+9 = 11 


  1. 做人」、做官」。

  2. 進行做生意」、實驗」、做事」。

  3. 舉辦做生日」、滿月」、週年」。

  4. 製造衣服」、鞋子」。

  5. 假裝水滸傳·三五》:宋江下山梁山泊官軍。」

to do, to make, to produce, to write, to compose, to act as, to engage in, to hold (a party)​, to be, to become, to function (in some capacity)​, to serve as, to be used for, to form (a bond or relationship)​, to pretend, to feign, to act a part, to put on appearance
faire, effectuer, fabriquer, confectionner, réaliser, être (métier, ...)​, devenir, servir de, écrire, composer
tun, machen (V)​
