
  1. 神話傳說主管死亡神明熬不過病魔多年糾纏死神終於生命。」

mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper)​ in charge of taking the souls of those who die, (fig.)​ death
Personnification de la mort (la Faucheuse, ou Shinigami au Japon)​, la mort
Azrael, Engel des Todes, Todesengel [ islam ] (S, Rel)​, Shinigami [ jap. "Todesgott", besser Todesgeist ] (S, Rel)​, Todesgott, Gott des Todes (S, Rel)​, Bleach [ Anime ] (Eig, Werk, Autor: Kubo, Tite)​