

池,am Ibolo. soft watery rice 稀飯、粥、 米乳、 米湯

miki池,am - to professionally beg 討飯、 乞討

『a『olec - large sea shell necklace大塊貝板項鍊

- price 價錢、價格、代價

acaan - market 商店、店鋪

-4<alali'acaan - market 買賣場所、交易場所、 市場

..,a 1 aca - sell 售、頁、付款、銷售

物i'aca - buy 買、購

’acam I 'alcam. dry stalks useable for firewood 乾燥的蘆葦幹用來


’acaw - to dip out water 汲、 搖水

'acfel - smoke 煙、蒸氣

也i1acfelay - train 火車, 冒煙者

’acicim - sour * as of unripe fruit 酸

I 『asic. dry. 乾燥、枯萎

ma 1 acisay - barren woman 患孕不


'aciyos - round spot in hair where hair parts * the crown of the

head 旋宮、 頭旋、髮旋

'acocol - something made with wood and with twisted string * a top to spin 陀螺

『ad 'ad Iwadwad. to dig around and

stir up while looking for somng

翻(石 頭、 東西等 ) 翻箱倒櫃

’ada - enemy 敵人、仇人、仇敵 ,此前ol陀緣

"1.misa1 ada.,.-- to do evil against * to make person out to be

bad 意謂敵對、把別人當作敵人看待

i’ada - to have an enemy 有敵人

『adadogac/ ’arorogac. black· beetle (Ceram-byx cerda) 甲蟲

misa- 埋伏

’adapaw Isalipaw Isamamaw. to lie in wait to kill (with

’adawag - gateway門盤、門口

’adcaw/ ’adicaw. marble大理石

'adepet - 1.尺idefet. to be tight * not share material things 吝

2. to keep O

自 己的計劃、樂不

s own ·counsel * deliberately ·not share 密守、






'adicaw I 『adcaw. marble 大理石

油didem - mulberry tree * mulberries (the fruit) 1. White Mulber­

ry (Mon這alba) 桑樹 2. Aino Mulberry (Morus australis)小葉

1 adif - 1. temporary fence 暫用圍牆、臨時籬芭 2. wall m a

building 圍牆

- to protect * shield 防護、保護物、遮蓋物

-defend 保護、掩譚

adig - 1. to hide 隱蔽、躲避、躲融 2. to seek

protection 尋找保護者、尋找庇護所

ν1piki1adigan -pl<附 to hide and be protecttd 避難所

1 adigal -shiny * as polished wood 光亮、光澤 * or clean hair 洗控

'adigo一1. shadow 影子 2. human soul or spirit 人類的單魂

..jFagcalay 1Adigo -Holy Spirit * coined expression for- 學靈

『adimaceg Irao '. a species of tr付 * Soap Nut Tree 無忠于

I adipagpag - J. tropical fish * generic term 熱帶魚的總稱(蝶 鸝) 2. butterfly 蝴蝶

'adipel -fence 闊牆、籬芭

)mi1 adipel - to make a fence or wall 築圍牆、籬芭

’adipig - comb of a rooster or hen 雞冠

'adit - a scab over a healing wound 傷口上所結的硬皮(少許樹脂、


'adiyam - 1. ginger root 生薑(中部阿美語) 2. pepper * hot

seasoning of 小辣椒(南部阿笑語)

'adiyoc - whirl wind 旋風、龍捲風

『adop -to hunt for game 符獵

a' adopen - 1. animal to be hun叫受獵物 2. generic for叫

animal 動物的總稱

'adte� Icica '. - 1. tree sap 樹汁 2. tobacco juice 遺留在煙斗吸 管內的菸鹼(尼古丁) ( Kwangfu 光復語)

『adtom -a kind of grass 草植類之一

1 afag - 1. to put arms on the shoulder of 手臂搭置他人肩上(表示

扶持行動不便的病人) 2. the spirit a medium receives when possessed 受靈的媒介物





Jsalo'afag -human soul or spirit 人類的魂或軍

Jmisalo'afag一(witch doctor) breaths a spirit into a person


'afala - shoulder 肩膀


aki'afala a mi'orog -to carry on the shoulders 扛 在肩上

『afalag -to put arms around something and }ift it up to the level of

one’s head and carry 以兩手臂 的力量支撐置於肩上之未經擱綁的東 西

'afar -river or ocean shrimp 蝦,草蝦,蝦 的總稱

『afas - to grab * take away from 搶奪,掠奪

『afdo 『ay - ceremonial clothing worn by the headman while reciting

the genealogies of the clans. 首長穿儀式典禮的長服全面性的在氏

族之前 吟誦古代 的程序

'afel -1. hot coals 燒煤 2. coal 煤炭 charcoal 木炭

『afinog - 1. coconut椰子果 2. Cocos Palm 可可椰子 3. Royal

Palm tree 大王椰子 4. Alexandria Palm椰子

『afo -1. ashes 灰,灰燼 2. fertilizer 肥料(化學)

I afOf0 -to hold in arms 抱起來,抱在懷裡

『afono -a tree﹒* its bark used to make clothing * its fruit 葉啞 叉似葡萄葉形開花作頭狀花序,結實如楊梅狀,內為青綠色,至秋初時 變成紅色,可採食之。學lj取皮製作制皮布,作衣服

'afsaw - 1. to taste burnt品嘗如煙棋味2. lukewarm 微溫溫熱

的, 不冷不熱(不熱心的)

'aftoy - calf of the leg 小腿肚

『agaget -- 1. to curl hair 使毛髮捲曲 2. curly 捲曲 的,捲縮 的 , 有

捲毛 的

'agcep -the smell of htJrnt rice 飯燒焦 味

'agdisay -seaweed used for food 可 食海草

’agi -fear arising in the heart when anticipating trouble 忍懼感

'aglis I ’agdis. strong smell of fish 魚腫殊的

『agrer - bitter with literal and figurative meanings 苦, 苦味,字面


1 agrer ko sowal - words that hurt話語傷人,話中帶刺

1 agsaw - the smell of smoke * burnt smell 煙墉殊的

'agsit -1. the stink of a skunk 馳鼠之臭味 2. the smell of certain







kinds of plants 某種植物的臭味

agsitay a °koyo' - a skunk臭國鼠

'agtol /\’antol/’agtox. 出e stink of some出ing d叫動物死屍的 臭味,腐肉或傷口的臭味

’ahacl ’。mac. to fade * to have color gone 褪色失,


'akawag Itakaraw. 1. tall 寓大(身材 ,體格) 2. high 高

'akaway - stem of a plant植物的莖

1akik - 1. wound that was weeping but dried 將癒的傷口 2.

dried sap from a cut vegetation 乾脂(草木汁 3. dried up

grass or vegetation草木枯萎

'akog/ mali ’akog. 1. crooked 彎曲 2. perverse 心理不正的 ma’akog k。 sowal - false words * lies 謊言,假話 ’akonal I ’anal. . bald of the head 禿

『alagad - a lump (of rice) held in the hand飯槽,端在掌上的食物

I alapit - 1. tweezers * thongs 夾子,鉗具 2. chopsticks 筷子

1 alem - ant-eater with long tongue * Manis tricupis 穿山甲 ’alet Isa I et. to stop * hinder阻止,遇止,紡磚,妨害,阻礙 'ali - brother or sister-in-law 對兄弟姊妹之 配偶之稱謂

『alic Icirep. 1. a sparrow 華南麻雀 2. a species of fish 魚的一種

'alilis - eagle * Serpent eagle大冠鷹

『alimdas/ ’alogdas. Pytas korr肘,a snake 花草蛇

『alip - sexual intercourse * of humans人類的 性交, 愛做

1 alitad - lump of something like dough or mud or cooked nce or

�lods of soil泥土或飯糟的塊狀,凝固狀

『aliwac - the pointed sharp end of bamboo竹竿的尖端

J pa 1 aliwac - to take time off to do something 暫時...痘暫 性的

'aliwates I'itkiw H屯aliwates. boils 沸騰 * festering sores

with a core 斤瘡,瘡前

’alo - river * stream * creek 河 摸,

潤 ,小橫

lo no coco 一 s breast 乳溝

ka鉤,alo'alo - the humps of a mountain range 擎巒相 連狀

'alofo - 1. a bag carried on the back 背袋 2. pocket口袋

吋sapa'alofo - 1. a thank offering 報酬,謝禮金 2. a bribe

包,賄路 , 行賄之物

'alogdas/ 『alimdas. - 1. large harmless edible snake * Mock

呵,- 一z’,.




Viper (Achalinus niger Maki) 無毒可食 之螃蛇 2. (Calamaria pavimentata formosana) 南蛇 ,標蛇

'alol - to be carried away by water so that it is no longer seen 流



'alolil I 『aroril. a bird * House Martin 毛間燕 * Barn

swallow 家燕 * Red-Rumped swallow 赤腰燕

’alolog Italolog. deep深 的深, 遁 的

’aloman - many * of people and animals only 許 多... , 很多..


1 alomaylay - a vine that is strong and spreads a great distance

wrapping itself afound .trees * a source of water for a person in

the mountains without water supply 這是個一

很粗大 的蔓延植物且

可 以藉它纏繞身體來越過 個一 來供給水。

很大 的山洞距離 , 在山上沒水喝時可 用它


’alopal - persimmon * tree and fruit 肺子,輔子樹


'alopaynay I ’alipaonay. long bright orange I green beetle-like insect that is pliable like wood 螢火蟲

『alotoc - edible snails from river or sea 河 中或海 中 的尖形螺

『alpad Itapakad. a smaller group belonging to a larger delegation of travelers walking 成章結隊

『amis - 1. name of the Amis race 阿 美族之族名 2. north 北 北,

『amitir - perverse * as the way a woman acts that makes her

appear mannish 風底 不矜持的 , 任性的縱,

惰 的 ( 指女性 )

『amlas 1. flirting * using speech and manners that are sexually

suggestive輕浮 , 不莊 重 , 風 2. of the way one does an activ­ ity causing spoil * not careful輕慢 ,輕薄,粗魯

7個1al I'akonal. bald of the head 毛 的禿, 頭 的

'anegag/’ahnag. chair * stool 椅子幌, 子

’anin - mala'anin. to play as dogs play 掛演狗戲,裝扮成狗要

1缸linil - to watch * pay special attention * be interested in 君

freshly planted稻株




mi『anip - to plant rice seedlings 插袂

『ankak Ianikak. a crow * large black bird 鴉

’anof - greed * desire * lust * usually related to one's

j livelih叫貪婪 ,貪慾 , 熱望貪, 圖

i嗨,an。1fan - object of desire or lust 渴望得到的事物

『anognogan - the center cross beam of a house 房屋的脊樑 ’antipal尸atipal. Chinese Bulbul 白頭翁 a bird 一種鳥 'antol/ 『agtol. the stink of something dead 腐屍臭味,腐肉之臭味 、 'aol -the generic word for bamboo 竹的總稱

、laolecen Banded k叫* a poisonous snake 毒蛇名

'ap 'ap Iopopay. the name of a large frog﹒俗稱自雞

『apac - a trowel * a tool used by a carpenter to shave wood smooth 鉤9jl形削木刀

『apaloay - 1. I’apalo I facidol. name of a tree j皮綠黨 2. name of

a village where many facidol grew. 花蓮軒:爵學期﹔月腦部落之地名

『api -twin 鍾生 Jna'apiay一twins 學生的,雙胞胎

Ma'apiay ko pawli. - The banana is double. 並聯的香江:1

『apilis - a sheer drop off as a ledge on a mountainside 山坡地


'aplad - a loaf (bread) 一塊(如麵包土司)

『apocok 一 the very top of a mountain 山的尖頂,土堆尖形狀(如金 字塔的尖端部份)

『apol - 1. white 2. lime paste made from burnt white stone

soaked in water that becomes powder 石灰, 石膏

'aporaw - 1. hill-shaped ground 山丘 2. to fill heaping foil 堆積 成山丘狀

『apsak - 1. not enough water used in mixture as rice cooked

without enough water 飯水分 不足時 ,缺乏黏性 2. something breaks apart from not being mixed right 東因西 混合 不當而互 不相

『aramisit - a vegetable that looks like parsley 香菜

油rapar I 'anapar. sparks from fire 散發火星

'ararogac I 『adadogac. a black beetle 甲蟲 ( Cerambyx

cerda) ’,





'araw - seen * visible 看 , 視,窺

arawhani - instead * contrary to expectation 事實上 , 看起


/piarawan - model * example 樣本 藍,

圖 模, 式 , 一覽表 ,範例

中aka 1 araw - 1. to experience seeing 看見 2. ability to see 視覺


Pa'arawen kami toya nitatoyan is。. - Show us what you are

holding. 請你把 手上的東西顯示給我們 看

Pa 1 araw cigra to dmak nira. - He reveal ed what he was

doing. 他顯露 他的作為(行為 )

、戶細so'a酬愉anini. - We get to see each o伽叫ay. 今天

我們彼此相 遇

1 arawhani - a grammatical connective indicating a reversal in the

flow of events 然而 ,基於 此相,

形 之下 卻,


Tayra kami a milood cagraan. 'Arawhani papatapatay sa cagra o

Taroko. - We went to fight them. Instead they the Taroko

were killing themselves. 們要去 和他們打戰 ,卻見 他們太魯閻族


『arawi - 1. a word expressing warning or need to be careful注


心 , 當心 2. an expression suggesting that something bad

may happen 勸告小心可能有不幸事件發 生

『arawraw - round in one dimension (flat) * circle-shaped 圓 的 ,

圓形 的

『ardet Ika'so. - a good kind of taste * delicious 香味十足 的

『ardo - swamp grass * used in making things 席草( 生長在水邊植

物 )

'ari - break * referring to glass only 破碎

、i<ina'ari - small pieces that are broken 碎片

’arikaya - a tall demon whose origin is in the trees * When he

reveals himself to a person they be­ come sick and die. 高 如樹般的鬼魂 之鬼名

『扭曲苟'Ipadaka. cx:m 玉,米

玉 蜀囊

'ariri - granary * storeroom for grain

of all kinds 穀倉

( 0


... •'



1 arnim - the taste of something sour that is like liquor 酸,有一

'arosaysay I ’arisaysay. a festival cape draped over the shoul­

ders and covered with spangles 台東地區按肩形 女舞裝

『arsak - to be dry from not having enough water in the

mixture 水分不足 ( 乾燥)

Ma 1 arsak ko hmay. - The rice is hard and under-cooked. 自飯半

生 不熟

Ma 1 arsak ko amoto. - The cement doesn't have enough water in

the mixture. 水泥 無足夠 的水 攪,

『arsig I 『o ’。I. dew 露 水,露珠


'asad I safak. a kernel of grain 春米或礦米時 未脫殼之穀粒

'asic/ 'acis. ma’asicay 一 -barren woman 患不孕症 的婦女

'asilo/ 'asiro. 1. lemon 檸檬樹 ( 果) 2./ mami'. an orange tree

and fruit 拘橘 3. the name of an Amis village * Asiloay 台東

市豐年部落 地名

『a siro I 『 asil o. 1. Lemon tree and its fruit 檸 檬\ 2. I

mami'. orange tree and fruit 相橘

'asisiw - straw 稻草

’asolo - a wood or stone pestle used to mill rice件 ( 阿美族固有的

礦米 用具 ) 石,

件:製懦米糕春擊 用

『at 'at - birth pains * to be in

to deliver a baby 臨盆時 的陣痛, 分

挽 生, 產

'atag - remnant of burnt wood *

charcoal木炭 ,燼援


’atal - to scoop * method used to fill * to use hands or a paddle

to fill盛 , 裝

’atapa - a species of fish一種特別魚的

『atay - liver 肝臟

1 atem - pinched * caught between * referring to something

large捏 住 挾, 住

『atikak - a large earthworm 蚯蚓

『atim - pinched * referring to something small捏 住挾,

『atimela - fleas 跳蚤



l民﹜�& pC4-.- I ’ayaw

『 atip - a weaver’s bar 織布棒 梭,

’atipal I『anipal. a bird * Chinese Bulbul 白 頭翁

1 atipil - 1. straight up and down * perpendicular 扁平 2. flat on

one side up and down as the back of the head of a baby 嬰孩的 頭扁平不正

’atipnoc - carpenter ants (Mycmellon formicarius螞蟻之一黑( 色

刺 人蟻 )

1 atkak - hard with literal and figurative meanings 硬 的 ( 有知識 ,

思想上的硬 )

'atkak ko falocostubborn * resistant 心硬 , 頑固固, 執

atkak ko 1 aca - expensive價錢昂貴、 i i .

’atol - a dam made of rocks piled up 用石 頭築成的牆

ma 1 atolay - stones or whatever piled up 用石 頭砌成的

atol a kakoreg - edible plant * Climbing Fig 可食植物蔓榕

(越橘葉蔓榕 )

1 atomo - a large earthen jar used by the Amis with a narrow neck

and large round body陶瓷麓 陶,


之器血 )

製 水壺 婦(

女頂於 頭頂搬,

食運 水

'atomo no riyar - Olaunpi fig鵲巒榕

(鵲巒鼻之無花果樹 )

'atomoay - a plant called Slenderleaf

anneslea 台灣安納土樹

'atoray Ilonen. earthquake 地震

'atoto - 1. I ciwisig. Caffre Lily 君子前

* a shade flower (Clivia Miniata)

Spider Lily 水仙 2. a grass with roots shaped like sweet potatoes 喇叭

’aw ’aw - to bark * the noise of a dog 狗阱 狗,


.. pa 1 aw'aw - to give money to a witch doctor 巫醫 的酬金

1 awa - groin area 兩腿分叉的部位

, 'awas -=-to step over跨步

Idawmi'. flexible * easily bends 易彎曲 的 'ayam - 1. bird * birds 飛禽之總稱 2. chick�n 難 'ayaw - 1. in front of ...之前 2. before 之前



••�川 、


’ca I caay.

1 i1 ayaw - before * past time 面前 ,過去 昔, 日

-1],a'ayaw 一 in front of在之前

抖,ayaw - to get ahead of in position 超前 ,超越 , 迎頭趕上

、pa1 ayaw - concern for * take interest in and help 替別人做


Jpaki1 ayaw - to put ahead of 承 讓 , 先讓

j pasi 1 ayaw - to face ahead in direction 向前

v pasasi'ayaw - to cause to face each other 面對面

J patala 1 ayaw - to send on ahead領到前面來

.fli'ayawen一to face towards (someone)面Jsa『ayaw - first * to start 首先,起初 Jli'ayawen一to do before the time預先,預先做好


ayaw a tilid 一 letters of recommendation 序言,推薦 書,介


'ca I caay. negative particle不是,

aka ka 1 ca - do by all means 不能

,不 不得不

caay ka 'ca - definitely 定一

0 nika'caan pidmak ko ga『ay. - It is best not to do it. 最好不去

做 , 不如不做

'cak - 1. ripe * edible 熟, 吃 的 2. cooked done 煮熟

『ced - black bumblebee 寄生於竹竿 內 黑的 蜂

'ceg一to be blinded by light 目 眩,光線刺眼

'cic 一 to singe * burn hair or feathers 毛髮被火標焦 而iw - a swishing sound 聽(鞭 ,翅膀等 的聲音 ) Jspa'ciw I rocwi. a goad for hitting 靶

『CO - 1. an elephant (with light glottal sound)象 ( 引自 日語 ) 2. to

. advance taking for oneself with the advance 擠 推, 擠

Ma'co no aol k。 nipalomaan a

︱。say. - The bamboo crowds out

fruit tre�s that were planted. 果 樹被竹林擠掉

『daw - to fortune tell卦 , 算命祭,

耙 用之木具

padaw - to call a fortune teller 請

間卡 , 請人算命





、lmi’daw - 1. to tell a fortune 問卡

卡, 卦,占卡 2. to give the

reason for a problem 說明吉凶 的理 3. the activity of a

medium 巫師 的活動

’def - 1. I ldef - to spread out over the whole area撒個區 to close {heavy glottal stop) 關閉

1 def to loma 1 - to close the house 叩 開閉門戶

Mi 1 def ko simal to riyar. - The ocean has a large oil slick. 浮油

滿海 面

-a door 扇門

'deg - only , 只有,僅僅’獨

ma 1 deg - can be done 足夠 , 能力足完夠 成

--.faegan I dgan - only

唯, 一

pa1 deg - to do only so much * not ove的 * including the idea

of being content with what you have 僅 做範圍 或內

作或責 任

'des - cruel 嚴厲 ,殘 ,兇悍

·� ’dil - glory * radiance光亮 ,閃耀

Jna1 dilay - shiny閃亮 的

限制 內 的工

、/ci 1 dilay - something that is radiant * glorious 發亮 的 榮, 耀 的

'do - 1. rat 老鼠 2./’aftoy. calf of the leg. (光復語 ) 1j、腿

’dog - a pair of arm coverings attached together 套袖 ( 手 臂套 筒)

『dox/ 『dok. a plant called Rose Mallow種

子 (Urena lobata) with berries

『em 1 em - to keep to oneself worry or

trouble 忍受痛 苦或困難

'es 'es - 1. to whistle (with heavy glottal 'dog套論

sound) 吹口哨 2. to whittle (light glottal 削薄木料輕的 聲

'etol - sexual arousal * sexual passion 激起性態 慾,

’fa - horse 馬

'faw - to contract a job 承包工


Pa’fawen ako cigra tonini a tayal. - I contracted out to him the work. 我這些工程給他承包

fec - 1. to force oneself to stop speaking 阻丘他人說話 2. to tie

head with a cloth band at the back of the neck 用毛巾或布條綁





heavy glottal sound). 3. to exalt oneself * putting others down 厚此 薄彼 4. to forbid * not allow 禁止 , 不 許 , 不

light glottal sound)

'feg - to throw away 拋棄,丟棄

’fer - to jump from one place to land at another * to leap

(mi’fer) 從此地飛到彼岸 , 飛躍,跳躍

ma'fer - to fly 飛

'fo - 1. overwhelmed by work * unable to handle something 無法

勝任, 不能勝任,嫌工作或任務太多或太大 2./’ilo. 1. stigma from moral failure 道德上的污點,犯法事件 3. just dessert 點心

'fog I 'Fog. name of an Amis village 阿美族部落名之時稱,瑞源村 落名* from sahfog * to have a gully 地,深溝,峽谷

『ged - a rack or flat object on which to set something as the base

for carrying a jar on the head or a mat on which to set a hot kettle 墊熱水壺或熱鍋 的網梁

1 gid - to be wormy and rotten 腐壞,腐朽

0 ma 1 giday a kilag konini. - This is an unhealthy tree. 這是一棵


'giw I adeses. the sound of a living thing 指有生命物的聲音 Awaay k。可iw. - Not a sound can be heard. 一點聲音都沒有 magiw ko giha『- high pitch of the voice聲音高而尖銳

'i - an untranslatable particle at the end of a dependent clause * as

for that with a description or explanation following 無從翻譯的詞 額,用於主旬之後,以描述或說明以下的事

1 i 'ir - to sit on the ground 席地而坐。如狗糞便後,以屁股擦地的動

『icag - generic word for dry 乾的總稱

1 icel - strength * power 力量,能力

ci'iceI ko faloco 1 - courageous 勇敢,勇猛,信心足

\¢a'icelay a sowal words of encouragement勵的勸勉


sa 1 iceI sa kako - I strive 我自我努力,我自勵自己,我策勵自己,


icel no pitoor nira konini. - This is evidence of his spirituality

I faith. 這是他信心的力量




a’icele『t句ra t。詞kacaaw ka


him so that he won't fail. 希望鼓勵 ( 勸告 ) 他使 他不致跌倒 (墮 落 )

'icep - Betel Palm tree or fruit檳榔樹

mi'icep - to chew betel nut 嚼吃檳榔

masa'icep一to get a bruise the size of a betel nut 碎定量的檳

榔 果

'id'id Idohdoh. roasted * to roast * to barbecue 烤,烘烤,烘

『idepet I ’adepet. 1. to be tight * not share material things 吝

裔,吝於分 享東西 2. to not share feelings * keep own

counsel 不把 自 己的心得或憨覺分 享給別人,固守 自 己的計劃

’idi - 1 . selfish * rel uctant to shar e 自私 , 吝薔 2.


'idoc Ikotag. spear 矛,槍,魚叉

’ifcag - to be stiff * limbs of body 'ldoc僑、矛、魚叉

not move freely 僵化, 僵硬

’ifowas/ lifowas. I. to scatter撒播,擴散,散 落 2. to run

over 溢出

志, iga 1ig - to shake the head as in refusal 搖頭 示不同 意, 不 成,


,bl'f iger I『 acocol. to spin a top * a top 陀螺

『ikay - lump shaped object 成塊狀

masa'ika'ikayay a soda - hail 成塊雪的


’ikes - hard * mature in the good sense 硬,老, 成熟

ma'ikes ko fal。co' - mature in attitude 態度成熟, 心智 成熟

ma'ikes ko tireg - to have a good healthy body身體 ( 發育 成)

ma' ikes ko kilag - the tree is �olid (good for building)樹 長得很


1 ilo .- stigma from moral failur� * just dessert罪過,罪譴

’ilol/ Qron. to be lonesome to see someone or someplace 想念,悽


'ilos - toilet pap前* anything used for wiping 撩屁股 ( 排泄後 )

1 imac - to cut and sharpen the end of a piece of wood like a







pencil銳 利,尖銳 ( 指尖形之銳 利 ),削尖( 如削鉛筆 )

’imced - to be firm * of flesh including muscle or fruit like

banana 結實,堅固

1 imer - 1. to keep * take care of謹,

節制 自愛 2. to not

waste節儉 3. (misa-) to keep watch小 心看守

ma1 imer to tireg - have good morals and high standards 有好

高 的道德水準,潔身自愛

ma 1 imer to sowal - keep commandments 謹慎說話,講話小 心謹


maimer to riko' - well groomed 衣


Misa' imer ko Farisay a tarndaw to dmak ni Yis. - The Pharisees

watched (to find something wrong with) what Jesus did. 法利 賽人注目耶穌 的行動

1 inal - to desire something good that does not belong to you *

something seen 渴慕不屬於自 己的好 東西

painal - to show but not give * to cause to desire 眩耀,使別


『inap 一 jealousy * to be jealous 嫉妒,妒忌

1 inaw - soft as the fuzz on blossoms and stuffing of quilts 柔軟如

花 的細毛 和被窩 的毛織原料

『inco - 1. tight fitting as shoes 緊,如穿小鞋 2. tight of heart *

not open to ideas 心艦中


1 inorog - burden * literal or figurative 重扭,包袱,荷物,負荷

'in。rog no fal。co' - heavy hearted * have a problem * trouble

for which a person feels responsible 心包中 袱, 有難題, 使人 感 覺需負責 的難 關 困( 難)

'intel I ’intex. hatred * to hate 憎恨,怨恨

『ipoc - pyramid shaped * skinny at the top and wide at the bottom

or wide at the top and skinny at the bottom 由大而小,式飯,金 字塔形, 由粗而尖

『irig I pawig. to have head bent to the side * as when a baby is

asleep 側頭

『is 1 is - to shave * referring to beard or hair 剃,刮’理髮

sa'is'is - razor 剃刀

『isag - not motivated * to lose interest * to be bored厭煩





’i�al - portion of community property分配 , 分 享

J pa'isal to portion out to分給分, 出

0 mamala'isal kamo tatosa toya omah. - The two of you will

share the field. 你們將平分那塊地

’ised I 'sid. to compete競爭 , 比 賽

.. maa1 ised - to compete .with each other互相競爭

'iso - whale 鯨魚

頃,it一1. to eat paper or cloth * activity of rats or cockroaches 嚼

富紙張或衣物為老鼠或蟑螂 的行動 2. to chew on as meat on a borie 嚼咬骨 頭上的肉

’itis - a long bamboo pole 長竹竿

『iw 『iw - hunger pangs 空腹 至 極 ,餓得很厲害

『iwal I 1 owal. to pry up or apart as with a crowbar攏閉 ,攏動

用攏棍或鐵樟挪開 東西 ( 指沉重 的石 頭或木材 )

『iwas - to row a boat划

sa'iwas - oar槽槳划,

船槽用 槳

『iwil - 1. lonely * sad * remembering things of the past that bring

mixed emotions 孤單 ,寂 悲傷,憂 , 回 過 去的事情而產 生讀雜 的情緒 2. feel left out * uncertain of where one belongs 失 落感 ( 在異鄉 ) 3. to feel dislike厭惡 感

Ma’iwil kako toya sowal nira. - I don’t like what he said. 我對他


『iyak - to choke from eating or drinking 硬塞因吃或喝而咽塞 ,因吃

東西或飲水而 噎住

『iyof - to- blow * as by the wind 吹 風, 吹

1 iyot - 1. to cut a hole and scoop out a piece of鑽洞 ,鑽 孔 2./

sa'iyot - a


for cutting鑽 子

’los. to swirl * referring to water 激渦

’kak - 1. to curse 咒詛 ,休 2.


ma’kak - 1. to be dried即將桔乾 2. about to die休克 ,臨終 ,


'ked - separate * form clique分 ,組成派系,私黨

misa' ked - to fomi cliques 另起壇址,另組黨派或派系

’kim - silver 銀

tada'kim - gold 黃金

( ( 37


'' ..


’kog - 1. an owl領角鵲 (貓頭鷹 ) 2. black as the bum on a pan

or soot. 燒痕,鍋底火或

壇赴上煙嘿遺留 的黑色掛末

’Ii 1 -1. a b�ndle of one hundred stems of grass * one hundred , 一

百校一束 的茅草 2. grass used to roof a house 覆蓋屋頂用之茅草

ccay no ' Ii' I ccay a ’Ii 1 an - one hundred 一百

『lo1 -condition of being spoiled * not disciplined * of a child撒

'Ioc -to wear * to be worn away 磨損

/Ma'toe no nan。m ko fokloh. - The rocks are worn by the

water. 石頭被水磨滑 平) 了

'mahay -moo * the sound of a cow 黃牛 的吽聲

『mamosa - the pupil of the eye 瞳 孔

'mec I 'imec. to grab someone at the neck with hands to choke *

strangle 用兩手指人 脖子致死,勒死,招死

'mek - to sink to the bottom in water沉落水底

『met -to hold back * control self控制,抑制

’mi I 'did. wheat 大麥 kato'mi -barley 小麥 tada’mi -wheat 小麥

'mic -pinch * grab hold of捏,捏住

鉤,mic -tweezers 餃子

『min -complete * all * every one included 全部,完 全,整個, 所


.J ma' min ·a makaen. - everything is eaten 全部吃光

Tayra kita a ma' min. - All of us will go. 我們全部都要Pa'min han cigra a pafli. Give it all to him. 全部給他 'mo -new year’s cake * made of sweet sticky rice 年糕、

'moy -1. Taiwan Ivy * a tree 常春藤 2. Fairy Fig * edible fruit and. tree 天仙果

『nee - to crush揉

J minecnec to mata 揉眼睛

'nem -six

'nep -content * familiar and contented with circumstances


『nip - 1. small turtle with pliable back 烏龜,值 2. I rarokoh. a




’okakay l’Okakay.

large sea turtle 海龜

tnoc - to swallow吞,嘸

caay ka 'noc - can’t be swallowed吞不 下, 無法 下噴泉

Jna 1 noc - -can be swallowed可以吞 下去

『nor/ 『enor I tnol. anchor of a ship or boat 錯

pa『nor - to cast anchor 拋錯

’。 ’。I - 1. fog 霧 2. dew * droplet of water from fog 露珠

’。cil - to insist on going along with as . a child demanding to go

with his mother 堅持要同住如小孩強求與母親同住

Mi'ocil · ko faloco' ako. 一In my heart I identify with (your) going. 我的心順從你的決定,我心與你同住

'odag - sexual sin with the opposite sex whether with married or

single person 性騷擾 ( 對異

)性 , 通姦’姦淫 2. I apa - stupidity

* no sense 糊塗 ( 對異 性)

1 odagen - commit sexual . sin against * rape 犯通姦

『odal - 1. honey bee 蜜蜂 2. honey 蜂蜜

『odawis一to. cut off a bunch of betel nut from the tree 把小刀綁

在竹竿 上採割檳榔果

『odidal - a thorn tree 火刺木 ( 有刺 的樹)

1odot - to wrestle with * to struggle against 搏門 打架欺悔

Jlala。do 1 odot - two people wrestle with叫o伽兩人互相 打

『ofad - 1. ten thousand 萬,一萬 2. white hair 自髮

『ofcag I 'ifcag. stiff * not easy to move or bend 僵硬 ( 如屍體)


『og Iog I I adi. burned food * as rice 鍋巴,燒焦的鍋底飯皮

『ogagil - tissue between the joints * as the discs in the

backbone 軟骨

'ogcoy一large rocks such as those on the beach 巖石,岩石,聲石

『ogto - pipe for smoking煙斗

1 ok1 ok - to swallow some liquid吞飲 水或液體飲料

『okak - bone * bones 骨,骨頭

--fua'okakay一細ny * no flesh瘦骨 如柴

『okakay I 1 Okakay. name of an Amis village 花蓮縣光復鄉間界都


t Sf. 39





『okem - extremely dry * as the leaves of a plant 乾而脆 , 如樹葉


1 okot - to huddle as when cold 冷得縮成 一團

'olac - to purify with fire 用火蝶,壇火純青

’。lalip I'Olalip. name of an Amis village 花 蓮縣瑞穗鄉鶴岡 部落

'olaw - 1. black黑,黑色 2. name of an Amis village 花 蓮縣瑞穗

鄉北岡 部落名

,J ma1 olaw _,. blackened * as to be tanned by sun or smoke 變黑,

被光曝晒或 被火煙蕪色

『olic - 1. to chant吟唱 2. poetry 詩詞 ,歌詞 3. psalms 詩篇

、fpa' olic - to chant to someone or about someone為某人吟唱






someone who. has poetic gifts 富有吟詩天分的人

* to da.te 約會,談戀愛

『olid - 1. I holol. to visit around 拜訪,造訪 2. to look for a mate

v pa I oliday I ma I oliday a fo I is - a shooting star ﹛rom a comet 流星

'oliyat I 'osiyat. to stretch out one’s body and limbs 雙臨大開平


'olol/ molamol. to suck until it is dissolved and swallowed 含在


『omac/ 『ahac/ 『onac. to fade * color gone 褪色,失去光澤

’omlig - shiny * bright * receiving light and reflecting it閃閃發


'onac I 'omac I 『ahac. to fade * color gone 褪色,失去光澤

'oner - snake * serpent 蛇

『onig - d的 * soil of clothing or skin 污垢,髒

I 000C - a bamboo carrying pole 扁擔,挑 東西用 的木棍或竹竿

『opic Isger I cpa '. to wet * make wet * as from rain 濕,弄濕

、pir - a braid of hair or of rope 束髮’偏髮,編繩

'orac/ ’roe. worn smooth * as wood 磨滑, 磨損

『orad - rain· 下雨

)paka'orad f misa' orad. - to make it rain 乞

1oret - a necklace made of sea shells 貝製 的項鍊

『orip - life 生命, 生運

Jci'。rip - have iife 有生命




vka' - source of livelihood 生長之處 , 生計

that is alive 有生命的 , 活生生的

'o叫pay - L provider 賜生命者 2. 的cuer * deliverer *

saviour 拯教 者

apa 1 orip - the provision of salvation 拯救 的定規

Paoripen nira kako. - He saved me. 1. physically as from

dr ow nin g 他教 我, 肉體 上 如, spiritually 精神或屬靈 上

從溺水 之險 境 中 2.

0 ma'araway i kalo'orip a tinako konini. This illustration is

seen in ordinary life. 這事倒在 日常 生活中可 看到

『oriyat Imasaya. to stretch one's body as when awakening 打哈

伸, 懶腰

1 orog - to carry on the shoulder 扛肩

aorogen - something to be carried荷物,包袱,即將 運走的東西

Ma'orog nira ko kartegay a 'inorog. - He carried a heavy

load. 他挑 起沉了 重 擔的

子, 他運走 ( 扛在肩 上 ) 了 很沉重


’orsap - lice such as that found on young chicks 蟲,依附在家禽或


嫩芽, 如蕃薯或馬鈴薯

’osaw - 1. left over 剩餘 2. left behind 遺 留


1 osget/ gotfol. an expression of anger. 皺眉頭表示生氣

『osi - 1. to strongly dislike * reject 嫌惡,討厭,厭煩 2. mi'osi to

tilid-read 閱讀或誦讀書3. I sa'osi. true * chosen 數算, 計

0 1 osi a tamdaw cigra. - He is true. 他是正 直人的 , 他是 了不 起

nira. - What he does is despicable. 他的作為

'osiyat I’oliyat. to stretch out body and limbs 雙腳大開而平 直的


I ot I ot - 1. I kapkap. to cultivate rice plants by hand 慶人用手或

動頭除草 2. to carve * engrave 雕刻,雕塑

’oteg - 1 . trapped as by the snare on a fish hook (sa'oteg) 助沉器

繫於圓形魚網邊 之鋁製沉器 ) 2. to be degraded * suffering





humiliation from sin因過失而 受貶降職務處分 3. to stay at home

as when embarrassed or ill 為兔尷尬之事因或 lead * a metallic substance 鋁金屬

生病而 留在家 4.

’。tit - to pervert * perform sexual acts that are ag�inst nature as

homosexuality 淫蕩 , 風騷 , 矜不

, 不要E重 , 端不莊

1otkok - to huddle as when cold因寒冷而捲曲身 子縮 成一團 'otkoy一to have head bowed from sickness因病而垂首 ’otoc - pillar * marker as for a grave 牲, 樁, 墳墓的標蛀

'owac - the cycle of beginning to end of something * as the cycle

of the seasons in a year 輪妞,周而復始的現象

’。wag - to howl * high pitched sound of a dog狗狂叫,怒吼

『owak - to drink from a glass or bottle 從杯或瓶


ta『owak - to drink wine * gulp down 將酒一口吞飲而盡,把酒一


『owal I 1 iwal. to pry up or apart * as with a crowbar 鐵籠挪

動沉重 的東西

'oway - reeds made from a plant that grows in the mountains and

the plant『 籐’籐條 used in tying together poles and furniture and baskets etc. 用來繫柱子和製 家俱 和做霞等。

Jmisi 1 oway - the activity of making reeds out of the plant把藤切


'pag - bread 麵包 ( from Japanese 亨︱自 日語 )

1 pah - wine * intoxicating drink酒,酒 精製 品飲料

1 pee I spen. to despise * look down upon * consider of little

value 瞧不起,真落,輕視,輕蔑

'pel - biting gnats found in Hualien county黑蚊

'pi - 1. paralyzed * as a stroke victirp 痲痺 ( 如風中

,患者 ) 2. to

tum under * hem * tuck 縫邊,摺紋 3. an animal hide *

leather 動物 的皮革

Masa'pi'pi ko riko' nira. - Her skirt is pleated. 她 的裙子是 打摺

’pip I tipolo. to play a flute 吹笛

a'pipen I tipolo. a flute 笛子 , 橫笛 'poc I kapo. use * value 用處,價值 Ci『pocay - has value 有用, 有價值





awaay k。 ’poc --no use 沒有用 , 沒有價值

’pod - to come down * to descend 下來 , 走下降,


『pog Iofag. a small hole 孔 洞, ,穴

1rac - to be washed by rain so soil is gone and stones appear 經雨

打 後而土失石 現的現象

'res/ ’iray. something used as adornment as jewelry or home

decorations 裝飾 品

『ric - wire 鋼絲

'roe I『orac� worn smooth * as wood 磨滑( 如木 頭 )

'ros/『los. 1. an undercurrent that pulls objects that come into

it 旋渦吞 沒 沉,

沒東西 2. the Pacific current黑潮

'sam - attitude of being tired of looking at something 不耐煩 因, 疲

倦而厭煩 的態度

Ma1samento kako. - I am upset I disturbed (by a situation. 我 已

經提不起興趣 了

'ses/ ’eses. to the . point * direct 指出, 指導

Awaay ko pa惘,esesay a somowal cigraan. 一No one is able to

speak pointedly to him. 沒有個一

『sig - to sneeze 打嘖嘖

’tah Iafih. chaff 租轍

人敢當面指責 他

1tan - profit * earnings from work 利益 ,利潤

mili'tan - to make profit 賺錢 ( from Amoy dialect 亨! 自 閩南

語 )

1teg - 1. dam used to stop water so it goes in another direction 築 堤使水改道 2. road block marking a detour 棚路改道 3. floats

on a net 漁網 之浮標

pi1tegan - place where dam is placed for fishing 酒魚 之堤喔

'tip Ika'tip. west 西 , 西方 , 西邊

Jsa'tip -to the w est 在西邊 , 西部

J pasa' tip a romakat - walk I travel to the west 西 走

isa 1 tipay a tamdaw -people that live in the valley (from the east

coast perspective) 西部人 �廣東海岸 的阿美族指住在東部縱谷平 原的 人 )

pa鉤tip a tamdaw - people that live on the west coast 西 部人

( 指住在西海岸 的人 )





試叫。叭 ’‘

『toIan I'Tolan. name of an Amis village 台東縣東河鄉都蘭落部 名

1 tot - to pass gas from bloating 屁,響屁

’xlw - incense 香( 佛供神用 ( from Amoy dialect 引自閩

南語 )

pa1 xiw - to burn incense as in worship 上看

1 yak - 1. to choke from aspirating food or water因吃東 西或飲 水而

噎住 2. I maco’的﹒ to eat food not belonging to him貪吃 別人的 東西,貪嘴

『yof - to change 改變 ( 心意 )

Caay ko mama'yof koya tamdaw. 一That person will not

change. 那人的心意無佳改變, 剛他

復 自用

a - a connecting particle with some of the meaning of“and” *

modifying particle 連結詞 (為某種意義或侈飾 用 )

a'Hoc - the back of the head * neck 脖子,頸,頸項

a ’isedan/ a 『isidan. 1. chief witch doctor 巫師 之首領,領袖 2.

leader of the town 部落或村鞋 的領袖,領導 人物

a'isidan Ia'isedan. 1. chief witch doctor 首領,領袖 (尤指巫師

之首領 ) 2. leader of the town 部落或村莊 的領袖,領導 人物

aayad - white ants * termites 自蟻

aca - an untranslatable particle. 無法翻譯 的詞 , 但具 有僅僅, 只

有,祇是,唯 有等 之含意

Ccay aca ko wawa nira. - He has only one child. 他只有一個孩 .

acag - 1. festive * merry m�king 喜慶, 會宴

  1. full of pride 驕

    , 豪自 , 不可一世, 自誇

    J kaacagan - festival * day of .merry making 結婚 喜慶 之日,大 喜


    haliacagay一one given to carousing and pleasure沉迷於 樂宴 的人

    aeek - disgust * feeling of revulsion 嫌惡,嘔 心

    '1kaacekan - 1. something ritually unclean 儀式 上不潔淨 的東 西 2. filthy * dirty 污穢,醜惡

    - feel revulsion toward 嫌惡 感,厭惡 感

    nira ko tireg nira. - He defiled himself. 自取其

    Paaceken nira ko Kawas. - He blasphemed against God. 他褻潰



    叫做』L aira


    aci - and (a connective between two proper names) ···和... ..

    .. ...以及...

    aciya - an exclamation of delight 愉快 , 讀美的感嘆詞 acohod - generic word for dust 塵埃的總稱

    adada - 1. sickness * disease 疾病 , 生病 2. pain 疼痛 , 苦痛

    aadada - to make (someone) sick 使人生病

    adah - heal 痊癒

    maadahto ko adada - the sickness is healed 病 痊癒了

    maadah ko Kter no faloc。’ - the anger of heart is healed I

    gone. 氣消了 , 不再生氣了 , 心中的憎恨平息了


    — improved * better than formerly * former condition being

    bad 稍稍有進步 , 聊勝於 無

    adayay - pity * no thought of involvement 同情 , 憐憫

    adegay - better than another though not truly good * as to be in

    better health 雖然十 餘 , 聊膨於 無

    好 , 但比其他...好多 了 , 比上不足 , 比下有

    adeses - a tiny sound of any kind 任何徵小的聲響 i. e. the

    whimper of a baby 如嬰孩喂泣聲

    Awaay ko adeses. - There was complete silence. 寧靜無聲 adihay - a large amount of something * . many * much 很多 , 眾

    afih - 1. chaff 米繽 2. name of an Amis village 玉里鎮鐵盼部落名

    aflaw Ikaflaw . saltless soup 鹹度不夠 , 鹽殊不足

    afsa1 - not flavored * tasteless * of food or speech or song 淡

    ( 無鹽 ) 而無殊的像食物 , 像演說或歌唱

    agag - the activity of a medium to divine the spirit of a sick person by performing a ceremony 巫師 藉執行 儀式 神化病 人靈魂的活動

    agll - with negative meaning no energy * tired 精力的否定意義

    精力竭盡 , 接倦

    awaay ko agil -:- to be very tired * have no strength ﹒ 非常叢倦, 無精打采, 沒有力量 . : ..

    泌的wid 一切 be · grateful * · thaI企fol 感恩 , 感謝

    , ahowlday - to be satisfied 滿足

    aira - there will . be 將有 , 將會有 * there will be present (the a﹒




    prefix indicates future·是 有的現在式 f前面+ a 表示未來或將式來 )

    aka - don’t * negative command 不要.. , 不准 ( 否定命

    akaki - Autumn Maple Tree (Bischofia javanica) 茄萃 ( from

    Japanese引 自日 語 )

    aki Iiki. exclamation of admiration 讀賞的感嘆詞

    ako Ino mako. my * mine * by me 我的 See Appendix 1

    - pronouns. 請參閱附錄 1→t名詞

    Halo akoen a pafl i please) include me when you give 請你也


    M isaakoakoay cigra. - He is insisting on having his own way. 他

    堅持有 自 己的方 法, 但沒有本事卻善作主張

    akog - grandfather 祖父, 爺爺 ( from . Amoy dialect 51自 閩南語 )

    ala - take * generic form 拿, 取, 帶

    tao ko codad ako. - My ho川s taken by others. 我

    Alaen no tao ko codad ako. 一 Others took my book. 別人帶走了


    a grammar particle added to a word meaning for each one

    法 詞顯加在個各

    之意義 上

    Alaccay kita to s。wal. - Each of us is to say a sentence. 我們各

    人( 每人 ) 說一 句

    Alaccayen ko pi pafli. - Give each _one thing. 每分人一個

    Alasadasadak sa cagra a militmoh tam iyanan. - They all came

    out (from different directions) to meet us. 他們紛紛 ( 各類 , 全 部 ) 出來迎接我們

    叫af 『af Ialafaf/ fala 'fa. lukewarm 溫熱的 , 暖暖的( 水 )

    alafaf Ialaf 『af. lukewarm 溫熱的 , 微熟的( 水 )

    alafoh - dust blown by the wind * including sandy gritty

    material 灰塵 , 紛末

    alapawan IAlapawan. name of an Amis village 台縣東


    東河 鄉泰

    alem1em - sore * aching body from flu and fever 全身酸痛

    aligato - thank you 謝謝 ( from Japanese 引 自 日 語 )

    alimaced剖1 - to have sore muscles from s悅nuous activity 肌肉疼

    痛 ( 作激烈運動或工作後的 )



    1. . 恥,t ! ’、 apa

aliwatec - to be twisted 檸鶴 , 編織 * as the twisting of string 如檸轉或緝織繩子

aloponay Ika'ogtoay Ikado'egay. a bird called Common

Kingfisher 鳥名 , 翠鳥

ama - 1. I mama. father 爸爸 , 父親 2. grandmother 祖父 , 父執

上之總稱 ( Hualien county 花蓮語 )

amilika IAmilika. America * American 美國 , 美國人 ( from

Japanese and English 引自 日 語英語 )

amo - See kamo. you plural 你們 ( 第二人稱種數 )

Halo amo a m afana ' tonini a dmak. 一 Even you know about this

matter. 連你都知道這件事

amoto - cement 水泥 , 水泥地 ( from Amoy dialect 亨︱自 閩南

語 )

ana: - exclamation of fear or hesitancy ﹝遇到危險峙的﹞ 感嘆詞

anakox - a verbalization of i:>ain * ouch 受傷或疼痛時破吽聲或呻


ancoh - 1. smell of urine 尿臭 2. name of an Amis village 玉里

鎮安通部落名 * name comes from the smell of hot springs 此

引自 溫泉硫積的臭味

anini - 1. at the present time 現在 2. today 今天 3. 1

imatini. right now 現在

tahanini - up. until now 一直到今天

ano - 1. if * contingent particle 如果 , 若 , 假使 ( 偶然性或意外情境

中的詞類 ) 2. when (future ) .. ( 未來 )

Ano hakowa ira kiso? - When will you come? 你什麼時候來 ?你

何時到 ?

anocila - tomorrow 明天

anoci:la - sometime in the near future 在最近將來的任何時間

anocila - 1. tomorrow 明天 2. when word is lengthened (anoci:la)

the meaning can be extended to future several days or weeks away 當 ﹔ 音拉長時表示未來數天或數星期之某時 ( 日 )

apa - 1. dumb * unable to speak 啞巴 2. stupid * not intelligent

* no sense 愚蠢 , 不智 , 還_; ,'

misaapa to fafahian - commit sexual sin towards a woman

女人 , 對女人犯性騷擾





apac - 1. late in arising 早晨晚起 , 睡懶覺 2. slow to arrive 遲

3. primitive 原始的 落伍的

JMaapacay .ko 1 orip no· Pagcah. - Tribal people have a. primitive

life style. 山胞具有原始生活型態 , 山地同胞具有原始生活風貌

aped - powder * the form or consistency of 翰末 ( 尤指泥狀細砂米

儼 )

apet - relatives by marriage * as the relationship. between brothers­

in-law 連襟 , 兄弟姊妹之配偶值此間之稱呼

apiyan - opium 鴉片 ( from Amoy dialect-English 引自 台語和英

語 )

J maapiyan - to need opium for a

strength because of dependency on a drug 四肢無力 , 無精打 采 , 有如吸鶴丹者

araaw - being in limbo with nothing to do but think what to do

next 無聊 , 無所事事 , 不知該做何事 , 毫無頭緒 , 渴望

arapanay I Arapanay. name of 扣 Amis village 台東市豐里部落

aray - gratitude felt in the heart but not expressed to the· giver

(limited use in small part of the tribe) 內心感激但尚未 向賜予者表 任何行動 ( 只有少數阿美族人用此語 )

ari - to address someone with this word is to allow him to do as he

requests 對任何人說此話表示答應對方的要求 , 如委託 , 請託

的 i. please take 拿去吧 ! 2. please do 請便

ariyah - cream colored 浮 色白

afO I - dwelling place * place tO Stay 坐 , 住所 , 逗留的地方

lcowa ko kamaro' an iso? - Where are you sitting I working I

staying? 你在那里坐/工作/居住 ?

Aro1 en ko loma 1 ni ra. - Go to his home and get a recompense by

expecting the family to give you a feast. 去他家以便取得該家喜 宴的回報

Aro' sci cigra a c�ciyaw. - He sat down and talked. 他坐著說

話 , 他坐著演講

、Jsaasik - broom 掃蒂

asimaan - 1. to do any way you wish 悉聽尊便 , 沒有關係 2.



似 (".JO\ I A ·. 位可 ca’ca

menial * of least value * anything wil do 卑賤的 , 下賤的

Kasimaanay saan cagra to dafog ako. - They showed no r臼pect

to my property. 他們對我的財產不重現

Fagcalay ko riko' nira. Asimaan kono mako. - His clothes are nice﹔ mine are very ordinary. 他的衣服是新 , 我的無所謂

asip - 1. to read * standard word for 讀 , 閱讀 2. to count (as

used in some dialects) 數算 , 計算

ata Itata. Let’s go. 我們走吧 !

ati Ipohay. call to come to 來吧 ! ato - and 和 , , 與

awa - 1. no * nothing * none 沒有 , 無 2. negative of action


I ra cigra a tayni haw? Awaayho. - Has he come yet? No. 他來


了嗎 ? 還沒有

C iwawa cigra haw?

致于嗎 ? 沒有

Awa. - Does she have children? No. 他有

An。 saawaay 1 i - The least number to be involved would be… 至

少 , 最少 , 最低限度


Palaawaen ko

' p oc no pipasowal nira. - Make what he says

nonsense. 讓他的話變成無用

awid·/ slal. person of same age group 年齡階級的同級分子 , 儕輩 aya : - exclamation showing displeasure or question 哎呀 ! 憨嘆詞 ayi Isaali. to ask for * of something near at hand and visible伸


ayiw - Swamp Eel (Fluta alba) 蟬魚

aykor - rear * back of 背後 , 後面

Talaaykor cigra. - He moved tO' the rear. 他退到後面 , 他轉移到後

面 , 他落後

0 iaykoray cagra a maro' . - They sat in the back. 他們是坐在後


aylog - to iron clothes 貫斗 ( from Japanese 引自 日 語 )

ca I 1 ca. a negative particle 否定詞 See caay. 參閱 caay

ca I ag - 1. branch 校幹 2. literal and figurative meanings ﹒ 具有字

面上或寓意上的分校 , 分歧 , 分支等含意

ca 1 ca1 - 1. small gate used in the doorway of a home to keep out