Ida’ (是?恥.A
Ida' I rda 『 .. to s leep very s oundly and deeply 沈睡,熟睡
Idef I ' def. to cover * permeate * s pread over an area 游漫,滲
Maldef no nan。m ko omah niyam. 一Our fields were filled with
water. 我們的水田游漫了 水,我們的回被水淹沒了
ldo I s traight up and down on both s ides 從上行下
大小一樣 2. to comp-letely finis h work 徹底的完成工作
M aida-nira ko tayal.
He finis hed the work. 他完成 工作
lenlen -
to flood 洪水,水災,氾濫,淹沒 to hemorrhage 出血,混血
1. to break apart from having been cracked 龜裂 2. from
having s mall illness to become extremely s ick and die 倒下來 ,病
lfit I rfit I lfoh. 1. to make a hole as a button does when it pulls away from 衣服被東西扯住 2. to tear as a pierced ear
lobe 耳朵被扯破了 , 被撕開
lfo conflict 衝突,爭執,打架,爭鬥
malalfo I mala 1 odot. to wres tle or fight with each other 互相 打
lfoh kinalfoh. 1. to be cons umed with anger and do s omething
2. to commit s uicide 自毀,自殺
Iga 1. to be cracked so that there is a break as In a dis h 裂開,裂痕,龜裂 2. to be cracked as dry mud in a rice
fie-ld 水田的土壤乾旱而 龜裂
a kind of plant that has thick s talks * C anna 月桃 *
s talks us ed for making woven bas kets 柄,莖,可用來編織籃 子,1. Shell Ginger (Alpinia s pecios a) 2. Orchid-flowered C anna 雜色美人蕉 3. Fragrant Garland-flower * a ginger 蝴蝶
- name of an Amis village 花蓮縣玉里鎮德武部
I Lgacay
Igat I Iagat. to challenge * initiate an interchange of words or
conflict * to confront 挑戰,肇端,引發 ,導致
j lalgatan I lal.gawan. the reas on or caus e of s omething 出發 點,
lgaw -to s prout * s tart to grow referring to plants and trees 生
長,發 芽
I malgaw -the activity of growing 發 芽,萌芽
I lalgatan. the firs t of s omething * beginning 緣由,始
由,發 端,起源
fodoy no sapalgaw -clothing worn by headman of village during
a ceremony of reciting. the genealogy of the clans 首長穿著儀式 的常服在民族和部落之面前吟誦古代的程序過程
Ii『ay -to reconcile 原諒 , 諒解,和解,調停排解
Malali' ayto kita ato Kawas. -We have been reconciled with
God. 我們與 神和好
Palali1ayen kami. -Reconcile us I C aus e us to be reconciled. 讓
Ii『el -neck 脖子,頸子
而ali' elan -collar 衣領,項圈
mikton to Ii' el -cut off the head 斬頭
Ii『mi -to s parkle 發出 火花,冒泡,閃爍
licag / 『 icag. dry * generic word 乾燥,乾潤
.; malicagay -name of a pois onous s nake with black and white diamond s haped des ign * Taiwan Habu 龜殼花(蛇 )
licay -1. greeting 請安 2. ques tion 請 間,請教
kita. -Let’s the two of us chat. 讓我們蹉商,商談 Malalicalicay kita. -Let’s all of us chat. 我們互相討論研究
to chat (two) 討論時間
.A..icayen cigra. -As k him. 請教他
O虫山伯y- cigraan ko ga『ay . 一(Y ou) s hould as k him. 最好請教他
licig -a broken piece * a bit of s omething broken 碎片
- to s eparate * go s eparate ways 分開
kita. -We will go our s eparate ways . 我們分手
Malacin。was ko faloco' nagra. -They are dis agreed. 我們意見不
和, 他們貌合神離
liclic -to interrogate * ques tion * inves tigate a matter 訊間,質
-1. cou此room 法庭,法院 2. judgme nt day- 判決,審 判之日子
�od I dicoh. to pull out som州ng that is attached 從某附屬物 故
也c出oh -to dismantle * disengage from 脫落 , 拆除 , 分解 , 脫離
ropay. to flatten the rice fields with mud rake e耙子擺
平小田的泥巴 2. to shape rice bread into balls for cutting 把糟糕
tigm a)
Stinging Nettle-tree 咬人狗(植物 ) (Laportea pteros-
voice * lose voice 聲音沙啞 2. a
m e-lon 西瓜 3. nam e of an Am is village 花蓮化仁部落
an eagle (Maliaectus albucuna) 老鷹 2. hawk * birds of
prey 攏 , 食肉鳥
to go visit traps that have been set 巡查所設置的陷阱中有無
1-. shelter 避難所 2. shadow * shade 豆豆涼處
-to have a place of shade or shelter 有遮峰之處
-to take to shelter 收拾穀物
、./ mikilid og
to sit in shade or a sheltered place 尋找陰涼 , 遮搔處
Ma-palidog kami. 一A shadow has fallen over us. 我們得到遮搔
to feel chilled as when getting sick 生病時所感覺的 一股寒慄
a wild fruit tree with sm all sour fruit 野生果樹 * the base
for g-rafting in a good fruit tree 把好果樹接枝在基部
虜-, 瘤
to swell * to be swollen 腫脹 2. tum or * tumors 腫
north wind 北風
lifet 一 to t-est * check out * try 試探 , 試 驗 , 嘗試
to com pete {two parties) 競爭(二者 )
to com pete (three or m ore parties) 競相比賽(三者
、j palifet
to put to the test 考驗 2. to give oneself fully with
j 叫-ex ertion 全力以赴
L伽n ko fal。co ' nira. -
st his訓itude. 去探 知他的心態
to try * try out 嚐試
Jpilif-etan a time or place of testing 考試 場所或時間
plague * severe illness 瘟疫
J - o have epidemic wit peop e
得瘟疫 , 息流行
lifoh -a tree called Indian-charcoal trema 小麻(山黃麻) ,
lifon - wages for labor 酬勞,薪賢,代價
Jilifon - to get wages 得酬勞
、.lnilifon一to work for wages * earn money 賺錢
vPalifon -to pay wages 付薪資
lifot - troublesome * to be bothered * referring to an activity 廠
功,( t.1 煩 , 困擾
) Malifot kako. 一It is too much bother for me. 我深覺麻煩
0 kalifotan ko matiraay a dmak. -That kind of activity is too
much bother. 那種事是最麻煩的
lifowas - to spread out in every direction * referring to water or
grain 撒落四方 , 如水或穀物
ligad - 1. to set out for work in the fields 啟程上田工作 2. to go off to work 進 行工作 3. to set out for military duty 出征
-farmer * worker 農人 ,工人
/sakaligad -tools needed for farming or work 農具,工具
ligato -See 參閱 gato. to begin 開始
Xugesa 『- the gills of a fish 魚餌 今l � A (l\
ligka - a brick * bricks 紅磚(from Japanes e亨!自 日 語)
ligko - an apple * apples 積果(from Japanese哥︱自 日 語)
liglig - to approach and look ·at s omething with desire to get it 祈
討 , 圍繞 , 圍觀 as a s cavenger or flies do t日清道夫和蒼蠅一般
ligod - to gather to look at something interes ting 圍觀 , 觀看 , 觀望
Jmiligod - to gather to look 圈幌
Maligod no paadadaay a kawas koya adadaay. 一The gods of
sicknes s are gathered around that sick person. 病魔們觀誠圍繞 著病人
ligses - revulsion at seeing 鷺嚇,恐佈 as to see someone die or
to see blood 如遇見某人死去或看見其流血
Jkaligsesan - thing that is revulsive 驚恐之事
Saligses sa kako. -I responded with revulsion. 我感覺嗯心
- to identify with * to pay attention to 注意 , 關心
lihaf gossip * news * rumor 閒話,信息,消息,謠言,傳聞
0 ga1 ayay ko lihaf a tamdaw -A person of good repu旭tion 有
Aka palihafen konini a dmak.一Don’t tell anyone this matter. 不
lihay -to. worship 禮拜,敬拜 ( from Japanese哥︱自 日 語)
pilihayan place of worship 禮拜堂
lihco I dihco. tight * not loose fitting 緊密 , 擁擠
lihiw 1. to dig earth so house falls over 挖泥使房屋倒塌 2. to
cheat 欺騙 , 詐取
Malihiw no tao kako.一I was cheated by someone. 我被別人欺騙
lihnaw -
be overcome with fear * panic stricken * as when
Malihiw no nanom ko sra. -Water eroded the soil. 土積水沖蝕了
standing on a high place 懼怕 , 恐懼 , 懼高症 , 目眩
Jkalihnawan -the thi gs that caused panic 令人擔心之事 , 掛慮之
lihoc -1. erosion of soil 沖蝕之土 2. curves * winding condition
of land as a result of erosion or man-made changes彎曲的
lihoway I kihoway too large in size 尺寸太大 * too loose
fitting 太大 , 鬆她
likaf to malign * speak evil against * gossip 批評詳謗 , 譏笑惡
likat -
from a source 光亮
意中傷 , 說閒話
Jmalikat一to be burning * glowing 著火,燃亮,點燃
J milikat to kasoy -to light a fire 起火
likel -o肘,s share out of many 分配 , 分辜,抽取
叫Malalikel kita. 一The two of us each has one. 我們兩個互相平分 vMalalikelikel kita. -All of us have our share. 我們全部平均分配 νPalikelen cigra to ccay.一G ive him one (the giver has more than
one) . 分給 他一份
likes -1. mosquito 蚊子 2. fl.y * flies 蒼蠅 ( Hualien花蓮
likid -1. to be carried along by swift current of the river or ocean f中走,流走,急流 2. Hualien -to hold hands in
dancing 花蓮語,牽手共舞
J malalikilikid to all have hands joined 手拉手 , 手攜手
/loklon. -to go down hill * descend 下坡 , 下去
-a path for descending 下坡
likoda - aboriginal dance and festivities of the annual harvest
festival 每年慶祝豐年節 日 所跳之舞蹈
as in war 包圍,圍攻,圍剿
likot/liyok. 一 to surround with the purpose of defeating and taking
lilac - body dirt from not bathing 不乾淨 , 污垢
li划 一 伽under的bamboo poles of a slee阿P岫m 用竹竿在 下面 做一個床臺
lileg - 1. to spin * twirl 轉動,旋轉,迴轉 2. to be dizz y 暈眩
lilid - for two people to carry something on a
pole 抬 ,扛’撐
、j Ma lalilid kita a mi『。rog. 一Let’s carry (it)
together. 我們在一起來扛舉
lilis - the edge of a body of water 邊緣 riyar一the seashore 海岸F
wrap a narrow
an old
- to walk on the edge of the water 沿岸邊走 lilit - 1. an instrument for boring a hole 鑽孔器 2. to
手liliw - 1. to go to each and
give them a message 挨家挨戶傳信
息 2. to go from house to house to
gather people together 召令 人們匯集一處 個Hiit
�lilom - no strength in legs to walk as when bedfast or v的ill 走
lima - five 五,五個
品akal ima 一 伽fifth 第五
lalimaay - five people 五個人
limaay - five objects or animals 五個事物或動物
- to move some thing 搬動,移動
λ limaw - free, time * leisure 空閱,閉眼
..Icilimaw - to have free time 有空閉,有閒暇時間 !·��;山U
limecedan I kaylg. a young girl * · woman. who is unmarried 少 女,童女,小姐,未播女子
1 - to-hide oneself 躲藏,隱藏
間1 to enable someone to hide 使之躲藏
limla - 1. to attach significance to * important 珍惜,愛惜,重
kakalimlaan. -
something of value
something important 非
J要 2. to grudgingly withhold 吝惜
1. *
常重要,有 價值的 2圳的時伽叫have been saved but was lost or wasted 應該節省的東西,但已失去或浪費掉了
Kakalimlaen.一Value itI don’t waste it. 珍惜它 , 勿浪費它,勿虛
limo 'ot - command * instruction * ex hortation 命令 , 教訓,訓
誨,勸戒 , 自︱︱話
tφalimo 'ot 一 to give comm and s 訓勉 , 勉勵 , 勤勉
limpo / linfo. a tree * Java apple * Renbu Wax apple 蓮霧樹
( from Am oy dialect’ A Japanese引自閩南語 )
linah 一 to m ove from one place to another 移動 , 遷移 , 搬離 Linahen ko川ni. - Move this (thing) . 應搬離這個,移走這個 Malinahto kami. We have m oved (our hom e). 我們已搬家了
linalin a species of seaweed that is edible 海邊一種特殊海草可 食
lineknek -
water to be settled so that dirt is at the bottom 將
linay I dinay. umbrella 傘,雨傘
for 水的污物沈澱於底部
lipa -
rectangle 長方形,矩形 2. a wooden box 櫃子 , 木箱
linfo/limpo. bell fruit and its tree 蓮霧(樹)
\Jkatatlekan a lipa no Tapag 一- the Lord’s covenant box 約櫃
Masalipa ko fawahan. - The doorframe is rectangular. 鬥櫃是長
lipah ak 一 joy * delight * pleasure 喜樂,歡欣,愉快,欣喜,高興
、)kalipahakan - 1. thing you are happy about 令你喜悅之事,令你 雀躍不已的事 2. biblical term for paradise * place of joy 聖
經 中的伊甸園,樂園
� salipahak sa response of joy 感到很愉快的
lipalaw - 1. to be deceived * misled as to the ex istence of
something to be received at a certain place 矇混,矇騙,溜走 2. to be attacked suddenly from the rear and taken by complete
surprise 突然地從後面襲來
'-. lipaw to plan ci.nd wait hoping to deceive 、with intent to
de的oy 陰謀計策,伺機而動
、州isalipaw ko tamdaw ci Pawloan
troy Paul. 人們伺機欲殺害保羅
一 People laid in wait to . des.
lipay I lihay. worship 禮拜,敬拜
saka ccay no lipay the first day after worship-Monday 體
- .
Jpilipayan day of worship., * Sunday 禮拜 日 ,星期 日
lipot 1 to wrap up tobacco and make a cigarette 裹住個草 做成香
lipowak -
to burst open 猛然裂開 2. to be scattered in diffe.
姻 2. I kafer trousers 鐘褲
. ..
rent directions 四處分散,離散,驅散
Cigra ko palipowakay Jt was he who spoke causing people to
scatter in different directions. 他就是使人四處奔竄之人
lisaot -to gather together for discussion 畫集討論,磋商
幫 kalisaotan no Yotaya a tamdaw -J ewish council hall 猶太人之會
lisin -superstitions * animistic worship 迷信,禁忌,祭典(物魅崇
拜之祭典 )
也ilisinay -people involved in animistic worship 人們潛心於迷信或
禁忌 中
malisinay a tamdaw a
person. devoted to animistic religion 沈迷
心lisin I likoda. harvest festival 豐收祭典,豐年之節慶
-to practice witchcraft * heathen practices 施魔法,行
、;pisal,isinan -time of a festival 祭禮之時間
liso,一to visit 拜訪,訪問
Ii徊,ag I lata' ag. pride 自寓,驕傲,自負,自說甚高
Malita' ag I malata' ag kako to wawa ak。. Iam proud of my
.j -
child. 我以我的孩子為傲
kalita' agan object of one's pride 某人所引以為傲的
。sakalita 1 ag ako -'-the thing that causes prid e 我所引 以為傲的事
Akato pisallta' ata『ag a somowal.一Stop your proud talking. 停
{ lit泌的m I tihlom . for a crowd to gather around a single ind ivid ual
or出ing 軍眾,聚集團纜( 一人或一件東西 )
liteg I to’as. old * referring to m an only 1長者,老人,長輩
no litegho a dmak irs related to ancestors * former life
style 古代的事,古代的生活方式
malitegay I mato'asay. an old person’老年人
liti『一to castrate * procedure to make infertile 閹割,割禮,去勢
litmoh - to meet * greet * receive‘ 遇 見,歡迎t迎接 , 問候
Litmohen kako haw. -
meet" me. 請來接我
Malitmoh nira kako. 一I was met by him. 我被 他碰見
Malalitmoh cagra. - The two of them met each other. 他們相遇
litod - 1. to harvest crops 收穫,收割,嘗到取,收取 2. to pick *
pluck off * pull off 峻,取,採,摘
Malitod koya pacek. The nail came out. 釘子拔掉了,釘子放出
Litoden koya pacek. - Pull out the nail. 把釘子放下 峙
。pilitodan to mami1 anini. It is time to harvest oranges. 今天
是採收村橘之時 日
litox - Taiwan Gordonia * a tree 大頭茶
liwal I paliwal. to sell 賣,出售
liwasak/lopisak. to scatter out in different directions from one
central place of people and living things 人和有生命的東西從一 中 心四處擴散
Iiway I saliway. 1. to fast * go without food 戒食,禁食 2. to
·, be without food 沒有 食物可 吃,餓肚子
以﹔lt\ I piliwayan - time for fasting 齋玻 日
fast 齋戒,禁食
liyad - 1. a single wave which is a part of a succession of waves heading toward shore 沖擊岸邊的一陣渡浪 2. a section 一部
份 3. a lesson 一課
saliyaliyad sa again and again in succession 一浪又一浪,連綿
to d isobey 不服從 2. obstinate * p�rverse 違逆,頑
maliyagay a wawa - chi ld dis ob eys * d oes as he pleas es 鈑逆的
liyas -
Jkalaliyag 一to dis pute wi th each other * a dis pute 與每人爭論駁
斥,爭吵 , 抵抗
to leave * go away 離闕
Liyasen ko palidig.
,分離 2. to get out of the ·
Maliyas ako ko katalawan. -
es caped danger. 我逃離危險,我倖
Get out of the way .of the car. 躲開車子
Miliyas cigra to niyaro' . He left the vi llage. 他離開村莊 , 他遠
LE豆Uyasen koya wawa to waco.
- Get the chi ld away from the
dog. 把那孩子遠離狗
�apiliyasen koya wawa to waco. Make the chi ld go away from
the dog. 使那孩子遠離狗
Awaay ko piliyaliyasan. There was no place of escape. 無處可
liyaw 1.
agai n 重覆 2. do agai n 重傲,再做 3. to repai r *
Saliyaliyawen ko dmak. -
remodel 修理,修改,重新塑造
the acti vi ty over and over. 做事情
0 niliyawan nira ko loma1 ako.
新 整修我的房 子
He remodelled my house. 他重
J Liyawen. - Do it agai n. 請重新做
vliyawenho. 一 Do it once more. 重新再做
ko faloco' nira. Hi s heart has changed. 他的心改變了
n。 cidal late afternoon 下午( 3至4時 )
liyoc 1.
to turn the direC:ti on of s omethi ng as the dri ver’s
wheel 迴轉,轉動 2. to twis t 纏繞,盤旋 * as to twi st hai r
·t�to a knot 扭結
liyok I taliyok. the area around a focus center 四周,周圍
o no lama 1 the area around the house 房子之周遭
go armmd and come b ack 來回巡邏
s pin * twirl in a circle 旋轉,巡車 '* to m ake the'ri ce
mi ll go around and .. around 磨坊,礦壓米成米汁時來回轉動
liyot - to twist literally or figuratively 字面上或隱喻上的轉彎,扭 曲 , 扭轉 * sometimes causing pain 有時引起疼痛
Miliyot cigra to tagila ako. - He twisted. my ear. 他揪扭我的耳朵
Maliyot ko kamay ako. - My hand was twisted I sprained. 我的手
lkairaira - there are some of every kind 應有 盡有 ,花樣齊全
lkakawa - 1. principle * rule that governs an activity 定義,原
則,法規 2. tradition * norm for society 傳統社會倫理規範1 風
如ilkakawa - 1. to up belongings 整理 2. to ga伽togeth
supplies for work 整備工作上所需之備品
lkal - to call with a shrill loud call 喊叫 , 尖吽
Tano lkal sa cagra a tom昕 一 They wailed. 他痛哭流涕
Ma削d cigra a milkalkal a milgat to sapiloodaw. - He continual-
ly was calling and challenging to battle. 他不斷的 大聲喊阱來挑
\'&大 釁,引起戰爭
州、\\v �med - 1. dream 夢 2. blessing 福分 , 運氣 a. luck 好運 Cilmed kako. 一I dreamed a dream. 我作了一個夢 Maimed kami. - We are blessed. 我們受祝福 , 蒙福
Mapalmed no Kawas kita. -God has blessed us. 上帝賜福給我們
Jsakalmed - the means of blessing 藉以蒙福之因素
�ipal叫 一 time 川崎 心g 賜福之 日
kalmedan一time of blessing 蒙福之 日
0 nira a lmed konini. - That was his luck. 那是他的 運氣
lnaf I rnaf. -1. to be swamped with water (ma-) 漲水瀰漫 2. to paint * paint 塗’刷 , 刷油漆 3. dye * to dye 著色 , 塗色 , 染
lnak - to multiply * of living beings and people * increase in
population 生殖 , 繁殖逼滿 , 生養眾多 , 增加人口
Palnaken ko 『 ayam namo. -Have your birds multiply. 使你們的
雞繁殖眾多 , 把你們的 雞放出去 ( 收割後 , 將雞放出來 , 吃田之 落
Malnakto ko 1do. -Rats are multiplying. 老鼠繁殖眾多
0 talnakan k onini a tomay. 一 This bear is a left o"er member of
his species so the bears are not extinct. 這隻熊是用 來繁殖的
(or(JC.- loflc
* of an animal or a thing
lneg -to s ink 沈沒
你酬eg I malneg. to be s inking * of an object 忱設,沈下去
。c,.Jno -high tide * flooded * of rivers or the ocean 漲潮(海水)
lo 1 gel I ko 1 gel. not hard * tender * as of growing plants 柔
轍, 如初芬
k 一
lo' gel 。 faloco, res pons ive * agreeab le in attitude 心軟,心
lo 『 od, -the back of the neck * human or animal 人 或動物的頸背之
odan - yoke us ed for ox en 牛轍,幌狀物
lo ' timay -brown color 棕色
locok -to be joined 連結
Nil。cokan ko ca’ag no kilag. -The branches are joined on to the
tree. 梭子連於樹上
lodak -rattle s nake * 100 P acer * very pois onous 百步蛇(毒性
lodas - to burn * referring to s kin or tong ue 皮 膚或舌尖的傷或燙
lodi 1 -to be red colored * with reference to the s ky 雲彩星紅色,
lodihag I wadihag. an echo * a res ounding noise 回音,回響
lodis - to be rough * to have waves * as the s ea is rough 洶湧
lodot - to take back what has been · g iven 收回 , 取回已給的東西
lofa - donkey 聽 ( from Japanes e守︱自 日 語)
J palofaan -fenced in area for donkey or s hed 驢柵
lofag -1. a term for an · older pers on s eventy or more years old *
part of a group 70 歲以上之老人的稱呼 2. milofagay -a com mittee meeting 委員會
lofic -1. to grow abundantly 結實最最 � .(South) left over crops on the ground 稻穀散落滿地(南部阿美話令
Malofic ko hci no panay. -The rice is profu�e In grai·n.、﹒ 稻穗結實
州pfic 一to glean left over crops 拾取落穗
loflof - 1. an inner room in a hous e us ed for s torage of utens ils and food 用於JlT藏家庭用品和食物的內房 2. an enclos ed place in the
mountains 一個四商人方圍繞著山的地方
lofoc - a bag * s ack 袋子,廠袋 * originally Amis wove s acks for rice 起初阿美族人緝織盛稻穀用之租布麻袋
lofog - a rain cape made from ox hide or tree bark
Iogadi - a metal bar in the hitch
attached to an ox ’s harness 鐵鉤以鉤 住牛輯
loglog I dawdaw. a lamp or torch
made of bamboo andI or grass 燈,
火炬(用竹片或草製成 )
Iogoc - 1. r equest * ex pressed
desire 要求,懇求 2. demand * re quirement * as God’s demands 需
lohak - 1. loose fitting 稀鬆 2. loose
soil (not clay) 鬆土
lohok - 1. name of an Amis village 花蓮縣玉里鎮福音部落名 2 ./
lofie (South). to glean left over from harvest 拾取落穗 3. to take part of the crop leaving part in the ground * as sweet
potatoes 拾取地下所剩的農產物如蕃薯
lokdaw - 1. tiger (P anthera pardus) 老虎 2. leopardus pardalis
* a leopard
rl lokes - to revile or speak abu叫y of someone * denounce 歡
騙, 攻訐 , 誰謗 , 公 然批擊 , 羞辱
- a species of green onion 洋蔥,葾(from Amoy
引自閩南語 )
loklon/liklon. to go down hill * to descend 走下坡來,下坡
Jsaloklon - a path for des cending 下坡道
lokot - an edible fem that lives off of trees 生於樹上之可食羊齒植 物,山蘇花
lolo - blue-purple 紫色
Maloloay ko riko' nira. - Her clothes are blue-purple. 他的衣服是
lolo<f - to roll up * as to roll up a mat or paper 捲 , 如捲起紙或草
lolol - to return * referring to things going back to o古ginal
state 回復 , 歸還
JPalololen ko matastasay. - Fix ·up what is spoiled * restoring
and returning (to lender). 修復毀壞之物
lolop - a fenced in plot of ground 籬爸,圍牆 * for garden or
animals 花園或動物 的籬芭
峨山lop - to make a fence so animals or chickens cannot enter 築
籬芭或棚欄 , 使動物或雞鴨無法侵入
loma ' - 1. a building 建築 2. a house 房屋 * a home 住家
Jpaloma『 一 to give a house or land for a house to someone 蓋房
子 , 割地建房子
J pataloma 1 - 1. I pararamod. marry * have a wedding for 結 婚 , 儀式 2. to take home 帶回家
以misal。ma 1 - to build a building or house 蓋房子
ν"laloma 1 an - people included in a family 親戚 , 家族 , 親 友
lomaig I kwamig I komaig. 1. flexible * pliable 柔軟的 , 易彎
曲的 2. no strength 柔弱無力
lomin I ci Lomin I Lalominan. a god who understands * sym
pathizes and encourages 能同情和鼓勵的 神明
lomoh - 1. / ti’aw. Opposited-leaves fig tree 對葉榕 2. Indian Rubber Tree (fiscus elastica ) 橡樹
lonan - a large boat * ship 輪船
Jpalonanay - sailors 水手 , 船員
lonayi 1 - a chain made with links of iron 鎖鍊﹒鍊條
lonen/ma 『 atoray. earthquake 地震
lono 1 - a running sore large or small 傷口出膜
lonok - 1. to do something without being told * spontaneously 自
動自發的 2. to do something secretly * avoiding being seen 默
lonol - to keep up with all that has to be· done 做事徹底完成
lood - to fight * to war against 攻擊 , 戰爭
kalalood - the battle (two sides implied) 打仗
�alal叫 一 two sides fight against each o伽兩方互鬥
lopas -a peach tree and its fruit 快子
lopeg -a tree * Sweet Acacia 金合歡 ( Acacia farnesiana )
lopet -to grow thick with no space in between 緊密 , 密集
-the bend * curve of a road彎路( 交叉 路口)
1 salop iko -a place where the road is curved 有彎路的地方 , 轉彎
lopilop 一 to feel light-headed and weak from walking 走路無力 , 無
精神 � ·u 1"川17t苓
lopini' -1. the part of hair on o n的head 某人都份的頭髮 2. to
be divided * s eparated into groups facing each other 分門別類,
lopisak I liwasak. to s catter from o ne central place in all
directio ns 從一個中 心分做到四方的 現象 referring to living crea tures and peo ple 指人民和生物擴散的 現象
Iosa' -tears 眼淚
"'ci losa ' -to have tears 掉眼淚
Tanolosa ' sa cigra a tomagic. -He wept with tears. 他涕淚縱橫
Iosay -trees that bear some kind of ·fruit 果樹 * cultivated by
man 經人裁培過的
、)palosayan -an orchard 果閩
losid -deco rative clo thing 服飾,裝飾,行李
lalosidan - things * commodities 日 用 品 , 物品
ko wawa. -P ut decorative clo thes on the child. 給孩子
.;malalosid -something that can be used as a decoration 可 當裝飾
Cilalosidan cagra. -They have things. 他們 有各樣服飾
losida' I losilal. malosida’ 一 to be side by side standing or sitting
or walking 並肩而 行或 坐
理 2. to furnish 裝修
losimet I solimet. 1. to arrange and put in order 整理,妥善處
losiyag -to spread * to be told everywhere 傳播,傳遞 * with
reference to activites or words or a smell 附註,哥︱證
loso 『 - to drop * to drip 滴下
Moloso' I mal。so' ko l。sa ' . 一 T ears dropped. 流下換來
ν也包車血, to simal -to anoint (the sick) with oil * as understood
from this com
in old Amis religious usage 膏油,以油塗抹
es the biblical use of anointing for leadership 領導者用油膏受職
losok/lacik. candle * candles蠟燭(from J apanese 引自 日 語)
lotay - to be ex hausted either physically or emotionally 疲憊,累,
malotay ko faloco『- to lose one's spirit * no heart left (as when
interrogated or scolded) ,心靈疲憊
lotlot -to crush * break up * referring to food or plant !ife or
paper 揉皺,搓破
Malotlot no palidig ko nipalomaan niyam a tfos. -T he sugar cane plants we planted are crushed by a vehicle. 我們的甘煎被車子
lotoc -a shoot growing up out of a cut stump of. a tree or from a
broken down banana tree 樹林被砍伐後男生之旁枝
lotog -a monkey 子
vkalotogan -place of monkeys * the name of an Amis village 猴
lotok -1. I to kos. mountain 山嶺,山 2. place where trees grow
( South南方語 ) * forest 森木
lowad -1. to aris e * get up 起立 2. to start out * as on a jo urney 出發,啟程
Lomowadto kita. 一 Let'
get going. 讓我們勇往直前
'kalomowad. -Get upI Get going! 奮起,起來
0 lowad nira konini. -T his is (the day)。f his starting out. 他現
lowalo -to rinse mouth with liquid漱口
Iowan -to reduce the number or amount 減少
Malowan ko ni桐,aloman ita. -There are less of us. 我們人數減 少了
Lowanen ko daf。g iso. 一 G et rid of some of your things. 您的東
西要減少 ‘ 、.九九叫‘
抖 lowi 1 -the squeal of a pig or a child 悲鳴,豬吽聲或小張子的時聲
lowid﹜dawa I tapi '. defeat * conquer 抗衡,征服,打敗
Lowiden ko ' ada. C onq uer your enemy. 征服,戰勝敵人
Malowid no 'ada ki旭. - We are defeated by our enemies . 我們被
akalowid -able to conquer 能夠征服,得勝
Ioyoh 一 to collapes * as a house or tree blown by the wind 倒
lpel - 1. to follow after * pursue 追求,追逐 2 ./恥,ko. to chase
* drive away 追趕,驅逐 3. to grab hold of * c'atch 摟住,擒
lpon - to finish * complete * come to an end 完成 , 完全,還清,
Malponto ko pipatiko to tadah. - The debt has been paid back
(finished). (責務已j鑒淆了
lsafon -mals�fon. to gather together * of 阱。pie軍集,聚集
Jmilsafon一to collect together things of various kinds 蒐集各式各
lsi 1 -to splash water out of an area till it becomes dry 激棍,澱濕 lso ' - to drip fast * run * with reference to water 滴水,漏水 Samolso' sato ko nanom i pipacakatan. - Water drippedI ran
down over the sides of the altar. 水﹔賤釋:祭壇
Itek - to cut trees 砍伐樹木
ltep - 1. to find someone committing an act in the act 恰遇 2. /
takop一to catch up with 趕上
Maltep ako ko dmak nira. - I overtook him in what he was doing
(redoing the wrong direction of his acts). 我追上 他所作的工 作, 我趕上 他所做的
Itoh 一 to howl * the sound of a dog or lion 狗吠,咆暐 獅子吼阱
ma 『 ifor I Ma ' ifor. 1. the name of an Amis village 舞鶴部落名 2.
to be dancing 翩翩起舞
maan -what * whatever 什麼 ,任何東西
Maan saan ko harateg iso? -What is your response? I What do
you think then? 你的想法如何?
J mamaan -1. How about doing it such and such a way? 怎麼 樣? 2. okay * a response to an idea 如何
J mimaan -What is (he) doing? 做什麼?
I maanen -H ow do (we) do it? 如何做?
咱simaan -do (it) any way 隨便
�alimaanay -s omething of no value
us e 無用 他之處
malo maan -1. what is it us ed for?
有什麼用處? 2. it is �(�o
0 maan konini? -What is this ? 遺是什麼?
Masamaan konini a dmak? -What is this like?這件事情到底如何
mafolosi -to have a vis ion * to b e vis ited b y the
s upernatural 有 異象的,藉著 神奇的力量來探訪(from J apane�e引
自 日 語)
0 cimafol。siay cigra. He
is a s eer (i. e. one who is given to
having trances ). 他是先知, 他是有 先見的
mafowakay I Mafowakay. the name of an Amis village 南華部
落 * place where water comes out of the ground 從地底近出泉
magah I kaniw. l. fals ehood 虛偽 2. ins incerity 欺騙
misamagah to sowal -to lie * deceive 說謊
misamagah to dmak to be ins incere * deceptiv e 不誠實
o mi samaga hay a tam daw - an ins incere pers on * a
hypocrite 欺 騙的人,騙者
·JMasamagah nira kako. -H e told me a lie. 他對我說 謊
本 map州心川ng that was true) b ee
agar I lafiwfi way I faliwfiw. a tree * 樹 1 Wood
Ramie 大芋麻 * grows in river b eds 生長於河床的樹 2.
Leucos yke guardrinerv ia 四脈芋麻
magcel -1. a wild animal called nuntjacur (Nuntiacuf and reeves i nicrurus ) like a deer but more the s ize of a fox 山禿 2. a tree
called Ardis ia cornudentata 殊砂根
Magcelan I Mancelan. name of an Amis village 玉里松浦村之名
magta’- 1. unripe 未成熟的 2. uncooked- * raw 未煮熟
mahad I korah..’Amis homemade clothin g woven from . their own thread 阿獎接用自己傲的線織布做成衣服 ﹒ 孔,
mahod / lalidigan. wooden rice cooker * carved out of a log 木
製黨籠 * for s teaming rice 蒸米飯用
pakimahod一to cook in wooden rice cooker 蒸米
maimai I ho�ak. duck * ducks 嘴子
makalo I tkes. ..a species of bamboo 竹
mako I ako. my * mine * I我的See Pronouns -Appendix 1.
參 閱附錄 I 代名詞
mako· -both 二者
mako伽 - both 叫 川 m的 ing)' 兩端
makolawac -both edges of (something) 各邊(各角落)
makotaay '- 1. muddy water 泥檸的 2. I Makotaay. the name of
an Amis village 花蓮玉里宮前或巷口部落名
m aia I tnala-. to bec ome * a gram matical marker for
becoming 變成
Mala wawa ako konini. This has become my child. 這變成我的核
useless. 徒勞無功
Mala awaay ko 'poc ko dmak nira. . What he does has become
malataw -'- 1. the place of departed spirits 死人之魂的歸所 2. the
name of the all governing god of the Amis 阿美族神明中的主權 者, 神明中的主宰
pamalataw - to go through a religious ritual as· when cleansing
soldiers who have been through war 經戰亂而回之士兵, 都經一 個 宗教的潔掙儀式 There is disagreement in different parts of the tribe as to who goes to malataw -good people or criminals
* hunters * soldiers * or other people involved in killing. 在
各族中,有不同的掌權神明, 為善男信女或犯罪之人, 獵人,士兵, 或殺人者有各不同的宗教儀式
mali -ball球
Jmimali - to play ball 玩 球,打球
malicagay - 1. Taiwan Habu * Turtle-designed Snake *
poisonous 龜殼花
malimpo I Malimpo. name of an Amis village 萬寧部落 名 ( from Amoy . dialect哥︱自台語)
malininaay I salawinawinaan. relatives * members of the
family group 親戚,親友
malitmit -1. the effect of raw taro on the inside of the mouth or
on the skin *
a burn 吃半生不熟的芋頭口腔上引發辛辣的感覺或
皮 膚上燙疼的 感覺 2. a feeling of tingling 感覺刺痛, 3.
crackling· P辟峙啪啪的感覺(如胸瘋了之 後)
malkakaay I malakakaay. I. literally refers to brothersand sis ters that have the same parents 兄弟姊妹 2. fig�ra:tively to have
a close relationship like family 比喻指有 家族親密的關係
malo I malo- I ha. for the use of * a grammatical marker 成為,
做為, 將作, 做成, 文法上的助詞
J Malomaan konini?一1. What is this for? 這是做什麼用的? 2.
This is of no use. 這是沒有用的
Onini a dafog ak。 'i, mal。maanho· saan kako. 一I’ve decided I
don’t want this anymore. 這件東西(家俱) 我不再需要了
Jmaloina - 1. the mother and her family (children) 母親和他的子
女 2. god-mother 乾媽媽
、Jmalomama -1. the father and his family (children) 父親和他的子
女 2. god-father 乾爸爸
JMal。 kakaenen no ’Amis ko ckiw. 一Snails are used for food by
the Amis. 海螺是阿美族人的食物
malonem - deer * wild animal鹿
mama I wama. father 父親
vpimamaan 1. godfather 教父 2. person to be depended
upon 可依靠的人
milimama I malamama. to interfere with the godfather relationship
of someone 妨礙於某人和他的教父的關係
halimama - to be attached to one’s father 親附於父親
mamag I mimig. small * little 少, 小* of quantity * kind *
activity * generic 修飾數量, 種類, 活動及一般的小或少
mamana - an ex pressed desire that something awful happen 表示
Mamana ma『kakto koya tamda w. - May that person be accursed. 希望他遇到不幸的事
mamayoh -Thladiantha punotata Hayata 長赤爬a tree 一種樹 .
.mami 1 I !.asiro. oranges * orange tree * Citrus taiwanica T�a)'
, ka and Citrus medica 拘橘
mamiya I kawkaw. sickle for cutting . grass 據刀(割草用的)
/7t tl/l ft't. I本
/Plt? !(J ii.A吼叫f
mamo1 mo' -
a mole * a rodent 嚴鼠, 生活在土外, 俗稱地皮老
mamo I ama. grandmother 祖母
鼠 2. to wrap in individual packages
mamokoI I kamoko I. short in length or in ti�e 鐘 * lit�rally
Mamoko' ko riko nira. -
clothes are short. 他的衣服很起
Mamoko' k。 faloco『 nira. -
or figuratively 含字面、或比喻上「題J的意義
heart is shortIi. e. he is easily
provoked. 他度量很小,他很容易發怒
mamosa -the pupils of the eye 瞳孔
manis to put a ring through the nose of 鼻璟
manowad I minowad. plums 李子 1. green-red 粉紅色 2.
yellow colored 黃色
manowan/lwatan. Bunin tribal group 布農族
manto steamed bread 饅頭(from Chinese亨︱自國語)
maomi ' to be spoiled as a child is spoiled 寵壞,像龍壞小改子
0 m喲。mi' ay no ina kako. -My mo伽spoiled 咐我母親很
mapohaway 1.
a blind person * See 參閱pohaw. 文盲 2. a
species of snake * poisonous * strikes when it sees a shadow *
Russell's Viper 有毒的蛇,勝蛇
maporahaw I kadipohaw. to have poor vision 視線模糊,視力
marad iron * metal 鐵,金屬
mararo 'og -1. to lean against each other 相互依賴或依靠 z.
name of an Amis village 忠孝部落名 * coming from the· fact that there are two large rocks leaning against each other in that
place 相傳該處有兩大岩石互相偎依而得名
maro ' -See 參閱aro'. 1. to dwell 居住 * live in a place 住在
一地方 2. to sit down 坐下 * stay temporarily 暫住
vj:)akamaro' -cause to sit or stay 請別人坐下或停留
kamaro' an -1. chair * stool * seat 椅子, 凳, 蔣子 2. dwell
ing place * place to stay 居住的地方/暫住的地方
maroda I Ci Lanyu Boerlagiodendron * a tree 蘭嶼八角金盤
masay -a vine with thick tough stems used to tie things 一種蔓藤
mata - eyes 眼睛
cimata - 1. to be able to s ee 能視 , 能 見 2. to wear g lass es 帶
milimata - to put out s omeone’ s eye 攝取眼睛 , 挖眼睛
matadim l Matadim. name of an Amis village 馬太林阿美族部落
matag - the name of an Amis village 台東阿美豐榮部落名
φamatag - to go into virgin territory and s tart from s cratch * to
mamatagen - to be old 要開墾之地
mamatagay a sra - fertile land 肥汝之地
matini I hatini. 1. the s tate of affairs 事務狀態 * like this像這
樣 2. s tandard * norm 標準 ’ 準 則
Matini ko ga 1 ayay a dmak. - T his is the s tandard way to do it. 這是做這件事情的準則
Matini koya dmak. - T his is the way the thing happened. 事情是 這樣發生的
Matini ko sowal nira. - He s aid it like this (des cribe how he
talked) . 他是這樣說的
roma a mihcaan 『i - At this time nex t year.. 明
matira 一 like that * as told by a s econd party 那樣(從第 2 個人說 的話) * s tate of affairs 事情的狀態
Matira ko sowal nira. -T hat is the way he talked (what he s aid
as I was told). 他是那 樣說的
Matira aca ko s。wal nira. 一 T hat was all t here was to what he had to s ay. 他說的就是那些
matiya - even as * compared with 好像 , 比較以下兩句
Samatiyaen o dmak ako. 一Do it like I do. 要作的像我一樣
Samatiyaen nira o so' linay. - He acted like he w as doing s ome thin g right ( but he was n’t re ally). 他做得像真的一樣 ( 但他實際
上不是 )
Aka pisamatiyatiya 。 mafana' ay. 一 Don’t
everything. 不要以為聰明/不要 自 作聰明
act lik e you k now. _
Matiya o wawa ak。 cigra a harategen. - Icons ider him as my
mato }111)y?tt (1
own chil d. 想起來 他很像我的孩子
M atiyatiya o ina ak。 cigra’ , arawhani aca 『 i caayto.
s eemed lik e s he was my mother bu t s he reall y was n,:ot 我的母親 , 其實不是
-S he
mato -a s hortene d form for mati ya wi thout poin tin g to a s peci fic pers on or acti vi ty 並未 指定特定的一人物或活動 * as * lik e *
appeared to be 有 「 如 J ’ 「 好像J • r 被認為 j 等的用法 已
Mato mafana 1 ay cigra. -He appeared to be kn owl edge abl e. 他好
像很聰明的樣子 , 他好像知道
Mato so1 1i nay kora dmak. - What is happen in g appears to be
gen uin e * ri ght. 那件事被認為是真的
M ato sowal nira ko dmak 一T he even t turn ed out l ike he
said. 那件事情如他所說的 ( 一點都不差 )
meed I imeced. 1. hard m uscl es from m uch ex erci se 肌肉結實 2.
m uch frui t * heavy crop as for ex am pl e grapes 結的果實很多很
mdok -1. I dokdok. to do som ethin g un ann oun ced 鬼鬼 祟祟 *
的 to l eave wi thout s ayin g so 不告而別 · 2. to open the way *
as to push as ide b rush when wal kin g 穿黨林 , 灌木而行 , 在荒野
mecmec. 一 1. to crum pl e as a piece of paper 把一張紙攪揉成 一
團 2. to mass age 按摩
metmet -1. to hold in on e' s han d 握緊手掌 , 握別人的手 2. tb
grasp the han d of s om eon e * han ds hak e 握手禮 , 握手致敬
mi ' mi ' - to press an d feel for s omethin g on on e' s s kin 指壓 ( 測
1 c\.t1'\ 試 ) , 按摩探知別 人皮膚上的東西
o:iigkok I Kapig I Kwapig. Hol am. Chin ese * Chin a 民圈,軍
人 , 阿兵哥
migmig -to s hak e on的 . l eg whil e ·it is cros s ed 兩腳交叉抖擴 狀 as w hen n ervous 當緊張或恐懼時兩腿發 軟顫抖的現象 pam igmig -1. to call a medium- ·· to do ritual over a si ck
medi um
pers on 邀請巫師驅逐死 人靈魂或驅逐致病邪靈的儀式 2. to pay a
mihca - year * years 年 , 年歲
Pina ko mihcaan iso? -How ol d are you? 你幾歲了?
· 192
一 汀 E 1=t ﹛包
a period of time * an age 年代 2. each
* all of the-years 各年
to mihcahcaan
each year 每年
milmil - 1. to ex amine s omethin g carefully for flaws 仔細被查東西
此 缺陷的舉動 2. to touch thin gs you are un familiar with 你好奇的
j 東西會東摸西摸
mimig I mamag. 1. little * tin y 小· 2. few * n ot man y * n ot
much 少
mimit - 1. a s ickle us ed to harv est grain 鑽刀(割稻用之刀 ) 2. to
twis t a part of a pers on ’s body to teas e or pun ish * as to twis t
an ear 捏別 人的肉以欺 負或 懲罰 他, 如捏耳朵
minato -
港口 ( from J apan es e引自 日語)
minaro 1 an I widwidan. heads * clus ters of grain 稻穗
minowad I manowad. plums 李子 1. green -red 盼缸色 * 2.
yellow colored 黃色
且 mintag I figtag. was h bas in * was h pan 臉盆 ·( from Amoy
dialect 引自 閩南語 )
mira I nira I nigra. his * hers 他的 , 她的 * by him or her 藉著
他或她 See P ron ouns - Appen dix 1. 參 閱附錄 I 代名詞
0 wawa no mira k。nini. T his is her child. 這是她的孩子
Cimi ra ko mafana 『 ay I Cigra ko mafana ’ ay. H eI s he is the ori e
mirmir -
tremble 發抖 * as when cold or afraid 當寒冷或 恐懼
who kn ows. 他自 己知道
M amirmir ko fal oco 『 ako.
-I was s haking in wardly. 我的心一直
misa mas s * ritual practiced by the C atholic church 彌撒 ( 天主
教禮-拜 ) ( from C hin es e 51 自 聞語)
ffiiSa I
tO bl an che V ege tables in hot W ater把蔬菜燙在開 水中( from
Amo y dialect引自 閩南語 )
misamis frin ge on cloth 衣服或布邊的縷飾或絲狀的 , 能毛
misi’ to urin ate 撒尿
sewing machine
縫家棧( from Japanese 引自 日語 )
miso - yours (singular) * yo ur 你的 S ee P ro no uns - App endix
1. 參閱附錄 I 代名詞
miso ' t>m I moa叮10.
miso' em I moamo. to stuff mouth full of food 食物滿含在 口 裡
mison - to start to make noise when heating * .as a pan over fire 水黨闊前的聲音
mita 一 ours .(inclusive) * our 我們的 See Pronouns - A伸出d!ix
1. 參閱附錄 I 代名
Ono m itam itanan cagra. - They are on our side I for us. 他們是
屬於我們 ( 團體 ) 的
miyamay I Miyamay. name of an Amis village 花蓮吉安鄉太 昌
部落名 from Japanese meaning the front of the temple 以前在 日
軍I]時 代在宮前 而得名
miyat - to flash 閃光 , 閃亮
mlet - a split second * an extremely short period of time 瞬間
mli - 1. to turn upside down 轉動 2. to repent * to become a
convert 變成信 徒 , 成 為悔改者
mnad - a wild edible vegetation 可食之植物
mo ' eel - 1. straight i正 直 * literally or figuratively 含字面上和比
喻上 「 正 直 J 的意義 2. honest * j ust * righteous 誠實的 , 公 正
mo ’ eel ko | faloco ' | - to be | \ just * \honest * | a person of |
integrity | 正直 的心 , 成 為公正 , 誠實 , 廉潔的人 |
的 , 正 直 的
mo ' eel ko sowal - to speak the truth * to speak directly to · the
point 說話正 直誠懇 ,直 截了 當的說 , 說話一針見血
mo' celay - 1. a descriptive word 描寫語句 2. an abstract refer
ence to righteousness 對正直的抽象表達
中alamo 『 ce lay - 1. the one who makes straight 把某 人當作正 直的
人 2. the one 、who justifies (biblical term) 被認為正當的人
mo 『ed I moamo. to stuff a lot of something in one's mouth · 填塞
mo ' mo - to mold together in one's hand round out the
shape qf a
mo ' tep 一 個n * a number 十
\Sakamo' tep - the tenth 第十
kinamo' tept。 一 to do ten times 作十次
。 niklamo' tepan - a tenth * a tithe 十分之一 , 分成十份
moamo I miso' em. to stuff mouth full of food 把食物含在 口 裡
monihar I sonihar.
moamo ' I mo'ed. to dissolve in the mouth 把食物塞滿 口 裡
moco' I padal. a wall 牆壁
modac - 1. to peel * skin of people 脫皮 , 皮膚脫落 2. shed
skin 脫皮 * as of a snake 如蛇
moho I roho. to stoop * crouch 彎腰
mokel - to eat fast * to gulp down 狼吞虎嘿 , 吞食 , 吞飲
mokmaw I tori. Desert Oak tree 木麻黃 , 在海邊 生長為防風林
( from Japanese 51自 日 語 )
mokmok - to stoop anc:! crawl through a narrow space 彎腰螃行於
矮窄的地方 , 蓋著棉被 , 布類或草堆個甸而行
l<-Jlokon I 叫做﹒ to pound 槌打 , 槌擊
sam ok on - a hammer 鐵鎚 ( from Amoy dialect 引 自 閩 南語 )
mola I I mora I. to be immanire * unlearned * uneducated *
。 ﹔L)
childish * without experience 不成熟的, 幼稚的 , 沒有經驗的 , 未
molamol - to suck something hard until it is dissolved and
swallowed 食物在 口裡 用 舌頭使其溶解
molcep - to penetrate deeply as a nail or a stake fastened securely 滲透到深部 , 如打釘或打樁 以便擊牢其上
moli I walin. to roll over so the other side is up 翻動的 , 使 底部朝
上 , 滾動使下部面上
moli 『 - to drool * drool 吐奶 ( 嬰 兒 )
molisaka I Molisaka. name of an Amis village 森榮阿美 按部落
( from Japanese 亨i自 日 語 )
molmol/pa 『 pa. 1. to chew without teeth 咀嚼 2. to fill mouth
and mix with sal iva before swallowing 無牙吃 食物 , 含在口 裡細嚼 慢嘸
molsa 1 - to leak * to have a crack or hole through which liquid
can pass 龜裂使液體順流而 下
- to stoop and crawl through e 鑽進 後 , 個旬臨行
han nira ko fogoh nira i. la ' ed no tosor nira. - He put
his head between his kness. 他把頭鑽進他兩膝之間
monag - - 1. to stir up liquid with one's hand 把有黏性液體玩在手
上 2. to rile · up water 把水攪混濁
monihar I sonihar. dawn * the early light of day 黎明
mono ’ / ponl '
mono 1 I poni 1 . for liquid to ooze out * as when food is rotting 食物將要腐爛
mora mamora. to start to be intoxicated * to feel dizzy or
light-headed 即將醉酒 , 頭昏眼花 , 頭重開輕的感覺
mora' ay I mola' ay. stupid * not mentally balanced 愚蠢的 , 心
mori - a seaweed which is edible 可吃的海藻 ( 海 草 ) * looks
like fir needles and soft 狀如 縱樹而柔軟
mori ' 一 the name of a kind of snail 蝸牛 、 iι 付
moric - 1. to rub in hands * as when removing the shell 搓手 2.
to knead 摸混 , 捏拌
morkoh - to sit idle * referring to people or things 沈思 ,坐著沒
moroho I roho. to bend * stoop over 彎嘿
morok - 1. to advance upon as in war 緊迫釘 人 ( 盯 ) 硬擠 2. I co'co. to force through a crowd to get to a goal 催逼輩無往同一 方向 3. to dig deeply underneath 挖苦I] 底部
moronos I Moronos. name of an Amis village 長清鄉 阿美族永福
mortes - 1. to ooze body fluids from peeled skin 從潰虜的皮膚徐徐
流出 膜被狀 2. to split open from being too full * as a filled sack
or a hose under heavy pressure 漲滿而破裂流 出來 , 如袋子太滿或 在房子底下給于巨大的壓力
mosigaw I fodigaw. pale * gray color of a face 臉色蒼白
moso『 - 1. to drip 滴水 * as unwrung clothes t日 未絞乾的衣
服 2. to ooze 徐徐流出 , 慢慢 流出
mowa I imowa. a plant from which rope is made 麻 , 可製麻繩
mowak -
hana a mowa
rosella plant 麻花
to break through the ground and come into view 從泥土
中湧出 , to erupt 噴 出
mrak to drop in single drops 疏疏落落的水漏或雨滴
mras / 『amlas. to flirt or arouse the opposite sex in an unwhole
some way 對異性輕掙不 莊重的態度 * ex pr esse d in unwholesome speech * looks * actions 表現輕俘的言語 , 模
樣 , 行為等
?ZfL CCl
mris I pamotek. to 瞪 ’ 注說
{ � -<-�1
I l <-i. '- �-,
namal / lamal.
mro - to swallow whole without chewing 吞食 , 未經咀嚼即吞食物
na’ ag - to put away * to put inside * keep 收藏 , 收拾 , 陳荐
pina 1 agan - time or place to put things · away 時藏室 , 保險箱
na 『 ay -:- to refuse * to say “no’, 不要 , 拒絕 :一一- na ’ Ofl - 1. to be careful * beware 小心 , 謹慎 2. to do slowly
and deliberately 深思 , 熟慮
Na ' onen ko rakat iso. - Walk carefu�ly. (a greeting expressing
〔人 concern) 走路要小心 , 祝一路順風 ( 對即將動身的﹔人的祝詞 )
1 on to sowal nira. - Beware of what he says. 仔細傾聽他所說
Mana 1 onay cigra. - He is careful I not i�pulsive. 他是很謹慎的人
nacnac - to lick with tongue 用 舌頭舔東西
nafoy - to crawl on all fours 用 四肢爬行 * as a baby that has
�"'' ' � not learned to walk t口 小孩在未學 走路前 的行動
nages - Mango tree and its fruit * Amba 芒葉
\to nagra - their * theirs * belonging to them * they 他們的 See Pronouns - Appendix 1. 參 閱附錄 I 代名詞
keep each other company doing the same thing such as working or visiting 同伴 , 陪伴做事或訪問
nahol - to rot * the state of a dead body 腐爛的 , 如死屍之狀態
nai - 1. from * generic form 從 2. I nani. from a place 從某地
、/Naicowaay cigra a tayni? - Where did he come from? 他是 從什
麼地方來的 ?
Jnai 1 ayaw tahanini - from the past to the present 從前到現在
naikoran - after an event or the action of a person 從某人的行動
nalacolan - 1. the ruins of a former village 古老所在地 , 廢墟 , 故
土 2. something left behind 鼓遺留下 來的某種事物
nal aloodan - 1. autumn * fall 秋李 2. S ee 參閱
lood. nalaloodan - place where there was a war 酋經戰爭過的 地方
,.,_, namal I Jamal. fire 火
71� 仰i 扒1 趴 tit
cinamalay I kasolin - a train 火車
namo -
place of fire * hell 火中/地獄
yours (plural) * your 你們的 See Pronouns → Appendix
nanam -
to learn 學習 2. to be familiar with * accustomed
1. 參閱附錄 I 代名詞
to 欲對某事熟悉 , 習慣
Mi nanam kak。 to tilid no
writing. 我要學習 阿美語文
Mananam kako a maro ' iti ni.
1 Am is . -I am learning · Amis
I am used to living h'ere. 我習慣住
kananaman a salikaka
- a person you are acquainted with 認識
的信徒 , 熟悉 的會友
J kananaman I nanamanan a dmak
a habit * custom 熟悉的 工
作 , 習 慣 , 風 俗
J mapananam to be disciplined * conditioned to 接受訓練 , 施于
0 ni pananaman ako a wawa cigra.
- He is a chjld I disciplined I
trained. 他是我訓練出來的技子
nanaw to wash 洗 * referring to hands or dishes 指洗手或洗
J 器血 -
monanaw I mananaw. the act of washing 洗的動作
wash pan * place to wash 洗手 台 , 面 盆
才nanay an expression of wish or desire 但願 , 希望
Nanay ira kiso a tayn i a misalama.
- I wish that you would come
and visit. 但願你能來這裡玩 , 我渴望你能來這裡玩
nani I nani-. from a place 從某地方
Nanitira i Sigko kis。 a tayni h aw? Did you come from
Chengkung? 你是 從成功鎮 來的嗎 ?
nani 『 ol tadpoles 小蚓斟
naniw-ac -bean sprouts made from lentils 綠豆
a grammatical marker indicating 文法上的字首助詞 , 指 1.
the source of something 東西的根源 2. the basis of something 事物的基礎 3. I nao. the former state of something 事情的前
0 nano I nao lorn a ' niyam konini. 一 This was our former
home. 這是我們 曾經住過的家
1 98
0 nano piti 『 er ci Yisan ko sakaga’ ay ita a mala wawa no Kawas.
- We become God’s children on the of trust in Jesus. 我
0 nano nima k。nini a dmak?
nanom - water 水
-Who did this? I What was the
source of this activity? 這是誰傲的/這個活動的恨源是什麼 ?
Jmi nanom -to drink water 喝水
place to drink water 喝水 的地方
i/pi nanoman
v tananoman
. 一
-b-ucket * dipper 水壺
Cinanom kita.
Pananomen kami
We have water. 我們有水
Give us water to drink. (literally cause us to
have water) 請給我們水喝 ( 字面上指我們有 水的起因 )
nanoy I canoy. 1. to swing back and forth 使搖擺 2. to
cradle 擺動 , 搖 籃 , 催眠
-I cacanoyan. a cradle 搖籃
to swing * the act of doing for oneself 盪轍嗨 , 這
是自 己做的活動
nanoya after that * after an interval of time 從那時候 , 從某一
nanpokoy - a species of fish * Tilapia 吳郭魚 (mossambica)
( from Japanese 引 自 日 語 )
nao I nano. a grammatical particle 曾經 , 原 來 , 本 末 indicating
the former state of something or someone 文法上的用 詞指某事或
某人 以前的狀態
Nao mafana 『 ay kako t。 faloco ' nira. I
felt. 我原本就知道他的心意
used to know how he
to associate with * with negative connotations 接近 , 親近 ,
0 \\ 含 有否定意味的交往
1\ Aka pinaol toya tamdaw.
- Don’t associate with that person. 不要
接近他 , 不要親近 那個人
naop I nawnaw. to be surrounded by or swamped with water 被 水 淹沒 , 飄浮
narikay I ranikay. quickly * of time or activity 很快 , 趕快 , 迅
速 -
a grammatical marker indicating a way of thinking that has