 )

    _.,paini -tog vei

    * p acle * p ovr dei fo ar

    siatuotni o

    nreed 給子,地

    方或場地,提供一種情況或需要 G) � ]!_,

    、也apaini - a co ntbri




    en 臀部

    I pakatiihay ko hofoc. toabo rt* nataur



    ,0·.pakara 『ac I Pakara ' ac. nameof an A mivs

    干片, \, 落名

    ailgle 台東縣長演鄉竹

    pakatiih I pakapsi '. 1. toabo rt on anteo

    lus y* tolo esa ch


    b yabo rtgin

    自然流產,以墮胎人工流產 2. tod

    era m yo u




    Pakatiihan ko hofoc. -She abo



    lly. 她自然流產

    pakayni - 1. rough * b ywa yof 經過,通過,經由,當作,作

    為,藉著 2. conce rnngi

    * with fe enrce to關於,參照如下

    Paka yni kita a romakat. - We go thiswa y. 我們經由這條路走

    Paka yni i pata y ni ra a mahpol ko ra raw. -hTrough H isdea h t





    sms are torgiven. 諸君(通過)他的化,使我們昀罪侍麒兜


    Awaay ko sowal n ira to pakayn iay ton in i a d 『nak. 一He didn’t-say anything about this matter. 他沒有交待有關這件事情

    Pakaynien toya tamdaw ko p ipas owal. Use (as an


    man to speak (to someone).

    pakayra - 1. by t�at means通過那 個手段 2. through that

    way 藉著那個方法 3. concerning 關於


    Pakayra kita a romakat .一 Let’s walk that way. 我們從那一條路走

    Pakayra tora dmak a masalof c gi ra . Through that event he was

    Awaay ko pakayraan ita. -

    (改正 )

    have no way (to 'accomplish a


    corrected. 通過那件事,使他回心轉意

    We plan). 我們沒 有辦法(完成計劃 )

    Pakayraw kita a romakat . -

    0 fa 1 lohay a pakayraan kon ini. - 1. This is a new method. 這是

    新辦法 2. This is a new religion. 這是新的宗教

    Let’s go that way (pointing m a

    - method * way 方 法 , 道路 2. religion 宗教,信

    certain direction). 我們從那邊走指出種方向 )

    pakayraan 1.

    川, ﹛Tp See pakayra 參閱paka


    pakido I patdo. to do something in a way that is con tryto rules

    o rg uel neis 做某種與規則或指導原則相反的事情

    a som。wal 一 to speak discourteou凶s * wi伽ut thought

    of-coue t sy說不鵡貌的話


    ank e l * ank les 踩骨, 腳踩


    、小pakinali I pintek. tog o toofa r* e


    e t * to overdo 超


    Pakinali ko sowal 川ra. He exaggerated. 他講的很過份,說話非


    常誇- to gamble * using cards or other means 賭博,用撲克

    其他(from Amoy dialect 引 自閩南語 )

    pakociko I tatla ' an I linpac. firecrackers 爆竹 , 鞭砲

    pakogaw I padahof. 1. a strong word for giving wi曲。ut expect· ing return * especially to give to someone in need 有強烈意味的


    援助,不計回報 2. to change someone’s message with intent to mislead the hearer 改變企圖 , 誤導聽者的消息

    pakokot to accuse * to make a charge against * with reference





    otnis 控訴 ,控告,打小報告,說謗,說壞話

    0 papakok oten ko dmak noya tamdaw. - �naccusat oni

    must be

    madeaga nsit 控告

    ethacts of

    ath pt

    rson 個人的行為勢必應該被

    Aka pacfa a pakokot ,to dmak no sigsi. Don

    atccuse w iothu t

    c ealr ev deince the ac s tofa ac


    ehr .沒有證據不要隨便告發老師.

    pakonira -to ave on ones own * tole

    gto 任意4讓,放縱

    assu mngi

    no respons b i

    ilityfor bu

    gt v ingi

    freedo mto不負責任意


    Pakonira aka haenen k。wawa . a papisalama. - Don ’t



    I a .ch

    dil go p a l

    yw iou



    Tada mapakoniraay ko dmak 川ra. - Heiso much on h s iown I

    w iou

    at ccoun abt

    ili.ty 他的行為太任性了

    pakoyoc. - 1. I pakos


    poor * des tuit


    2. orphan * w iou

    pt aren s t 孤兒

    pakpak - 1 . I 阱,pa toc apl

    hands 拍手 2. toh itw i the

    sapakoyocay -the poores

    pt erson 最貧窮的人

    ha dn

    用手拍人 3. tob owl

    s omke fro ma c gaire

    ettor p pei

    4. tohab


    llydo so

    emh tngi


    paktig/ pasteg. tos akte ou


    atn a niam l tnygi

    iutp 詮住,把動物

    pala - 1. rr


    y* d s ir tc i t田地 2. f e id l( Kwangfu * Hua

    elni 花

    蓮光復語 ) 田地

    talapala -togo tothe f e i s ( Nor h t

    palag - a crow * a raven 烏鴉

    北部阿美語 ) 到田裡去工作

    palal - 1. toawaken *

    elirta llyfro ms eelp 指從睡夢中醒過來 2.

    tobe oc em aware * a erl

    ctoncern ngi 醒悟

    A『linito a mapalal ko faloco' iso A t s t u have beco


    concern ngi

    ... 你今天終於醒悟過來

    Palalen cigra. - Awaken him. 時醒他

    Matalipa' lalto kako. 一 1. I was awakened sudden y.l 了 2. I sudden lyrea leidz. 我突然覺悟


    palalaw -a b rdi

    * For

    omsan Wshi ntlgi

    Truhsh 紫嘯鴉

    palanotireg - to ke for onese f lso

    emh tngi

    ath dt dni

    ’bt elong to



    h im佔為己有

    palayapay I Palayapay an

    palfod -torush tof n i h a

    f pallta I pollta.

    A m vaigl e 台東縣鹿野村

    sk 趕工

    pali’ayaw -todo or make



    otnis before the tiem


    Pali ayaw cigra a

    pasowal to nika o aira ci Kristo. - He prophe

    s edi

    of Chr s ist’co rnngi


    palidig - a v h c ie


    * such as a wago nor car t* gener c i

    r m牛

    Pakapalidig cigra a tayra. 一 He

    we ntb yv h c ie lI car .

    t 他坐車前

    Pakap alid igen ko nini a

    si 『 lac. Take isgrav awa y

    a v h c ie lI car t. 把這 些砂碟用車



    palimagta' - Fro mrnag a t raw *

    no tcook ed * tosudd nlyb

    s rut

    kc dow n* k ildle wh ile inp r

    f cth a


    突然死亡,死於非命,英 no





    1>alldlg 't· ii(

    o palimagta' hananay a mili fages - someo

    a live 活生生的把它是lj戌

    palimagta' a somowal - tospeak ver yb unl


    en who isskinend

    tlyw i notact 說話

    palimlim I pa' araw sanay. todo so

    emh t ginop nly炫耀 , 讓別

    palit - tob


    * e nsred 被扭住 , 約束, 被逮捕 , 被判坐牢 w i


    al dnf gui ra


    mean ngi s 包涵字面上和比喻上的涵義

    _Map到iLko faloco ako - Myhear t ensnared. 我的心被束縛

    (描住 )

    for snar ngi


    * as ha ncduffs 手銬 , 監獄, 逮捕

    palita I polita. tod sciern * tolook and see the ue s ia

    otni 辨





    Misapalitalita kako anini. - I a msea


    hrc g out e ma


    ves ti­


    Keep k ngi

    a look tothe s iatuotni


    paliw 一to helpea

    hco het wr

    ithf elid wo kr


    O pal wi

    ako c igra a m ipana y. - He 、is mypa


    r in' harve sntgi

    e g rnai


    k tia a mipanay一.

    Le t’s

    ktae tnur

    she lnpgi

    ine a

    o het

    rs' f e id l


    vre sntgi

    (no w

    gae sg vei n b utrecipor

    cl a

    bo r).我們以輪流的方式相互幫忙割稻

    pal iyoken I pi' ayaw afe svti

    men 男的佩裙

    al aporn 流蘇mi tt1 wo rn b y


    palo -toh iwt

    i someinl ae o rfla t·

    sfur eadc

    o rw i the h

    nad 用比較大或表




    palokapok - g a r

    ssf o l


    on a pond o r

    klae 浮萍,布袋蓮

    palolol - tore


    some g to itos

    r al




    b 阱,ayaw I pa•ayaw

    J nika ga ' ay ita. 一 Our la


    h asbeen re



    Mapalololto ko matastasa y a pal id ig. - The



    has been

    reost d * remdae 車子已修復

    paloma - topanl

    gt owr


    gs s u as ocpr

    os frlowe s r 種植

    γ1 I

    ipalomaa n - ga dern * pla

    - seed 種子

    - tobe plan edt



    atnd g owr

    g s花園,種

    pamceg - to s tear


    - tos a te r * ga ez


    pipamotekan -the goal * ob e j ct v ewi

    one isheaded 目標,靶標的,鵲的

    * pla ec

    wa dsr wh


    pana’- a bow fo rshoo

    "sapana『 - arrows 箭


    a rws




    (I令apana ' en -

    mipana to shoot arrows 射箭

    the scoreboard 箭 靶 * thing to be shot with aπows 目標

    til。一 a bow snare弓



    -a piece of ground with nothing growing on it but short

    grass-平坦無物 , 只長題草的一


    1. rice * the harvested grain 稻子 2. I Pattay. name for

    ../pi panayan -

    place of harvest 割稻之地 2. time of

    a woman 女人的名字 3. generic word for grain 稻的總稱


    -the time of harvest 割稻時期

    harvesting 收審j時期

    pances--the rudder of a ship 舵



    underpants 內褲(from Japanese and English 51自 日 語和英

    u 語)

    paniis hair that grows above and beside the ears 雙鬢的部位,臉

    :·') 旁靠耳際的部位

    paogogan I Paogogan. name of an Amis village台東成功鎮八翁翁


    paoror I pacoracor. to stir up * arouse people to do something

    evil 促使,唆使別人做不正當的事

    papa’。g I I alolil. 1. a bird * House Martin 燕子 2. Red­


    rumped Swallow 紅尾 3. House Swift and White-throated Spinetail Swift 褐雨燕 4./’apapog. asparagu� 蘆筍

    papah leaf * leaves 葉子

    cipapahay a dateg leafy vegetable

    , papikdan -


    pa peg I pacpac. to beat out * threshout 打稻具

    1. a term describing men in the 35-40 year age group

    I\ * men in full strength of maturity with experi�nce 描寫人到S5

    . curve in the road 路的轉彎處 a

    hemorrhoid * a swelling at the anus 麗脹 , 痔該2. :

    tre * Elaeocarpus argenteus 腺葉社英 · 3. a swelling 跟大,隆

    起, 膨脹

    : )\II已 -)、心?几



    ' .電p當•J



    para’一1. I seat * 戶口of your body with whh YOH sit *


    bottom 身體用以坐下的屁股部位 2. the bottom oC a container such as a bucket 容器如水桶底部 3. the stern , of a ship * the back 剖,a vehicle 輪船尾部 , 車子的後部

    parac I cokat. to interrupt sleep 妨礙睡眠


    Maparac ko foti ' ak。. My sleep was. interrupted. 我的睡眠蓋章干

    Aka piparac to foti ' ako. 一 Don

    itnterrupt my eep. 不要妨



    eth ba es * fo



    地基 , 基部


    paranaan no loma 1 e b ud ngi






    hrc * the bea

    ot f fee t長途跋涉 , 用力踏步

    parar I cokoi. a ble 桌子


    -tomake a fa

    ewr ell spee hc



    parikor I paikor. todo fo r e la st tiem


    parikor to sowal

    parikor to dmak tohel w i somea cvti

    ityfo r e la st tiem

    parikor a pakaen -tog vei

    a fa ewr ell meal to(osmeone who is

    (beforeleav ngi

    )臨行前對一些活動 , 做最後的交代與協助

    leav ngi

    ·)臨別請客 , 錢行

    pariwan I Pariwan. the na

    em of a ne ghibo


    tribal group in

    paro -

    membe rsof a g orpu

    一個團體的組成份子 2. con ent ts

    Taiwan called the Paiwan 排灣族


    ko paro no loma1 iso? -How mn<1:

    ymembe rasre there in

    ...的內容 3. to put in


    of 進裡

    - Put this in my vehicle.

    your family? 你家 有幾口 人


    Paroen konini i palidig ako.



    0 maan ko paro no ya ka ysig. What is in that dish? 裝在碗裡

    面的是什麼東西 ?

    ,_, paro 'ot I patono. to see a person off * ·saying farewell and


    staying behind and watching him go 目送 , 歡送 , 送行 , 說聲珍重

    再見 , 站在那裡 目送他走

    parod 1. cookig stove *

    hearth 爐姓 2. family 家庭

    misapar od 1. to make a stove (by placing rocks so that a fire

    can be lit. and food cooked) 建造爐仕 2. to take care of one’s




    family 照顧家庭

    parogapig仁the edge of clothing 縫紛 , 縫合衣服的邊緣

    parok - 1. the tree - and its flower which is like· cotton 棉花'·2.1


    sawfag. heavy quilts * pugai * made from cotton-iike

    stuffing 棉被

    a tree *

    no kilag a parok -

    Bombox helaphylla Willd 木棉

    parokpok一to gallop 飛馳 , 飛奔離去

    parpar - to beat out grain or beans from the shells or husks 打碎



    - to improvise * do something temporarily 臨時而作 , 即

    興而作之 意


    pasamo to sowa give the gist of the matter in words

    說要點 ,


    Pasamoen ita ko dmak anini. For now let’s improvise. 今天讓

    我們即興而作 以表敬意


    pasayni - diredly this way as the bird flies 如 飛鳥 直飛而至


    Pasayni ko rakat nira. He is headed this dire�tion. 他 走向這裡


    Pasaynien ko faloco’. 一Give me your full attention. (speaker is

    the focus point). ( 請注意 ) , 請全神貫注在這裡

    pasayra to be directed the other direction as the bird flies

    方向 , 如鳥之 飛走

    Pasayra a minegneg.


    -Look that direction. 請向那邊觀看


    Pasayraen ko faloco. 一 Give your full attention to that (away

    from speaker). 請全神向那邊貫注


    Pasayra ko rakat nira. He is headed in that direction. 他 往向那


    paska 1.

    to hesitate 遲疑 , 躊躇 2. to

    be �fraid *

    to h�ve

    inhibitions 害怕 , 抑制 3. to be double-mJnded * to have

    res�rvations 三心二意

    Paskaska ko fal oco ' nira anini. -He seems so inhibited * un﹒ natural in responding at present. 他現在心情似乎有些很驚慌,他 現在反應不自然

    0 maan ko ls。? -What is causing you to be inhibited

    I 你擔心什麼/你遲疑什麼?





    paso - bus 巴士 ( from Japanese and English 引自 日 語和英語 )

    paso ’ lin / pakaso 『Jin. to believe 相信 , 信任 * literally to


    cause I make out to be true 字面上 說那是真的理由 * to have confidence 有確信 See 參閱 so'lin.

    Cima k。papaso' linen ita? Who can we believe?





    vPakapaso l in kiso hawCan you b�lieve? 你能相信嗎 ?

    Paso linen ko sowa ako. Believe what I say. 請相信我所 說的話

    0 maan ko n ipaso' l inan iso? -

    相信什麼呢 ?


    doctrine do you believe? 你


    pasogan I Pasogan. an Amis village 台東縣長清鄉自桑安阿美族



    pasta 1 to suddenly fall down flat 突 然摔倒

    Mapasta 1 kako na i pal id ig. I fell out of the cart flat on the

    ground. 我從車子摔 出而跌在地上

    pasteg I paktig. to stake out * tie up to * referring to 申,

    patabtah -

    with sowal-to tell everything 胡

    to do any way

    animals 桂住 , 綁 , 櫥 , 用繩子繫住 ( 家 禽 )



    but not correctly 任意做但不正確 3. with ’。rip - to live a life of

    ease and luxury 生活遊手好閒 ’ 並且奢侈

    Patahtah saan ci gra a parakat to c tiosi ya. - He drove the car as


    he pleased (with�ut regard to rules). 他開車橫衝直撞不顧交通規

    patala to

    prepare * make preparations 準備 , 預備 , 籌備 , 預先

    準備 * literally to make I cause to wait 字面上說明等待的理

    由 See參閱 tala.

    patalabkal -


    to reveal

    to confess 承認 See 參

    Pata laen ko fa loco' iso. - Prepare your heart. 請你預備心

    1. 公開 , 顯示 2.

    閱 also hkal and talahkal.

    Mapata lahka lto ko ya dmak. The thing is revealed. 事情已經被


    Pata lahka lto ko raraw iso.

    - Confess your sin. 你要告自

    pataloma ’ I paka ' tim. to have ·a wedding * to marry * give in

    marriage 結婚 , 婚禮 , 娶親 Literally to take into the home be-



    /啊, γAu pater

    cause an in-law has been brought into the



    新娘 ) 或贅蜻 ( 新郎 ) 帶回家的意思

    This is

    the' dc\y to n.iarry

    0 pipataloma I an to wawa· niyarri anini.


    our child. 今天是我們 兒子結婚大害的 日子


    patarod to substitute an item or person for the original

    儲備 , 後

    補 , 代替

    0 sapatarod cigra a mimali. He is a substitute ball player. 他


    0 sapatarod konini a kikay to matastasay. 一 This machine is a substitute for the original which is not working. 這個犧械是要

    patay -

    death * to die 死 2. figuratively to be crushed and




    despair 比喻希望 被翰碎和絕望 3. to go to extreme limits to do something極盡限制去做某些事情

    Mapatayto cigra. 一 He died. 他死 了


    Kinapatayto cigra. He killed himself. 他自殺了

    - Kill that dog. 把那 隻狗打究


    0 kapatayan nira a romi ' ad the day he died 他死亡的 日期 Patayen koya waco.

    我的敵 人

    0 papatayen cigra.


    中apipatayen cigra to ' ada ako. Make him I have him kill my

    enemy. 叫他殺死 -He must be killed. 他是要被僧斃的人

    Mapatayto ko faloco' ako. -I have

    patay sa a 『nisimed to patlac

    lost my spirit. 我的心已死了

    to protect ones reputation


    from scrutiny 他極盡掩飾他的錯誤


    patdo I pakido. to do something in a way that is contrary to rules or guidelines 做違 犯規則 與指導原 則的事情

    不要任意做違 犯原 則的事情

    Patdo sa ko sowal nira.

    Aka patdo to dmak. Don’t do things w'ithout regard for

    principle. -He talked without thought for feelings

    or-propriety. 他隨便亂說

    一干 number value 數目



    1. I lfot I cicig. a .thousand *

的價值 2. a knife or machete handle 刀柄 , 把手


0 kakrid an no masapatekay a sotitay cigra. He is officer over

one thousand soldiers. 他是干夫畏

pater to make run fast with reference to pedaling a bicycle 速度





patfo - to light upon * to descend and

降落點 , 「 烏

* a



一‘ 電、

perch or settle upon 著


a place to settle down upon

J :悽 木,安居之地 , 飛撥場

patfo to sowal - to decide to do something 答覆

patih - a fence or wall made of grass or bamboo 圍牆 , 防風牆 , 或 草製或竹 製牆壁

patireg - 1. to ca use to stand * make stand 使之 站立 2. to establish 建立 :�. to build 就任 , 建 築

Mipatiregay cagra to l oma ' anini. - They are building a house

Mapatiregto cig ra a mala hogti. - He was elected president I


right now.

king. 他已 被 主u禹王子 , 他已 被選 為-總統 了

Patiregen koya matfaday a hcek.

falien. 把倒下來的 位于 豎立起來

Stand up the pole that has

patlac - 1. to miss the mark 錯創記號 , 錯過記號 2. to make a

mistake * do the wrong thing 犯錯 , 做錯事

patlaw - the upper arm * from the elbow to the shoulder 手臂肌 肉 , 從肘部至肩 膀的肌肉

pato ' - to swell 腫脹

Mapalo' ko mata ako to nano katαnagican ako. - My eyes are swollen from crying. 我眼睛而 哭泣而腫起來

pato ’ aya I patafag. to offer in ritual a sacrifice something that

must be killed 殺生供奉祭品 See 參閱 to'aya.


Mala sapato ' aya ko tireg ni Yis. - J esus' body became a blood


pipato ' ayaan a romi ' ad - day for offering a sacrifice 獻祭的 日 子

patogaren - upper garments 男用長外衣

patonek - to set * establish * decide 設定 , 指定 , 設立 , 構

a romi ' ad anini. T

* with reference to time 指時間 place 地點 or words or

or plans



his is the date that was set

(as for a conferenc-e). 今天是指定 ( 決定 ) 的 日子

Pat。neken ko sowal.

Make a decision (about a matter).




決定 ( 有關事件 )

patono I paro’ot. to see someone off 歡送, 目 送,錢行 * to

bid farewell staying behind 囑咐後,停住 自送

patorod - to hand over responsibility for 委託 ’ 拜託,託負 ,交


Patoroden kako tonini a tayal. - Give me this responsibility. 把這


0 pipatorodan a romi' ad anini. - This is the day that the respon﹒

sibility changes hands. 今天是受 負重任的 日期

0 v'papatoroden ako i tisowanan konini a dmak. 一I must turn

over this matter to you. 件事情我要交託給你去做

patosokan I patosekan. goal * objective * purpose 目 的地,

目 標,箭靶

patrogan I Patrogan. name of an Amis village 花蓮縣豐潰鄉新社


pawali - to dry outside 曬

Mipawali ko fiyaw to panay nagra. - The neighbors are drying

their rice (on the drying floor). 隔壁鄰居在曬他們的穀子

Pawalien ko riko' . - Hang up the clothes to dry. 把衣服拿去

pawan I tawal. to forget 忘記

Mapawan kako a pasowal i cigraan. - I forgot to tell him. 手足,忘


0 maan ko kapawanan iso? - What did you forget? 你忘 了 什麼呢 ?

pawig I 'irig. 的 lean head to one side 盃頭 , 頭傾 向一邊

pawli - banana * bananas 香蕉

pawpaw - to drift * he afloat 飄浮 , 猶 豫 , 不固定 , 不樟 草 , 輕

with and figurative meanings 字面 上和比喻上的涵義

faloco' ako anini. - My heart is adrift I i. e. I

have direction for what to do. 今 天我心情猶豫不快,今天我 心飄浮不定

Mapawpaw ko sowal nira. - His words are without significance *

impractical. 他的話很膚淺

M apawpaw ko 『 aol i rlyar. - Bamboo is adrift in the ocean. 竹子


pawti - gunny sack * gunny sacking * burlap 麻袋,粗騙布




paya "j k" Ill vD 奇 (天 主 角〔) (抖阱,

paya -a sign or notice attached to something牌子

payak to fall over in one piece as for a fence to fall down 整塊

的傾倒 在地上 , 如同整塊圍牆或籬芭

payax I pkoh I roroh. to break down 破壞 , 弄壞 , 壓毀 ﹒ * as of


dirt dikes between terraces of rice fields 如破壞 田裡之間田墳及壞

payayoka an edible vegetation * Di

money -


payci -

plocyclos palmatus 百香果

a coin * coins 錢幣 2. generic in some dialects for



coin purse 錢袋 , 錢包


payda-s *

a species of tree

Philippine Hackberry cinnamon 肉桂

呵'i:ipayo -




to apply medicine or insecticide 治療


mipayo to panay -to spray the rice fields with insecticide 水稻

I. 2.


i麗 農藥

mipayo to adadaay

take sick person to the doctor 帶病人給


醫生看 2. give medicine to I treat the sick person 給病 人吃發


payrag I-Payrag. Taiwanese people 台灣人



taboo * the thought of taboo 禁忌

迷信 , 忌諱

./ .kap仰望i品全r- an activity or object 出at is taboo 有禁忌的事物

Paysin aka ka saan a komaen to titi. Don’t consider it taboo to

-The Amis used to have

eat meat. 不要以為吃豬 肉是違犯禁忌

Adihay ko kapaysinan no 『Amis itiyaho.

a lot of sacred and religious prohibitions 很多禁忌 ( 迷信 )

I taboo. 古代阿美族有

payso I payci I pida. generic term for money 錢 , 銀幣 , 錢幣 ,

- money bag * purse 錢袋 , 錢包

paytmek I payniyah. to each do his own way * do his own

thing * individually 各做各的 , 自 掃門前雪

pea 『 - out of joint * dislocated from the joint so that the end

hangs loose 折斷 , 踹斷 , 脫臼 , 斷層 * referring to people or things 指人或事物

Mapca ' ko kam ay. The lower arm hangs loose at the




elbow. 手折斷 , 手脫臼

(at the joint). 不要折樹校

Aka pipea' to ca ag no kilag. - Don’t break loose the tree branch


peas I pea1 I pineas. dislocated or broken at the joint so that the end hangs loose as of branches of a tree or a broken limb 在結 接部位斷裂使尾部倒懸 在那兒如同斷裂的樹校或手臂

Pcasen ko ca 『 ag ta ma' araw. Break the branch so that it

dangles then we can see. 要折斷樹校才可以看見

peee - flattened out and crushed by being stamped on or being hit

with heavy weight (of living things) 擠壓 , 壓扁 , 把有生命的東西 用很大的重量壓扁或擊碎

Aka pi pcec to fao. Don’t smash living creatures. 不要壓死昆蟲

Mapcec no palidig ko posi. 一 The vehicle smashed the cat. 貓被


pci 『 - 1. to break in pieces ( South 南部阿美語 ) 破碎 2. to break

only one piece missing ( Hualien 花蓮語 ) 破缺一塊 3. /

to divide and share * as for example food or land 擎開

Mapapci ' to fiyaw namo to ccay a siri. Divide with your

neighbors one sheep. 與你鄰居平分一 隻羊

peici - to press on from two directions as when squeezing out pus

from an infectecl pimple 從兩個不同的方向 同時擠壓 , 如擠出斤街或 面袍的膜液

pcih - to break in half or take a piece off of 擎成一半或取 走一

* as a loaf of bread 如擎一塊麵包 * as a lump of rice or lump of earth 如學飯欄或成塊泥團


Mapcihay koya ’ pag. - Part of the loaf has been broken off. 麵

包 被擊開一塊


Mapcih nira ko 1 pag. He broke off a piece of bread.



pinapcih I pnapcih I kinapcih all the pieces 麵包切井 * as left over pieces of loaves of bread 如故遺下的許多塊狀麵包

pco, 一個 pick fruit from a tree or a bush 從樹或種木上攝取果實

pcod - to leave * cause to leave place to which thing is

attached 相接的部位鬆掉




、I mapcod -1. slippery * as when trying to grasp a fish 滑掉 ,如

提魚 時被溜掉 2. to squirt out fast as pus under pressure•, 如



pcoden - grab hold of ( a command 命令 ) 鬆開

pcoh -1. snails found on rock的n the beach with edible flesh 黏

附在海岸岩石上可食的海螺 to take someone’s place away from him

pdadac - ripped clothing * badly torn 衣服被撕裂一塊 ( 穿在身上

的 ﹜

pdadoki I padadoki . a bat * mammal 蝙蝠

pdeg - state of having ears hu rt from too much noise and confusion 聲音響的過大和嚕雜聲所引 起的聽覺傷害

pdek I plek. to put out * as when lights are turned off 熄滅 , 關

sapdek - eyelashes * something for blinking 眼反

Mapdek ko tigki. - The electricity was switched off. 熄滅

Mapapdek ko mata. - Eyes are blinking. 眼睛會貶 , 眼睛開閉

pdik - d rooping * folded ov<.>r * as the ears of a dog 摺壘 , 垂耳

( 如狗 )

Pdiken ko tatiplok. - Fold the paper over. 把紙摺疊起來

Mapdik ko tagila noya waco. - That dog's ears droop. 那隻狗的


pdoc I piyoc. to suddenly turn around and leave 溜走 , 閃躲 ( 突

然開溜 )

pdoh - 1. the white pulp inside of a tree such as is used in making

paper 樹幹中間有自軟塊可作 為紙張的原料 2: to be empty *

* as the contents of a container 如容器內面 to cut out the pulp 弄成一個洞

Mapdohto I mahoracto ko lofoc ako. 一 My sack is empty (contents

have disappeared I .fallen out). 我的袋子已空了 ( 內裝的物品不 見了 或完全倒出來 )

pe,dJ?�d - to crowd * pack solid 畫眾擁擠 , 人山人海







dped ko salikaka a milihay. - The Christians were packed ./

crowded in the worship service. 參加禮拜的信徒擠滿了 教堂

pekpek - to beat with hand or board 用手或木棍猛敲 , 猛打




Pekpeken nira ko falohag nira. - He beat his chest. 他捶打他


Mapekpek no wawa koya k。log. - Th�t water buffalo was beaten by the children. 那隻牛被孩子們猛打

pelpel - to break or crush by beating 使破碎 , 使盼碎

Mepelpel no palidig koya 、。I. - That bamboo was broken by the vehicle. 那根竹子被車子壓碎

Aka pipelpel to kaysig. 一 Dont break the dish. 不要把碗打碎

pespes - 1. the act of many people piling rebuke on one

person 許多 人重覆地 , 非難或p�責一個 人的不是 2. one person saying a lot to put down someone 一個人說太 多壓制或駁倒對方的

pi 『 ayaw I pa ’ ayaw / ta『 ayawan. an apron * From ’ayaw 圍

裙 , 從字根 ,ayaw 衍生而來

闕, dac I tolac. 1. a scar from a wound 傷疤 , 疤痕 2. a barren

slope from a landslide or erosion 不毛之斜坡山崩或浸蝕

可恥 pi 'ec I kanas. a small basket made of bamboo 小竹籃

pi 『 iw - to be lame * crippled in one’s legs 跛肺的 * or referring

to the. way one walks 或指一個人走路的樣子

o mapi iway - a person who is crippled in his legs 跛肺的人

Mapi ' iw ko rakat nira. - He walks with lameness. 他一拐一拐的

, 他指擺

ci pi 『 iw - a nickname given to a lame person指跛仰的人 , 對跛胸者


pi 『 kolan I knawikos. hip bone 臀骨 , 趾骨

闕, pi - to press and pack * as to pack a bowl with rice 緊壓 , 如


pi 'pi' I pa 『 pa. to clap hands 拍手 , 鼓掌

picid,一 1. to be torn on the edge 從邊緣破裂 * referring to paper

or cloth 如紙或衣服 2. a greenish seaweed 星緣色的海草 ( 海 藻 )

piciw - 1. to �ave a piece torn off or out of an object 撕裂成大缺

口 2. comes to be a generic word for something broken or spoiled 繁衍成任何東西破或損壇

Mapiciw ko tagila no rinom. 一The head of the needle is

p1'ox.J.1‘你ti 瑋 刀 /已







piepic 一 to tear in pieces paper or ’ material 把紙或資料撕成一 片一


Mapicpic no totoy niyam ko tikami ako. 一 Our puppy has shred­ ded in pieces my letter. 我的信被小狗咬碎成一 片一井的

pida i payso I payci. money 錢,硬幣 , 鈔票

o cipidaay a tamdaw - a rich person v 有錢人,富裕的

kalipidaan - pay day 領薪之 日 ,發倒之 日

J papida - pay money 付錢

pidah / lowid I tapi ' I dawa. to conquer 征服,克服,打 勝,打

mapidah - to be defeated 被打 敗

piec - 1. to become a na rrow passage 逐漸狹窄 2. to become dead-ended as a land structure 死路,如土地結構所形成的死巷 Mapiec ko lalan. - The trail has become very na rrow. 路 ,會、來,愈


pigan - peace ( from Chinese 守伯 國語 ) * a Christian

greeting used when passing or meeting a person of the same -‘

faith 基督 徒相遇或交錯時互相問候與祝福的話

pigapig - to flap * as the disconnected jointed section of a thing that hangs loose 東西相接的部位鬆脫而垂下飄動的現 象

Mapigapig ko sapikpik no ' ayam. - The bird’s wing hangs loose

flapping from being broken. 鳥的翅膀因受 傷而垂下飄搖

"''"' pigaroy - to lean head on o的 hand 用手把頭撐起來,用手托住頭 的姿勢

pigko - to be bankrupt 破產,倒閉

pigo' - to bend as if to collapse 拉住使人翻倒 * as to come

behind a person and bend his legs so that he almost loses his

balance 如來到別人的背後,在別人不備時拉住他的關使他幾乎完全 失去平衡

pihpih 一 to fan ! 搖動,揮動

�apihpih - a fan 扇子

Mipihpih tp sapikpik ko '·ayam. - Birds flap their wings and I or fly. 鳥揮動翅膀而飛

piked. - bent crooked * as of metal 弄曲 ,如金屬物質






Gan - informant * …e of information 酬


Pikeden ko wa' ay is。. - Bend your legs * as to kneel. 彎曲雙

, 如跪下之狀

pikel - 1. strong and inflexible * as a wire that springs back and

refuses to bend 堅硬而無伸縮性的 , 如同竹子彈回來而不再2

inflexible figuratively 比喻上的堅定,不屈不撓 3. possible to in­ fluence and change 不易 屈曲

pikig - disabled limb * shriveled * does not move 手臂脫臼

piko - intersection * place where there is a turn in the road 交叉

command to) turn at that point 使彎曲 , 弄彎 ( 驅使 語 , 命令語 )

mapikpik - wings flap 擺動著翅膀

mipikpik 一 to fly * of birds 鳥揮動翅膀而飛

pilec - 1. to turn one's ankle 腳扭斷 2. to be weary or ill from

work 疲倦 , 厭倦 , 精疲力竭

pilet I pilec. 1. to twist and break as of a limb 手扭傷 2. to twist

and break as to take cooked vegetables and break them off in one's hand 把菜扭斷去煮

pili『 - 1. to choose * pick one 選擇 , 挑選 2. I osi'. dislike *

detest 挑剔

Cima ko nipili an ita inacila? - Who did we choose the other

day? 前幾天我們選的是誰 ?

Mapiii『 kako a mala mamatayal. 一I was chosen to serve. 我被選


kapili ’ an no tamdaw I ka, 。sian no tamdaw - someone who is

disliked by people 破人淘汰的 , 故人所厭惡的

piloh - to collapse * as a house blown by the wind 使之傾倒 , 民

倒 , 倒塌如房子

pina - 1. how many? 多少 ? 2. sev台al 幾個 * more than two