+7 = 14 


  1. ➊ ​戰國七雄大陸地區河北省南部山西省北部一帶➋ ​東晉五胡十六國東晉劉曜大陸地區河北山西西河南一部分」。➌ ​ 東晉五胡十六國石勒稱帝」。

  2. 趙匡胤

surname Zhao, one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC)​, the Former Zhao 前趙 (304-329)​ and Later Zhao 後趙 (319-350)​, states of the Sixteen Kingdoms, to surpass (old)​
(nom de famille)​
Zhào [Familienname] (Eig)​, Zhao (Eig, Fam)​, Zhao war ein Staat des chinesischen Altertums während der Zeit der Streitenden Reiche.
